Gastroenterologian vastuualue

Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 Ballew JT et al. Antibody biomarker discovery through in vitro directed evolution of consensus recognition epitopes.
2 Bläuer M et al. Cryopreserved mouse pancreatic acinar cells from long-term explant outgrowth cultures maintain their secretory phenotype after thawing.
3 Collin P, Kaukinen K. Keliakia.
4 Collin P, Kaukinen K. Celiac disease: clinch the diagnosis when it is just around the corner.
5 Hadjivassiliou M et al. Transglutaminase 6 antibodies in the diagnosis of gluten ataxia.
6 Hakala T et al. A core needle biopsy provides more malignancy-specific results than fine-needle aspiration biopsy in thyroid nodules suspicious for malignancy.
7 Ilves I et al. Outpatient antibiotic use and the incidence of acute appendicitis in Finland: A nationwide study from 1990-2008.
8 Jussila A et al. High and increasing prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in Finland with a clear North-South difference.
9 Jussila A et al. Malignancies in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a nationwide register study in Finland.
10 Kalliokoski S et al. Celiac Disease-Specific TG2-Targeted Autoantibodies Inhibit Angiogenesis Ex Vivo and In Vivo in Mice by Interfering with Endothelial Cell Dynamics.
11 Kaukinen K et al. Long-term consumption of oats in adult celiac disease patients.
12 Kaukinen K et al. Gluteeniherkkyys ilman keliakiaa - faktaa vai fiktiota.
13 Kaukinen K et al. Gluteenin välttäminen vai gluteeniton ruokavalio.
14 Khan J et al. Serum lipid levels are associated with the severity of acute pancreatitis.
15 Khan J et al. Is alcoholic pancreatitis associated with enteroviral infection?
16 Kiljander T et al. Comparison of the effects of esomeprazole and fundoplication on airway responsiveness in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.
17 Lameris AL et al. Expression profiling of claudins in the human gastrointestinal tract in health and during inflammatory bowel disease.
18 Lappalainen-Lehto R et al. Goal-related outcome after acute alcohol-pancreatitis- a two-year follow-up study.
19 Laukkarinen J. Endoskooppiset sappiteiden tähystykset alkoivat Suomessa.
20 Lehto K et al. Seven-year follow-up after anterior sphincter reconstruction for faecal incontinence.
21 Ludvigsson J et al. The Oslo definitions for coeliac disease and related terms.
22 Malila N et al. The HPV test has similar sensitivity but more overdiagnosis than the Pap test - A randomised health services study on cervical cancer screening in Finland .
23 Manninen P, Collin P. Reply to Dr. Selinger et al.'s letter.
24 Manninen P et al. The risk of colorectal cancer in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases in Finland: a follow-up of 20 years.
25 Mattila E et al. Burden of Illness and Use of Health Care Services Before and After Celiac Disease Diagnosis in Children.
26 Mattila E et al. Lääkärinkierto tutkimuskirjallisuuden valossa.
27 Molander P et al. Achievement of deep remission during scheduled maintenance therapy with TNFa-blocking agents in IBD.
28 Nadalutti CA et al. Thioredoxin is involved in endothelial cell extracellular transglutaminase 2 activation mediated by celiac disease patient IgA.
29 Nikkola J et al. Abstinence after First Acute Alcohol-Associated Pancreatitis Protects Against Recurrent Pancreatitis and Minimizes the Risk of Pancreatic Dysfunction .
30 Paajanen H et al. A prospective randomized controlled multicenter trial comparing antibiotic therapy with appendectomy in the treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis (APPAC trial).
31 Paarlahti P et al. Predictors of persistent symptoms and reduced quality of life in treated coeliac disease patients: a large cross-sectional study.
32 Pynnönen L et al. Validation of Intraluminal and Intraperitoneal microdialysis in ischemic small intestine.
33 Rantanen T et al. CIP2A expression and prognostic role in patients with esophageal adenocarcinoma.
34 Rantanen T et al. Reflux symptoms and side effects among patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease at baseline, during treatment with PPIs, and after Nissen fundoplication.
35 Rauhavirta T et al. Are transglutaminase 2 inhibitors able to reduce gliadin-induced toxicity related to celiac disease? A proof-of-concept study.
36 Ruuskanen A et al. Gliadin antibodies in older population and neurological and psychiatric disorders.
37 Räty S et al. Cyst fluid SPINK1 may help to differentiate benign and potentially malignant cystic pancreatic lesions.
38 Spatola B et al. Antibody repertoire profiling using bacterial display identifies reactivity signatures of celiac disease.
39 Taavela J et al. Validation of morphometric analyses of small-intestinal biopsy readouts in celiac disease.
40 Taavela J et al. Degree of damage to the small bowel and serum antibody titers correlate with clinical presentation of patients with celiac disease.
41 Wacklin P et al. The duodenal microbiota composition of adult celiac disease patients is associated with the clinical manifestation of the disease.

Julkaisutietokanta 19.1.2016 Publications Data Base 19.1.2016