Korva- ja suusairauksien vastuualue

Julkaisut 2012
Publications 2012

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1 Bebnowski D et al. Cervical vertebrae anomalies in subjects with Class II malocclusion assessed by lateral cephalogram and cone beam computed tomography.
2 Hongisto H et al. Laminin-511 expression is associated with the functionality of feeder cells in human embryonic stem cell culture.
3 Juuti-uusitalo K et al. Efflux protein expression in human stem cell-derived retinal pigment epithelial cells.
4 Khanna-Jain R et al. Osteogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells on ß-tricalcium phosphate/poly (l-lactic acid/caprolactone) three-dimensional scaffolds.
5 Khanna-Jain R et al. Growth and differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells maintained in fetal bovine serum, human serum and serum-free/xeno-free culture media.
6 Koivisto J et al. Assessment of radiation exposure in dental cone-beam computerized tomography with the use of metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) dosimeters and Monte Carlo simulations.
7 Koivumäki A et al. Trauma induced eagle syndrome.
8 Levo H et al. EuroQol 5D quality of life in Menière's disorder can be explained with symptoms and disabilities.
9 Mäki M, Aine L. Tooth surface loss.
10 Nordback PH et al. Amniotic membrane reduces wound size in early stages of the healing process.
11 Patcas R et al. Accuracy of linear intraoral measurements using cone beam CT and multidetector CT: a tale of two CTs.
12 Patcas R et al. Accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography at different resolutions assessed on the bony covering of the mandibular anterior teeth.
13 Pehkonen PT, Välimäki JO. The outcome of 270-degree selective laser trabeculoplasty.
14 Peltomäki T et al. Atemstörungen und kraniofaziales Wachstum - Konsequenzen und Behandlungsoptionen, Impaired Breathing and Craniofacial Growth - Consequences and Treatment Options.
15 Pertovaara M et al. Carbonic anhydrase autoantibodies and sicca symptoms in primary Sjögren´s syndrome.
16 Pyykkö I et al. Low-Frequency Sound Pressure and Transtympanic Endoscopy of the Middle Ear in Assessment of "Spontaneous" Perilymphatic Fistula.
17 Raittinen L et al. Early recognition of ischaemia with continuous real-time tissue oxygen monitoring in head and neck microvascular flaps.
18 Raittinen LP et al. Sympathetic innervation does not contribute to glycerol release in ischemic flaps.
19 Ranjan S et al. Peptide-mediated targeting of liposomes to TrkB receptor-expressing cells.
20 Rasku J et al. Prediction of a state of a subject on the basis of a stabilogram signal and video oculography test.
21 Sartoneva R et al. Characterizing and optimizing poly-L-lactide-co-{varepsilon}-caprolactone membranes for urothelial tissue engineering.
22 Stephens D et al. The effects of Ménière's disorder on the patient's significant others.
23 Teittinen M et al. Long-term stability of anterior open bite closure corrected by surgical-orthodontic treatment.
24 Tuunainen E et al. Characterization of presbyequilibrium among institutionalized elderly persons.
25 Veide N et al. "Pott’s puffy" -tuumori otsaontelotulehduksen harvinainen komplikaatio.
26 Verma D et al. Predicting vertical growth of the mandibular ramus via hand-wrist radiographs.

Julkaisutietokanta 11.12.2013 Publications Data Base 11.12.2013