Leikkaus- ja anestesiatoiminnan vastuualue

Julkaisut 2012
Publications 2012

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1 Aho AJ. The influence of frontal muscle electromyography on electroencephalography-based depth of anaesthesia monitoring.
2 Aho AJ et al. Elevated BIS and Entropy values after sugammadex or neostigmine: an electroencephalographic or electromyographic phenomenon?
3 Papp Z et al. Levosimendan: Molecular mechanisms and clinical implications: consensus of experts on the mechanisms of action of levosimendan.
4 Saarinen S et al. Pulseless electrical activity and successful out-of-hospital resuscitation - long-term survival and quality of life: an observational cohort study.
5 Saarinen S et al. Does appropriate treatment of the primary underlying cause of PEA during resuscitation improve patients' survival.
6 Timonen S, Huttunen R. Pirkanmaan MRSA: Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiirissä on kamppailtu kymmen vuotta metisilliinille resistenttiä Staphylococcus aureusta (MRSA) vastaan.

Julkaisutietokanta 11.12.2013 Publications Data Base 11.12.2013