Lastenpsykiatrian vastuualue

Julkaisut 2015
Publications 2015

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1 Borg AM. Early detecting of children’s mental health problems.
2 Joki-Erkkilä M. Child Sexual Abuse. Interpreting Medical Statement Conclusions and Biological Evidence Detection in the Criminal Legal Process.
3 Luoma I et al. Long-term trajectories of maternal depressive symptoms and their antenatal predictors.
4 Mäntymaa M et al. Shared pleasure in early mother-infant interaction: predicting lower levels of emotional and behavioral problems in the child and protecting against the influence of parental psychopathology.
5 Peltola MJ et al. Attention to Faces Expressing Negative Emotion at 7 Months Predicts Attachment Security at 14 Months.
6 Sorsa M et al. Bracketing as a skill in conducting unstructured qualitative interviews.
7 Tamminen T, Puura K. Infant/early years mental health.
8 Virkki M et al. Children as decision-makers in health care - an integrative review.

Julkaisutietokanta 30.11.2016 Publications Data Base 30.11.2016