Naistentautien ja synnytysten vastuualue

Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 Brummer TH et al. Antibiotic prophylaxis for hysterectomy, a prospective cohort study: cefuroxime, metronidazole, or both.
2 Heikinheimo O et al. Onko raskaudenkeskeytyslain uudistaminen tarpeen.
3 Heinonen PK. Rectovesical ligament and fusion defect of the uterus with or without obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal agenesis.
4 Heinonen PK. Pregnancies in women with uterine malformation, treated obstruction of hemivagina and ipsilateral renal agenesis.
5 Heliövaara-Peippo S et al. Quality of life and costs of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system or hysterectomy in the treatment of menorrhagia: a 10-year randomized controlled trial.
6 Jahnukainen K et al. Bone marrow remission status predicts leukemia contamination in ovarian biopsies collected for fertility preservation.
7 Johnson M et al. Genetic dissection of the pre-eclampsia susceptibility locus on chromosome 2q22 reveals shared novel risk factors for cardiovascular disease .
8 Kuokkanen H et al. Reconstruction of the vulva with sensate gluteal fold flaps.
9 Mäkinen J et al. Ten years of progress--improved hysterectomy outcomes in Finland 1996-2006: a longitudinal observation study.
10 Oksa S. Toremifene in premenstrual mastagia.
11 Pallasmaa N et al. Variation in cesarean section rates is not related to maternal and neonatal outcomes.
12 Saarelainen S. Preoperative assessment of endometrial carcinoma.
13 Saarelainen SK et al. Predictive value of serum human epididymis protein 4 and cancer antigen 125 concentrations in endometrial carcinoma.
14 Tinkanen H, Pellas E. Keliakia ja lisääntymisterveys.

Julkaisutietokanta 19.1.2016 Publications Data Base 19.1.2016