
Julkaisut 2015
Publications 2015

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1 Alander JT et al. Review of indocyanine green imaging in surgery.
2 Bauer CM et al. Pain intensity attenuates movement control of the lumbar spine in low back pain.
3 Bauer CM et al. Concurrent validity and reliability of a novel wireless inertial measurement system to assess trunk movement.
4 Eskelinen E et al. Successful foot salvage with microvascular flaps in diabetic patients.
5 Ghert M et al. Prophylactic antibiotic regimens in tumour surgery (PARITY): a pilot multicentre randomised controlled trial.
6 Haapasalo H. Lisfrancin vammojen hoidon kehitys.
7 Haapasalo H et al. Scientific evidence and reduced surgical treatment in acute ligament ruptures of the ankle.
8 Haapasalo H et al. Akillesjänteen repeämän diagnostiikka ja hoito.
9 Haltia O et al. Vasopeptidase Inhibition Corrects the Structure and Function of the Small Arteries in Experimental Renal Insufficiency.
10 Huttala O et al. Human vascular model with defined stimulation medium - a characterization study.
11 Hügli AS et al. Adherence to home exercises in non-specific low back pain. A randomised controlled pilot trial.
12 Järvinen T et al. Overdiagnosis of bone fragility in the quest to prevent hip fracture.
13 Järvinen T et al. Authors' reply to Lee and colleagues.
14 Järvinen TA et al. Systemically Administered, Target Organ-Specific Therapies for Regenerative Medicine.
15 Järvinen TA, Prince S. Decorin: A Growth Factor Antagonist for Tumor Growth Inhibition.
16 Kaartinen IS et al. Reconstruction of the pelvic floor and the vagina after total pelvic exenteration using the transverse musculocutaneous gracilis flap.
17 Kallinen M et al. Miten erotan olkapään jännevaivan muusta olkasairaudesta.
18 Kannus P et al. Low-Trauma Pelvic Fractures in Elderly Finns in 1970-2013.
19 Karhunen-Enckell U et al. Transsukupuolisten rintaleikkaukset.
20 Karinkanta S et al. Combined resistance and balance-jumping exercise reduces older women's injurious falls and fractures: 5-year follow-up study.
21 Kurra V et al. Effects of oxonic acid-induced hyperuricemia on masenteric artery tone and cardic load in experimental renal insufficiensy.
22 Kääriäinen M et al. Utilization of Three-Dimensional Computer-Aided Preoperative Virtual Planning and Manufacturing in Maxillary and Mandibular Reconstruction with a Microvascular Fibula Flap.
23 Laitinen M et al. The prognostic and therapeutic factors which influence the oncological outcome of parosteal osteosarcoma.
24 Laitinen M et al. Survival and complications of skeletal reconstructions after surgical treatment of bony metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
25 Launonen A. Proximal Humerus Fractures: Treatment and Criticism.
26 Launonen AP et al. Treatment of proximal humerus fractures in the elderly.
27 Launonen AP et al. Epidemiology of proximal humerus fractures.
28 Lepola V et al. Olkapään jännevaivat. Käypä hoito-suositus.
29 Leppikangas H et al. Leikkaussalityön optimointi - hukkaa minimoimalla ja virtausta parantamalla.
30 Leppänen OV et al. Protocol for an investigator-blinded, randomised, 3-month, parallel-group study to compare the efficacy of intraoperative tendon sheath irrigation only with both intraoperative and postoperative irrigation in the treatment of purulent flexor tenosynovitis.
31 López JF et al. Primary flap reconstruction of tissue defects after sarcoma surgery enables curative treatment with acceptable functional results: a 7-year review.
32 Mattila V. Akillesjänteen repeämän epidemiologia ja hoito muuttuvat: ilmaantuvuus lisääntyy, leikkaushoito vähenee.
33 Mattila VM et al. Declining incidence of surgery for Achilles tendon rupture follows publication of major RCTs: evidence-influenced change evident using the Finnish registry study.
34 May U et al. Resistance of R-Ras knockout mice to skin tumour induction.
35 Nordback PH et al. Chitosan membranes in a rat model of full-thickness cutaneous wounds: healing and IL-4 levels.
36 Nortunen S et al. Onko tavallisista kuormittamattomista röntgenkuvista apua supinaatio-ulkorotaatiomekanismilla syntyneen ulkokehräsluun murtuman vakauden arvioinnissa?
37 Paatela T et al. OCD-vaurioiden korjauskäytännöt ja hoitotulokset uusintakorjausleikkausmäärän perusteella Suomessa 1997-2013 .
38 Pakkanen T et al. Severe traumatic brain injury- physician provided pre-hospital care and early neurosurgical treatment are associated with improved survivalal.
39 Paloneva J et al. Declining incidence of acromioplasty in Finland.
40 Paloneva J et al. Increasing incidence of rotator cuff repairs--A nationwide registry study in Finland.
41 Patil R et al. Effects of a Multimodal Exercise Program on Physical Function, Falls, and Injuries in Older Women: A 2-Year Community-Based, Randomized Controlled Trial.
42 Peltoniemi U et al. Akillesjännerepeämien hoito ja tulokset TAYS:ssa vuosina 2008-2014 - Siirtyykö tutkimustieto käytäntöön?
43 Piirtola M et al. Kaaos-klinikka - todistetusti tehoskasta kaatumisen ja kaatumisvammojen ehkäisyä.
44 Pääkkönen M et al. Antibiotic Treatment and Surgery for Acute Hematogenous Calcaneal Osteomyelitis of Childhood.
45 Rade M et al. Part 3: Developing Methods of In Vivo MRI Measurement of Spinal Cord Displacement in the Thoracolumbar Region of Asymptomatic Subjects With Unilateral and Bilateral Straight Leg Raise Tests.
46 Rausch Osthoff Ak et al. Measuring lumbar reposition accuracy in patients with unspecific low back pain: systematic review and meta-analysis.
47 Rissanen S et al. Signal features of surface electromyography in advanced Parkinson's disease during different settings of deep brain stimulation.
48 Saariniemi KM et al. Does Liposuction Improve Body Image and Symptoms of Eating Disorders?
49 Salonen A et al. Pitfalls of femoral titanium elastic nailing.
50 Taanila H et al. Risk factors of acute and overuse musculoskeletal injuries among young conscripts: a population-based cohort study.
51 Uusi-Rasi K et al. Exercise and vitamin d in fall prevention among older women: a randomized clinical trial.
52 Wahlman M. Answer to the Letter to the Editor of H. Sarman et al. concerning "The prevalence of depressive symptoms before and after surgery and its association with disability in patients undergoing lumbar spinal fusion" by M. Wahlman et al.etc.

Julkaisutietokanta 30.11.2016 Publications Data Base 30.11.2016