
Julkaisut 2012
Publications 2012

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1 de Jong Jp et al. Changing Paradigms in the Treatment of Radial Club Hand: Microvascular Joint Transfer for Correction of Radial Deviation and Preservation of Long-term Growth.
2 Haapasalo H et al. Tutkimusnäytön siirtyminen hoitokäytännöksi - esimerkkinä akuutin nilkan nivelsidevamman operatiivinen hoito Suomessa 1986-2010.
3 Heinonen A et al. Effects of High-Impact Training and Detraining on Femoral Neck Structure in Premenopausal Women: A Hip Structural Analysis of an 18-Month Randomized Controlled Exercise Intervention with 3.5-Year Follow-Up.
4 Helle M et al. Tension suture technique combined with lidocain-adrenalin-saline-infiltration decreases complications in abdominoplasty.
5 Huttunen TT et al. Surgical treatment of humeral-shaft fractures: A register-based study in Finland between 1987 and 2009.
6 Huttunen TT et al. Trends in the surgical treatment of proximal humeral fractures - a nationwide 23-year study in Finland.
7 Järvinen T. Design of target-seeking antifibrotic compounds.
8 Kiiski J et al. Hengenvaarallinen infektio suonikohjuleikauksen jälkeen.
9 Korhonen N et al. Declining age-adjusted incidence of fall-induced injuries among elderly Finns.
10 Kotaluoto S et al. Wound Healing after Open Appendectomies in Adult Patients: A Prospective, Randomised Trial Comparing Two Methods of Wound Closure.
11 Kääriäinen M, Kauhanen S. Skeletal muscle injury and repair: the effect of disuse and denervation on muscle and clinical relevance in pedicled and free muscle flaps.
12 Kääriäinen M, Kuokkanen H. The significance of latissimus dorsi flap innervation in delayed breast reconstruction: a prospective randomized study-magnetic resonance imaging and histologic findings.
13 Launonen AP et al. Conservative treatment, plate fixation, or prosthesis for proximal humeral fracture. A prospective randomized study.
14 Lindford AJ et al. The dermis graft: another autologous option for acute burn wound coverage.
15 Mateev MA, Kuokkanen HO. Reconstruction of soft tissue defects in the extremities with a pedicled perforator flap: series of 25 patients.
16 Mattila V et al. Sports activity and use of cigarettes and snus among young males in Finland in 1999-2010.
17 Mattila VM et al. Sensitivity of MRI for articular cartilage lesions of the patellae.
18 Neva MH et al. Neurological outcome, working capacity and prognostic factors of patients with SCIWORA.
19 Nordback PH et al. Amniotic membrane reduces wound size in early stages of the healing process.
20 Nuutila K et al. Human skin transcriptome during superficial cutaneous wound healing.
21 Pakarinen H et al. Milloin nilkkamurtuman voi hoitaa ilman leikkausta?
22 Pakarinen T. The Management and Clinical Outcome of the Charcot Foot.
23 Peura M et al. Improved skin wound epithelialization by topical delivery of soluble factors from fibroblast aggregates.
24 Saariniemi KM et al. The effects of aesthetic breast augmentation on quality of life, psychological distress, and eating disorder symptoms: a prospective study.
25 Sarkanen JR et al. Human adipose tissue extract induces angiogenesis and adipogenesis in vitro.
26 Sarkanen JR et al. Bioactive acellular implant induces angiogenesis and adipogenesis and sustained soft tissue restoration in vivo.
27 Sarkanen JR et al. Adipose stromal cell tubule network model provides a versatile tool for vascular research and tissue engineering.
28 Sihvonen R et al. Validation of the Western Ontario Meniscal Evaluation Tool (WOMET) for Patients with a Degenerative Meniscal Tear: A Meniscal Pathology-Specific Quality-of-Life Index.
29 Sormaala MJ et al. Feasibility of abdominal plain film images in evaluation suspected drug smuggler.
30 Suomalainen P et al. Double-bundle versus single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a prospective randomized study with 5-year results.
31 Suomalainen P et al. Eturistisiderekonstruktio kaksoissiirretekniikalla: onko tunneleiden paikoilla vaikutusta kliinisiin ja MRI-tuloksiin.
32 Taanila HP et al. Predictors of low back pain in physically active conscripts with special emphasis on muscular fitness.
33 Tarnanen S et al. Randomized controlled trial of postoperative exercise rehabilitation program after lumbar spine fusion: study protocol.
34 Tarnanen S et al. The early changes in trunk muscle strength and disability following lumbar spine fusion.
35 Törnävä M et al. Vulvodyniaa sairastavien naisten hoitokokemuksia.
36 Uusi-Rasi K et al. udy protocol for prevention of falls: a randomized controlled trial of effects of vitamin D and exercise on falls prevention.
37 Waselau M et al. Effects of bioactive glass S53P4 or beta-tricalcium phosphate and bone morphogenetic protein-2 and bone morphogenetic protein-7 on osteogenic differentiation of human adipose stem cells.
38 Wedin R et al. Complications and survival after surgical treatment of 214 metastatic lesions of the humerus.
39 Zhang Y et al. IRAK-M in macrophages around septically and aseptically loosened hip implants.

Julkaisutietokanta 11.12.2013 Publications Data Base 11.12.2013