Gastroenterologian vastuualue

Julkaisut 2012
Publications 2012

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1 Alakoski A et al. Chronic gastritis in dermatitis herpetiformis: a controlled study.
2 Collin P et al. Transient celiac autoimmunity or just temporary fluctuation.
3 Collin P et al. Video capsule endoscopy in celiac disease: current clinical practice.
4 Hervonen K et al. Reduced mortality in dermatitis herpetiformis: a population-based study of 476 patients.
5 Ilus T et al. Persistent duodenal intraepithelial lymphocytosis despite a long-term strict gluten-free diet in celiac disease.
6 Jussila A et al. Tulehduksellisiin suolistosairauksiin liittyy lisääntynyt laskimotukosriski.
7 Jussila A et al. Increasing incidence of inflammatory bowel diseases between 2000 and 2007: a nationwide register study in Finland.
8 Kaukinen K et al. Screening programs for coeliac disease. Authors’ response.
9 Kaukinen K et al. Kun gluteeniton ruokavalio ei korjaa keliakiaa.
10 Kaukinen K et al. Keliakian komplikaatioista Suomessa - kommentti.
11 Kaukinen K, Lähdeaho ML. Challenge of measuring how much gluten is too much.
12 Khan J et al. There is hardly any association between Helicobacter pylori infection and the severity of acute pancreatitis.
13 Khan J et al. Serum lipid and fatty acid profiles are highly changed in patients with alcohol induced acute pancreatitis.
14 Khoshbaten M et al. Celiac disease in patients with chronic psychiatric disorders.
15 Kinos S et al. Burden of Illness in Screen-detected Children With Celiac Disease and Their Families.
16 Kotaluoto S et al. Wound Healing after Open Appendectomies in Adult Patients: A Prospective, Randomised Trial Comparing Two Methods of Wound Closure.
17 Kurppa K et al. Factors Associated with Dietary Adherence in Celiac Disease: A Nationwide Study.
18 Kurppa K et al. Endomysial antibodies predict celiac disease irrespective of the titers or clinical presentation.
19 Kurppa K et al. Utility of the new ESPGHAN criteria for the diagnosis of celiac disease in at-risk groups.
20 Laaninen M et al. The risk for immediate postoperative complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy is increased by high frequency of acinar cells and decreased by prevalent fibrosis of the cut edge of pancreas.
21 Laukkarinen J. Mitä uutta ERCP-toimenpiteissä?
22 Laukkarinen J et al. The underlying mechanisms: how hypothyroidism affects the formation of common bile duct stones-a review.
23 Lindfors K, Kaukinen K. Contribution of celiac disease autoantibodies to the disease process.
24 Lindfors K, Kaukinen K. Vitamin C as a supplementary therapy for celiac disease.
25 Lindfors K et al. Future treatment strategies for celiac disease.
26 Lindfors K et al. In vitro models for gluten toxicity: relevance for celiac disease pathogenesis and development of novel treatment options.
27 Lähdeaho ML et al. Recent advances in the development of new treatments for celiac disease.
28 Manninen P et al. Mortality in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. A population-based study in Finland.
29 Martucciello S et al. RhoB is associated with the anti-angiogenic effects of celiac patient transglutaminase 2-targeted autoantibodies.
30 Metso S et al. Gluten-free diet and autoimmune thyroiditis in patients with celiac disease. A prospective controlled study.
31 Murtola T et al. The importance of LDL and cholesterol metabolism for prostate epithelial cell growth.
32 Nordback I et al. A novel radiopaque biodegradable stent for pancreatobiliary applications--the first human phase I trial in the pancreas.
33 Oikarinen M et al. Type 1 diabetes is associated with enterovirus infection in gut mucosa.
34 Paavola A et al. Gastrointestinal symptoms and quality of life in screen-detected celiac disease.
35 Parmar AS et al. Association study of FUT2 (rs601338) with celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease in the Finnish population.
36 Pynnönen L et al. Luminal lactate in acute pancreatitis--validation and relation to disease severity.
37 Pärnänen A et al. Symptom-detected and screen-detected celiac disease and adult height: a large cohort study.
38 Räty S et al. Whipplen leikkaus - keskitettynä turvallista kirurgiaa.
39 Salin S et al. Erikoissairaanhoidon hoitajavastaanottojen hyödyistä kansainvälistä näyttöä.
40 Salmenkylä S et al. Does preoperative radiotherapy with postoperative chemotherapy increase acute side-effects and postoperative complications of total mesorectal excision? Report of the randomized finnish rectal cancer trial.
41 Sapone A et al. Spectrum of gluten-related disorders: consensus on new nomenclature and classification.
42 Sarkanen JR et al. Human adipose tissue extract induces angiogenesis and adipogenesis in vitro.
43 Ukkola A. The burden of coeliac disease. The perspectives of patients, health care system and society.
44 Ukkola A et al. Use of health care services and pharmaceutical agents in coeliac disease: a prospective nationwide study.
45 Ukkola A et al. Hoitamaton keliakia kuormittaa sekä keliakiaa sairastavaa että terveydenhuoltoa.
46 Ukkola A et al. Changes in body mass index on a gluten-free diet in coeliac disease: A nationwide study.
47 Ukkola A et al. Patients' experiences and perceptions of living with coeliac disease - implications for optimizing care.

Julkaisutietokanta 11.12.2013 Publications Data Base 11.12.2013