Aikuispsykiatrian vastuualue

Julkaisut 2012
Publications 2012

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1 Alanen H-M, Leinonen E. Psykoosilääkeiden käyttöä muistisairauspotilaiden hoidossa tulee harkita kriittisesti.
2 Alho H et al. Huumeongelmaisen hoito.
3 Appelqvist-Schmidlechner K et al. Dissemination and implementation of the Time Out. Getting life back on track programme - result of an evalution study.
4 Borg AM et al. Reliability of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire among Finnish 4-9-year-old children.
5 Don E et al. Early environment and neurobehavioral development predict adult temperament clusters.
6 Fagerholm R et al. Mental health and quality of life after feminizing genitoplasty.
7 Hallinen T et al. Differential use of extended and immediate release quetiapine: a retrospective registry study of Finnish inpatients with schizophrenia spectrum and bipolar disorders.
8 Huuhka K et al. One-year follow-up after discontinuing maintenance electroconvulsive therapy.
9 Jehkonen M et al. Driving ability in stroke patients with residual visual inattention: A case study.
10 Järventie J et al. Seksuaalinen riskikäyttäytyminen terveysneuvontapisteen huumeasiakkailla.
11 Kampman O et al. Temperament profiles, major depression, and response to treatment with SSRIs in psychiatric outpatients.
12 Karjalainen K et al. Mental Disorders Associated with Driving under the Influence of Alcohol and/or Drugs: A Register-Based Study.
13 Karukivi M et al. Deficit in speech development at the age of 5 years predicts alexithymia in late-adolescent males.
14 Liettu A et al. Weapons used in serious violence against a parent: retrospective comparative register study.
15 Lintonen T et al. The changing picture of substance abuse problems among Finnish prisoners.
16 Mattila AK et al. Difficulties in emotional regulation: association with poorer oral health-related quality of life in the general population .
17 Miettunen J et al. Predicting depression with psychopathology and temperament traits: the northern Finland 1966 birth cohort.
18 Mäkelä P et al. Lyhytneuvontaa on syytä lisätä terveydenhuollossa.
19 Pitkänen A et al. Kirjalliset ohjeet mielenterveyspotilaan tiedonsaannin tukena.
20 Pitkänen A et al. Assessing quality of life in patients with schizophrenia in an acute psychiatric setting: reliability, validity and feasibility of the EQ-5D and the Q-LES-Q.
21 Pitkänen A et al. Patient education methods to support quality of life and functional ability among patients with schizophrenia: a randomised clinical trial.
22 Rissanen I et al. Use of antipsychotic medication and suicidality--the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966.
23 Saariaho T. Chronic pain, depressiveness and pain disability.
24 Saariaho T et al. Early maladaptive schema factors, pain intensity, depressiveness and pain disability: an analysis of biopsychosocial models of pain.
25 Saariaho T et al. Early maladaptive schema factors, chronic pain and depressiveness: a study with 271 chronic pain patients and 331 control participants.
26 Seppä K. Alkoholin riskikäytön rajat.
27 Seppä K. Wise decisions are needed to promote substance abuse treatment quidelines in practice.
28 Seppä K. Att upptäcka och behandla alkoholproblem inom primärvården.
29 Seppä K et al. Alkoholin suurkuluttajasta riskikäyttäjäksi - muuttuvatko neuvontarajat?
30 Seppänen KK et al. Institutionalization of brief alcohol intervention in primary health care-the Finnish case.
31 Talaslahti T et al. Miten hoidan vanhusten unettomuutta.
32 Talaslahti T et al. Mortality and causes of death in older patients with schizophrenia.
33 Tuomisto MT, Parkkinen L. Defining behavior-environment interactions: translating and developing an experimental and applied behavior-analytic vocabulary in and to the national language.
34 Viikki M, Leinonen E. Sitalopraamin ja essitalopraamin käyttöön liittyvä QT-ajan piteneminen.
35 Viikki M, Leinonen E. Psykoosilääkkeiden muut käyttöaiheet.
36 Viitanen P et al. Work ability and treatment needs among Finnish female prisoners.
37 Wessman J et al. Temperament clusters in a normal population: implications for health and disease.

Julkaisutietokanta 11.12.2013 Publications Data Base 11.12.2013