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Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 Honkaniemi J et al. Petolliset papillit.
2 Ketola S et al. No evidence of long-term benefits of arthroscopicacromioplasty in the treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome: Five-year results of a randomised controlled trial.
3 Kiljander T et al. Comparison of the effects of esomeprazole and fundoplication on airway responsiveness in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.
4 Kukkonen J et al. The effect of glenohumeral osteoarthritis on the outcome of isolated operatively treated supraspinatus tears.
5 Pekkarinen T, Raitanen M. Verivirtsaisuus.
6 Peromaa-Haavisto P, Victorzon M. Is routine preoperative upper GI endoscopy needed prior to gastric bypass?
7 Pöyhönen A et al. Empirical evaluation of grouping of lower urinary tract symptoms: principal component analysis of Tampere Ageing Male Urological Study data.
8 Ranne JO et al. Modified arthroscopic latarjet procedure with coracoid exteriorization for treatment of anterior glenohumeral instability.
9 Rantanen T et al. Reflux symptoms and side effects among patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease at baseline, during treatment with PPIs, and after Nissen fundoplication.
10 Sihvonen R et al. Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy versus sham surgery for a degenerative meniscal tear.
11 Sihvonen R et al. Finnish Degenerative Meniscal Lesion Study (FIDELITY): a protocol for a randomised, placebo surgery controlled trial on the efficacy of arthroscopic partial meniscectomy for patients with degenerative meniscus injury with etc.
12 Ståhl MK et al. Genetic and environmental influences on non-specific neck pain in early adolescence: a classical twin study.
13 Tuunainen E et al. Postural stability and quality of life after guided and self-training among older adults residing in an institutional setting.
14 Vidqvist KL et al. Disease activity of idiopathic juvenile arthritis continues through adolescence despite the use of biologic therapies.
15 Virtanen P et al. Information availability for the families of stroke patients at an emergency department: A training intervention study.
16 Yanez C et al. Deep vascular imaging in wounds by two-photon fluorescence microscopy.
17 Yanez C et al. Two-photon fluorescence microscopy deep vascular imaging of a wound healing model.

Julkaisutietokanta 19.1.2016 Publications Data Base 19.1.2016