Yleishallinnon vastuualue

Julkaisut 2011
Publications 2011

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1 Huttunen R et al. Käsikoruista on vaikea luopua.
2 Kujala UM et al. Increase in physical activity and cardiometabolic risk profile change during lifestyle intervention in primary healthcare: 1-year follow-up study among individuals at high risk for type 2 diabetes.
3 Laine J et al. An extensive gastroenteritis outbreak after drinking-water contamination by sewage effluent, Finland.
4 Lindström J et al. Eurooppalainen suositus diabeteksen ehkäisystä.
5 Maukonen M et al. Elämänlaatu vuosi rintasyöpäleikkauksen jälkeen .
6 Mäntyselkä P et al. Association of depressive symptoms with impaired glucose regulation, screen-detected, and previously known type 2 diabetes: findings from the Finnish D2D Survey.
7 Pajunen P et al. Metabolically healthy and unhealthy obesity phenotypes in the general population: the FIN-D2D Survey.
8 Rautio N et al. Socioeconomic position and effectiveness of lifestyle intervention in prevention of type 2 diabetes: One-year follow-up of the FIN-D2D project.
9 Ruoranen R. Miten strategia kiteytetään 90 minuuttiin? Tutkimus kehityskeskusteluista.
10 Saaristo T. Assessment of risk and prevention of type 2 diabetes in primary health care.
11 Salin S, Aalto P. Avohoitotoiminnan kehittäminen Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiirissä osana kansallista VeTeHH-hanketta.
12 Salonen P. Quality of life in patients with breast cancer. A porspective intervention study.
13 Salonen P et al. Changes in quality of life in patients with breast cancer.
14 Salonen P et al. Individual face-to-face support and quality of life in patients with breast cancer.
15 Salopuro T et al. Population-level effects of the national diabetes effects of the national diabetes prevention programme (FIN-D2D) on the body wight, the waist circumference, and the prevalence of obesity.
16 Sand J, Nordback I. Kroonisen haimatulehduksen aiheuttama kipu.
17 Uotila T et al. Reactive arthritis in a population exposed to an extensive waterborne gastroenteritis outbreak after sewage contamination in Pirkanmaa, Finland.
18 Visakorpi T et al. Kliininen tutkimus Suomessa:tutkimuksen rakenteet.
19 Wikström K et al. Socio-economic differences in dysglycemia and lifestyle-related risk factors in the Finnish middle-aged population.

Julkaisutietokanta 21.9.2012 Publications Data Base 21.9.2012