Ihosairauksien avohoito

Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 Ala-Houhala M. Narrow-­band ultraviolet b exposures improve vitamin d balance. Trials involving dermatological and haemodialysis patients and healthy subjects.
2 Ala-Houhala M et al. A Narrow-Band Ultraviolet B Course Improves Vitamin D Balance and Alters Cutaneous CYP27A1 and CYP27B1 mRNA Expression Levels in Haemodialysis Patients Supplemented with Oral Vitamin D.
3 Kekki O-M et al. Sensitization to Malassezia in children with atopic dermatitis combined with food allergy.
4 Korhonen L et al. Enterovirus infections in early childhood and the risk of atopic disease--a nested case-control study.
5 Kuusisto KM et al. Copy number variation analysis in familial BRCA1/2-negative Finnish breast and ovarian cancer.
6 Lagerstedt M et al. Childhood lichen sclerosus-a challenge for clinicians.
7 Laitinen V et al. HOXB13 G84E mutation in Finland: population-based analysis of prostate, breast, and colorectal cancer risk.
8 Peräsaari J et al. HLA associations with tubulointerstitial nephritis with or without uveitis in Finnish pediatric population: a nation-wide study.
9 Taavela J et al. Degree of damage to the small bowel and serum antibody titers correlate with clinical presentation of patients with celiac disease.

Julkaisutietokanta 19.1.2016 Publications Data Base 19.1.2016