Nuorisopsykiatrian vastuualue

Julkaisut 2011
Publications 2011

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1 Berg J et al. Management of aggressive behaviour among adolescents in forensic units: a four-country perspective.
2 Fröjd S et al. Associations of social phobia and general anxiety with alcohol and drug use in a community sample of adolescents.
3 Fröjd SA et al. Does problem behaviour affect attrition from a cohort study on adolescent mental health?
4 Isomaa R et al. Longitudinal concomitants of incorrect weight perception in female and male adolescents.
5 Kaltiala-heino R et al. Pubertal timing and substance use in middle adolescence: a 2-year follow-up study.
6 Penttilä J et al. Aktiivisuuden ja tarkkavuuden häiriön merkitys lapsen ja nuoren tulevaisuudelle.
7 Pimenoff V, Kaltiala-Heino R. Alaikäisten transtutkomukset jakavat mielipiteitä.
8 Siponen U et al. A comparison of two hospital districts with low and high figures in the compulsory care of minors: an ecological study.
9 Väänänen JM et al. Relationship between social phobia and depression differs between boys and girls in mid-adolescence.

Julkaisutietokanta 21.9.2012 Publications Data Base 21.9.2012