Kliininen mikrobiologia
Clinical Microbiology

Julkaisut 2015
Publications 2015

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1 Acevedo N et al. Age-associated DNA methylation changes in immune genes, histone modifiers and chromatin remodeling factors within 5 years after birth in human blood leukocytes.
2 Agardh D et al. Clinical features of celiac disease: a prospective birth cohort.
3 Almasi S et al. Investigation of CTLA-4-318C/T gene polymorphism in cases with type 1 diabetes of Azerbaijan, Northwest Iran.
4 Aronsson CA et al. Age at gluten introduction and risk of celiac disease.
5 Beyerlein A et al. Dietary intake of soluble fiber and risk of islet autoimmunity by 5 y of age: results from the TEDDY study.
6 Blazevic V et al. Multiple consecutive norovirus infections in the first 2 years of life.
7 Hadley D et al. HLA-DPB1*04:01 Protects Genetically Susceptible Children from Celiac Disease Autoimmunity in the TEDDY Study.
8 Hernesniemi J et al. Predicting sudden cardiac death using common genetic risk variants for coronary artery disease.
9 Kaukoranta SS. Comparison of BD Max Cdiff and GenomEra C. difficile molecular assays for detection of toxigenic Clostridium difficile from stools in conventional sample containers and in FecalSwabs.
10 Harju I, Rantakokko-Jalava K. Use of an automated PCR assay, the GenomEra S. pneumoniae, for rapid detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae in blood cultures.
11 Epigeneettinen kello käy - ihminen vanhenee.
12 Huttunen R et al. Milloin antibioottihoito ei ole tarpeen?
13 Huttunen R et al. Nosocomial bloodstream infections in a Finnish tertiary care hospital: a retrospective cohort study of 2175 episodes during the years 1999-2001 and 2005-2010.
14 Hömmö T et al. Regulation of Inflammatory Cytokine Production by MKP-5 in Macrophages.
15 Silvennoinen O. The activity of JAK-STAT pathways in rheumatoid arthritis: constitutive activation of STAT3 correlates with interleukin 6 levels.
16 Jokinen E et al. Combined interventions are effective in MRSA control.
17 Kananen L et al. Cytomegalovirus infection accelerates epigenetic aging.
18 Karppelin M et al. Predictors of recurrent cellulitis in five years. Clinical risk factors and the role of PTX3 and CRP.
19 Karppelin M et al. Evidence of streptococcal origin of acute non-necrotising cellulitis: a serological study.
20 Kemppainen KM et al. Early childhood gut microbiomes show strong geographic differences among subjects at high risk for type 1 diabetes.
21 Kondrashova A et al. Influenza A virus antibodies show no association with pancreatic islet autoantibodies in children genetically predisposed to type 1 diabetes.
22 Koskela S et al. Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase G894T Polymorphism Associates with Disease Severity in Puumala Hantavirus Infection.
23 Kostic A et al. The dynamics of the human infant gut microbiome in development and in progression toward type 1 diabetes.
24 Kramná L et al. Gut virome sequencing in children with early islet autoimmunity.
25 Krischer JP et al. The 6 year incidence of diabetes-associated autoantibodies in genetically at-risk children: the TEDDY study.
26 Krogvold L et al. Detection of a low-grade enteroviral infection in the islets of langerhans of living patients newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
27 Laiho JE et al. Application of bioinformatics in probe design enables detection of enteroviruses on different taxonomic levels by advanced in situ hybridization technology.
28 Laine O et al. An outbreak of human metapneumovirus in a rehabilitation center for alcoholics in Tampere, Finland.
29 Larsson PG et al. A preclinical study on the efficacy and safety of a new vaccine against Coxsackievirus B1 reveals no risk for accelerated diabetes development in mouse models.
30 Lisko I et al. Association of body mass index and waist circumference with physical functioning: The vitality 90+.
31 Lumia M et al. Food consumption and risk of childhood asthma.
32 Lönnrot M et al. A method for reporting and classifying acute infectious diseases in a prospective study of young children: TEDDY.
33 Marttila S et al. Ageing-associated changes in the human DNA methylome: genomic locations and effects on gene expression.
34 Marttila S et al. Length of paternal lifespan is manifested in the DNA methylome of their nonagenarian progeny.
35 Marttila S et al. Number of sons contributes to ageing-associated inflammation.
36 Moulder R et al. Serum proteomes distinguish children developing type 1 diabetes in a cohort with HLA-conferred susceptibility.
37 Nevalainen T et al. Transcriptomic and epigenetic analyses reveal a gender difference in aging-associated inflammation: the Vitality 90+ study.
38 Nurminen N et al. High-Throughput Multiplex Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction Method for Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium Species Detection in Stool Samples.
39 Ojanen MJ et al. The proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin furinA regulates zebrafish host response against Mycobacterium marinum.
40 Ostutay Z et al. Proprotein convertase FURIN regulates T cell receptor-induced transactivation.
41 Peet A et al. Circulating IGF1 and IGFBP3 in relation to the development of ß-cell autoimmunity in young children.
42 Viiri LE et al. Interleukin-6 and microRNA profiles induced by oral bacteria in human atheroma derived and healthy smooth muscle cells.
43 Ranta N et al. The Plasma Level of Proprotein Convertase FURIN in Patients with Suspected Infection in the Emergency Room: A Prospective Cohort Study.
44 Reinert-Hartwall L et al. Th1/Th17 plasticity is a marker of advanced ß cell autoimmunity and impaired glucose tolerance in humans.
45 Roth R et al. Maternal anxiety about a child's diabetes risk in the TEDDY study: the potential role of life stress, postpartum depression, and risk perception.
46 Seiskari T. The association between viral infections, IgE sensitization, and type 1 diabetes.
47 Sipilä M, et al. Human parechovirus as a minor cause of acute otitis media in children.
48 Steck AK et al. Predictors of Progression From the Appearance of Islet Autoantibodies to Early Childhood Diabetes: The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY).
49 Törn C et al. Role of Type 1 Diabetes-Associated SNPs on Risk of Autoantibody Positivity in the TEDDY Study.
50 Uusitalo U et al. Gluten consumption during late pregnancy and risk of celiac disease in the offspring: the TEDDY birth cohort.
51 Yang J et al. Factors associated with longitudinal food record compliance in a paediatric cohort study.
52 Åttman E et al. Etiology, clinical course and outcome of healthcare-associated bloodstream infections in patients with hematological malignancies: a retrospective study of 350 patients in a Finnish tertiary care hospital.

Kliininen mikrobiologia Clinical Microbiology
Julkaisutietokanta 30.11.2016 Publications Data Base 30.11.2016