Seinäjoen keskussairaala

Julkaisut 2010
Publications 2010

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1 Aalto M. Psykiatrisen hoitojärjestelmän tulisi tarjota päihdehuoltoa kaksoisdignoosipotilaille.
2 Ahola AJ et al. Depression is associated with the metabolic syndrome among patients with type 1 diabetes.
3 Ahola R et al. Daily impact score in long-term acceleration measurements of exercise.
4 Ahtiluoto S et al. Diabetes, Alzheimer disease, and vascular dementia: a population-based neuropathologic study.
5 Alatalo P et al. Evaluation of reference intervals for biomarkers sensitive to alcohol consumption, excess body weight and oxidative stress.
6 Andre K et al. Temperament profiles, 5-HT2A genotype, and response to treatment with SSRIs in major depression.
7 Andriole G et al. Effect of dutasteride on the risk of prostate cancer.
8 Anttila I et al. Prognostic implications of quantitative ST-segment characteristics and T-wave amplitude for cardiovascular mortality in a general population from the Health 2000 Survey.
9 Anttila I et al. Prevalence and prognostic value of poor R-wave progression in standard resting electrocardiogram in a general adult population. The Health 2000 Survey.
10 Aromaa E et al. Attitudes towards people with mental disorders: the psychometric characteristics of a Finnish questionnaire.
11 Aura M et al. Aikuispotilaiden läheisten kokemuksia hoitotyöntekijöiltä saadusta tuesta.
12 Dupuis J et al. New genetic loci implicated in fasting glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes risk.
13 Eerola J et al. No evidence for shorter leukocyte telomere length in Parkinson's disease patients.
14 Eskola V et al. Vastasyntyneiden kohtausoireet.
15 Flinck A, Paavilainen E. Naisten kokemuksia omasta väkivaltaisuudestaan parisuhteessa.
16 Hakonen A et al. Mitokondriaalinen resessiivinen ataksiasyndrooma ja valproaattihoidon toksisuus.
17 Heikkilä T et al. Lääkäri 2008 - uusinta tutkimustietoa lääkäreistä: Nuoren lääkärin vanhemmat yhä useammin lääkäreitä.
18 Holmberg-Marttila D et al. Terveyskeskuksista löytyy intoa lääkärien ohjaukseen.
19 Hyvärinen M et al. The difference between acute coronary heart disease and ischaemic stroke risk with regard to gender and age in Finnish and Swedish populations.
20 Ilanne-Parikka P et al. Leisure-time physical activity and the metabolic syndrome in the Finnish diabetes prevention study.
21 Illi A et al. Catechol-O-methyltransferase val108/158met genotype, major depressive disorder and response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in major depressive disorder.
22 Ilmarinen-Salo P et al. Nitric oxide induces apoptosis in GM-CSF-treated eosinophils via caspase-6-dependent lamin and DNA fragmentation.
23 Ingatius E et al. Use of videoconferencing for consultation in dental prosthetics and oral rehabilitation .
24 Ingelsson E et al. Detailed physiologic characterization reveals diverse mechanisms for novel genetic Loci regulating glucose and insulin metabolism in humans.
25 Isohanni P et al. DARS2 mutations in mitochondrial leucoencephalopathy and multiple sclerosis.
26 Jakkula E et al. Genome-wide association study in a high-risk isolate for multiple sclerosis reveals associated variants in STAT3 gene.
27 Jämsen E et al. Prevention of deep infection in joint replacement surgery.
28 Kanervisto M et al. COPD, chronic bronchitis and capacity for day-to-day activities: negative impact of illness on the health-related quality of life.
29 Kankaanranta H et al. Histone deacetylase inhibitors induce apoptosis in human eosinophils and neutrophils.
30 Karhapää P et al. Diverse associations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D with dyslipidaemias.
31 Karppi J et al. Adsorption of metal cations from aqueous solutions onto the pH responsive poly(vinylidene fluoride grafted poly(actylic acid) (PVDF-PAA) membrane.
32 Kastarinen M et al. Risk factors for end-stage renal disease in a community-based population: 26-year follow-up of 25,821 men and women in eastern Finland.
33 Kempf K et al. Effects of coffee consumption on subclinical inflammation and other risk factors for type 2 diabetes: a clinical trial.
34 Kilpeläinen TO et al. The rs1800629 polymorphism in the TNF gene interacts with physical activity on the changes in C-reactive protein levels in the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study.
35 Klinker MW et al. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the IL2RA gene are associated with age at diagnosis in late-onset Finnish type 1 diabetes subjects.
36 Korniloff K et al. Leisure-time physical activity and metabolic syndrome plus depressive symptoms in the FIN-D2D surgey.
37 Kotronen A et al. Non-alcoholic and alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease - two Diseases of Affluence associated with the metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes: the FIN-D2D Survey.
38 Kujala J et al. Video-oculography findings and vestibular symptoms on the day of stapes surgery.
39 Kulkas A. Tracheal sound analysis of sleep disordered breathing.
40 Kähärä K et al. Koulusurmien jälkeinen spykososiaalinen tuki - mitä Kauhajoen tapauksesta opittiin.
41 Laitila M. Asiakkaan osallisuus mielenterveys- ja päihdetyössä.
42 Lehtimäki L et al. Bronchial nitric oxide is related to symptom relief during fluticasone treatment in COPD.
43 Lehtimäki L et al. Pulmonary inflammation in asbestos-exposed subjects with borderline parenchymal changes on HRCT.
44 Leinonen E, Kampman O. Kaksisuuntaisen mielialahäiriön monihäiriöisyys .
45 Lepistö S, Paavilainen E. Nuorten selviytyminen perheväkivaltakokemuksista.
46 Lepistö S et al. Perhehoitotieteen opetus ja tutkimus Tampereen yliopistossa. Hoitotieteen laitoksen menestystarina hoitotyön kehittämiseksi.
47 Leppäkoski T et al. Parisuhdeväkivallan tunnistamista ja siihen puuttumista koskevan alustavan, käytäntöä kuvaavan teorian kehittäminen .
48 Leppäkoski T et al. Parisuhdeväkivalta - tunnistaminen, puuttuminen ja koulutustarpeet.
49 Leppäkoski T et al. Identification of women exposed to acute physical intimate partner violence in an emergency department setting in Finland.
50 Lindström J et al. Take Action to Prevent Diabetes - The IMAGE Toolkit for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in Europe.
51 Löfgren J et al. Toll-like receptor 4 Asp299Gly polymorphism in respiratory syncytial virus epidemics.
52 Magliano DJ et al. Mortality, all-cause and cardiovascular disease, over 15 years in multiethnic mauritius: impact of diabetes and intermediate forms of glucose tolerance.
53 Mäkelä K et al. Development of short message service application for patient-provider communication in clinical psychiatry.
54 Mäkelä K et al. Management of electronic patient record systems in primary healthcare in a finnish county.
55 Niemelä O, Alatalo P. Mitä maksaentsyymit kertovat kansan terveydestä?
56 Niemelä O, Alatalo P. Biomarkers of alcohol consumption and related liver disease.
57 Niemenmaa H et al. The diagnostic value of video capsule endoscopy.
58 Nieminen K et al. Outcomes after anterior vaginal wall repair with mesh: a randomized, controlled trial with a 3 year follow-up.
59 Nikki L, Paavilainen E. Läheisten hoitoon osallistuminen päivystyspoliklinikalla.
60 Niu K et al. Effect of office-based brief high-impact exercise on bone mineral density in healthy premenopausal women: the Sendai Bone Health Concept Study.
61 Nuolivirta K et al. Bordetella pertussis infection is common in nonvaccinated infants admitted for bronchiolitis.
62 Ockinger J et al. Genetic variants of CC chemokine genes in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
63 Paavilainen E, Salminen-Tuomaala M. Web-based learning for continuing nursing education of emergency unit staff.
64 Passoja A et al. Serum levels of interleukin-10 and tumour necrosis factor-a in chronic periodontitis.
65 Paulwebeer B et al. A European Evidence-Based Guideline for the Prevention of type 2 Diabetes.
66 Raitanen M. Uusia työkaluja virtsarakkosyövän diagnostiikkaan ja hoitoon.
67 Rantalaiho V et al. Early combination disease-modifying antirheumatic drug therapy and tight disease control improve long-term radiologic outcome in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis: the 11-year results of the Finnish Rheumatoid Arthritis Combination Therapy trial.
68 Rantanen A et al. Perheiden tuen saanti terveydenhuollossa - pilottitutkimus.
69 Rapola J et al. Selkäkipuisen miehen suurentunut maksa ja hengenahdistus.
70 Riikonen M et al. Safety and monitoring technologies for the homes of people with dementia.
71 Rusanen M et al. Midlife smoking, apolipoprotein E and risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease: a population-based cardiovascular risk factors, aging and dementia study.
72 Saaristo T et al. Diabetesriskiä voidaan vähentää perusterveydenhuollon keinoin.
73 Saaristo T et al. Cardiometabolic profile of people screened for high risk of type 2 diabetes in a national diabetes prevention programme (FIN-D2D).
74 Saaristo T et al. Lifestyle intervention for prevention of type 2 diabetes in primary health care: one-year follow-up of the Finnish National Diabetes Prevention Program (FIN-D2D).
75 Salminen-Tuomaala M et al. Potilaiden käsityksiä ohjauksesta ja kirjallisten ohjeiden käytöstä päivystyspoliklinikalla.
76 Salopuro T et al. Lihavuuden ja glukoosiaineenvaihdunnan häiriöiden esiintyvyydessä on selviä alueellisia eroja Suomessa.
77 Sandell S et al. The enigma of 7q36 linked autosomal dominant limb girdle muscular dystrophy.
78 Schwarz TF et al. Correlation between levels of human papillomavirus (HPV)-16 and 18 antibodies in serum and cervicovaginal secretions in girls and women vaccinated with the HPV-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine.
79 Seppä K et al. Suurkuluttajasta riskikäyttäjäksi.
80 Sipilä I et al. Long-term effects of growth hormone therapy on patients with Prader-Willi syndrome.
81 Speliotes EK et al. Association analyses of 249,796 individuals reveal 18 new loci associated with body mass index.
82 Staff S et al. Aurora-A gene is frequently amplified in basal-like breast cancer.
83 Suoyrjö H. Kelan järjestämän kuntoutuksen kohdentaminen ja vaikutukset työkykyyn kunnallisilla työpaikoilla.
84 the INTERNATIONAL Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium (imsgc) et al. IL12A, MPHOSPH9/CDK2AP1 and RGS1 are novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci.
85 the NAVIGATOR Study Group, Tuomilehto J. Effect of nateglinide on the incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular events.
86 the NAVIGATOR Study Group, Tuomilehto J. Effect of valsartan on the incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular events.
87 the TOBACCO And Genetics Consortium et al. Genoma-wide meta-analyses identify multiple loci associated with smoking behavior.
88 Tuomilehto H et al. Sustained improvement in mild obstructive sleep apnea after a diet- and physical activity-based lifestyle intervention: postinterventional follow-up.
89 Tuomilehto J. Tall is beautiful and heart-healthy?
90 Tuomilehto J et al. Development and validation of a risk-score model for subjects with impaired glucose tolerance for the assessment of the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus-The STOP-NIDDM risk-score.
91 Tuomilehto J, Schwarz PE. Primary prevention of type 2 diabetes is advancing towards the mature stage in Europe.
92 Tuominen VJ et al. ImmunoRatio: a publicly available web application for quantitative image analysis of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and Ki-67.
93 Tuomisto L. Asthma programme in Finland - Management of adult asthma as reflected by referral letters.
94 Tuomisto L. Lähete erikoissairaanhoitoon - siirtyykö oleellinen tieto?
95 Tuomisto LE et al. Asthma Programme in Finland: Did the use of secondary care resources become more rational.
96 Uusitupa M et al. Prevention strategies for type 2 diabetes should be based on evidence-based medical nutrition data.
97 Viikki M et al. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) polymorphism is associated with treatment resistant depression.
98 Viikki M et al. TPH1 218A/C polymorphism is associated with major depressive disorder and its treatment response.
99 Virjo I et al. Who receives anticoagulant treatment with warfarin and why? A population-based study in Finland.
100 Virtanen L et al. Tromboosiprofylaksi suomalaisessa sairaalahoidossa.
101 Virtanen P et al. Aivoverenkiertohäiriöpotilaan tiedonsaanti ensiapupoliklinikalla.
102 Voight BF et al. Twelve type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci identified through large-scale association analysis.
103 Wang Y et al. Occupational, commuting, and leisure-time physical activity in relation to heart failure among finnish men and women.
104 White M et al. Family dynamics in the United States, Finland and Iceland.

Julkaisutietokanta 8.9.2011 Publications Data Base 8.9.2011