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Julkaisut 2011
Publications 2011

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1 Alametsä J et al. Short and longer term repeatability of ballistocardiography in a sitting position with EMFi sensor.
2 Arnala I et al. Lonkkamurtuma. Käypä hoito -suosituksen päivitystiivistelmä.
3 Britz HM et al. The effects of immobilization on vascular canal orientation in rat cortical bone.
4 Elovaara I et al. Intravenous immunoglobulins are a therapeutic option in the treatment of multiple sclerosis relapse.
5 Hagman S et al. Disease-associated inflammatory biomarker profiles in blood in different subtypes of multiple sclerosis: prospective clinical and MRI follow-up study.
6 Honkanen T et al. Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase expression is associated with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and antrochoanal polyps.
7 Illi A et al. Is 5-HTTLPR linked to the response of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in MDD?
8 Joensuu H et al. Very high quantitative tumor HER2 content and outcome in early breast cancer.
9 Kaakkola S, Sätilä H. Botuliinia moneen vaivaan.
10 Kerola T et al. Mini-Mental State Examination score and B-type natriuretic peptide as predictors of cardiovascular and total mortality in an elderly general population.
11 Kuusisto H et al. Hospital training program increases awareness of Good Clinical Practice (GCP).
12 Luukkainen A et al. Indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase expression in patients vith allergic rhinitis. A case controlled study. .
13 Mattila VM et al. Orthotic insoles do not prevent physical stress-induced low back pain.
14 Mattila VM et al. Can orthotic insoles prevent lower limb overuse injuries? A randomized-controlled trial of 228 subjects.
15 Paljärvi L et al. What happens to quality in integrated homecare? A 15-year follow-up study.
16 Pekkarinen T et al. Aikuisen oireeton mikroskooppinen verivirtsaisuus.
17 Pohjantähti-Maaroos H, Palomäki A. Comparison of metabolic syndrome subjects with and without erectile dysfunction - levels of circulating oxidised LDL and arterial elasticity.
18 Pohjantähti-Maaroos H et al. Erectile dysfunction, physical activity and metabolic syndrome: differences in markers of atherosclerosis.
19 Rantanen T et al. The impact of fibrin glue in the prevention of failure after nissen fundoplication.
20 Rantanen T et al. Proliferative and anti-apoptotic activity of esophageal mucosa in gastroesophageal reflux disease is not affected by fundoplication: a 4-year follow-up study.
21 Revonta M. Closure of small nasal septal perforations using free uncinate process and bullous middle turbinate grafts: how we do it.
22 Sätilä H et al. Mitä annettavaa botuliinilla on lapsille?
23 Teppo H, Revonta M. Ultrasound device helps in ruling out maxillary sinus fluid in acute rhinosinusitis: how we do it.
24 Teppo H et al. Allergic rhinitis and asthma have generally good outcome and little effect on quality of life - a 20-year follow -up.
25 Tiili N et al. Imetyksestä selviytyminen ja parisuhdetyytyväisyys lapsen syntymän jälkeen .
26 Turunen R et al. Increased postnatal inflammation in mechanically ventilated preterm infants born to mothers with early-onset preeclampsia.
27 Tähtinen RM et al. Smoking and bladder symptoms in women.
28 Viikki M et al. Interaction between two HTR2A polymorphisms and gender is associated with treatment response in MDD.
29 Viikki M et al. P2RX7 polymorphisms Gln460Arg and His155Tyr are not associated with major depressive disorder or remission after SSRI or ECT.
30 Vuorela N. Body mass index, overweight and obesity among children in Finland.
31 Vuorela N et al. Change in prevalence of overweight and obesity in Finnish children - comparison between 1974 and 2001.
32 Vuorela N et al. Toddlers get slimmer while adolescents get fatter - BMI distribution in five birth cohorts from four decades in Finland.

Julkaisutietokanta 21.9.2012 Publications Data Base 21.9.2012