Acutan päivystyksen vastuualue

Julkaisut 2016 (alustava)
Publications 2016 (preliminary)

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1 Kauppila T et al. Alcohol use in the prehospital setting: a diagnostic challenge in patients treated by a physician staffed mobile intensive care unit.
2 Kotaluoto S et al. Severe Complications of Laparoscopic and Conventional Appendectomy Reported to the Finnish Patient Insurance Centre.
3 Pakkanen T et al. Pre-hospital severe traumatic brain injury - comparison of outcome in paramedic versus physician staffed emergency medical services.
4 Pöyhönen L et al. Orthopedic Complications in Former Bacillus Calmette-GuErin Osteitis Patients.
5 Rainesalo S et al. Sairaanhoitajan vastaanotolle on kysyntää neurologian poliklinikalla.
6 Tirkkonen J et al. Aetiology of in-hospital cardiac arrest on general wards.

Julkaisutietokanta 19.10.2017 Publications Data Base 19.10.2017