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Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 Berg J et al. Staff's perception of adolescent aggressive behaviour in four European forensic units: A qualitative interview study.
2 Berg J et al. Provision of Interventions in Adolescent Forensic Units - A European Perspective.
3 Doku D et al. Sleep and Its Association With Socioeconomic Status, Health, and Risky Behaviors Among Ghanaian School Children.
4 Fröjd S et al. Depression Predicts Smoking among Adolescent Girls but Not among Boys.
5 Heikkilä HK et al. Involvement in bullying and suicidal ideation in middle adolescence: a 2-year follow-up study.
6 Huhtinen H, Rimpelä A. Nuorison energiajuomien käyttö ja kofeiiniin liittyvät oireet.
7 Isomaa R et al. Capturing clinically significant eating pathology in adolescence.
8 Isomaa R et al. How low is low? Low self-esteem as an indicator of internalizing psychopathology in adolescence.
9 Kaltiala-Heino R et al. Sukupuoli-identiteetin häiriö lapsilla ja nuorilla.
10 Kaltiala-Heino R et al. Why do girls freak out? Exploring female rage among adolescents admitted to adolescent forensic psychiatric inpatient care.
11 Koivusilta LK et al. From childhood socio-economic position to adult educational level - do health behaviours in adolescence matter? A longitudinal study.
12 Kork A-A et al. Terveyskioskikokeilut - jotain uutta, jotain vanhaa.
13 Lindberg N et al. Kun nuori uhkaa koulusurmalla.
14 Lindfors PL et al. Occurrence of violence among 12-18-year-old adolescents in 1999 and 2009 in Finland.
15 Mikkola M et al. Yöunen pituuden yhteys suomalaisnuorten lihavuuteen.
16 Raisamo S et al. Does self-rated addiction and the heaviness of smoking index predict notice replacement therapy product use in adolescent smokers?
17 Ranta K et al. Peer victimization and social phobia: a follow-up study among adolescents.
18 Rimpelä A et al. Schools and the health of children and youg people.
19 Valve P et al. LINDA - a solution-focused low-intensity intervention aimed at improving health behaviors of young females: a cluster-randomized controlled trial.
20 Viinamäki A et al. Subclinical bulimia predicts conduct disorder in middle adolescent girls.

Julkaisutietokanta 19.1.2016 Publications Data Base 19.1.2016