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Julkaisut 2016 (alustava)
Publications 2016 (preliminary)

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1 Backström M et al. Finding specific 10-joint Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score (JADAS10) and clinical JADAS10 cut-off values for disease activity levels in non-systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a Finnish multicentre study.
2 Harjola V, Palomäki A. Akuuttilääketiede muokkaa päivystystä.
3 Heikkilä I et al. Stroke thrombolysis given by emergency physicians cuts in-hospital delays significantly immediately after implementing a new treatment protocol.
4 Joensuu J et al. Cost-effectiveness of biologic compared with conventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a Register study.
5 Kankaanpää M et al. Use of point-of-care testing and early assessment model reduces length of stay for ambulatory patients in an emergency department.
6 Keränen T, Kuusisto H. Concomitant treatment with imipenem causes a rapid and extensive decrease in the plasma concentrations of valproic acid.
7 Ketola S et al. No difference in long-term development of rotator cuff rupture and muscle volumes in impingement patients with or without decompression.
8 Koivistoinen T. Whole-body Electric Bioimpedance Measurement in the Evaluation of Vascular Function.
9 Koivistoinen T, Grönroos M. Ennen oli ennen, nyt on nyt- päivystystäminen akuuttilääkärin silmin .
10 Koskinen A et al. Long-term follow-up after ESS and balloon sinuplasty: Comparison of symptom reduction and patient satisfaction.
11 Kuusisto H. Tieto liikkuu, potilas ei.
12 Kuusisto H et al. Aivoinfarktin hoitoketju uudistettiin .
13 Kuusisto H et al. Perusterveydenhuollon lääkäri on tyytyväinen lähetepotilaansa etähoitoon.
14 Kuusisto H et al. Etähoidon riskit ja potilasturvallisuus.
15 Kuusisto H et al. Asymptomatic subjects differ less from their twin siblings with MS than from healthy controls in cognitive functioning. A Finnish Twin Cohort study.
16 Kärnä N et al. Self-assessment of clinical image quality in plain radiography.
17 Kössi J. The Extent and Severity of Adhesions Are Reduced After Major Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery: A Pilot Study.
18 Kössi J et al. Adhesion-related readmissions after surgery for deep endometriosis with the use of icodextrin - long-term results.
19 Lehtonen H et al. Improving Emergency Department Capacity.
20 Lohi O et al. Lastentautien erikoislääkärikoulutuksen auditointi - kolmas vaihe.
21 Lukkarinen T, Palomäki A. Kaikukuvaus akuuttilääkärin työkaluna.
22 Mäkelä M et al. Capillary amyloid-? protein deposition in a population-based study (Vantaa 85+).
23 Naskali J et al. Akuuttilääketieteen erikoislääkärikoulutus Suomessa.
24 Oksanen V et al. Päivystys-EEG vakiintuneeksi toiminnaksi myös virka-ajan ulkopuolella.
25 Orava M. Hoivaajasta asiantuntijaksi.
26 Orava M. Hoitosuunnitelma takaa pitkäaikaissairaan hyvän hoidon.
27 Palomäki A et al. Prompt impact of first prospective statin mega-trials on postoperative lipid management of CABG patients: a 20-year follow-up in a single hospital.
28 Peromaa-Haavisto P et al. Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Among Patients Admitted for Bariatric Surgery. A Prospective Multicentre Trial.
29 Rautio T et al. Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy in male patients with external rectal prolapse is associated with a high reoperation rate.
30 Saarinen H, Palomäki A. Acute renal infarction resulting from fibromuscular dysplasia: a case report.
31 Savikko J et al. Optimoidun toipumisen ohjelmat vatsaelinkirurgiassa.
32 Silvennoinen R et al. A randomized phase II study of stem cell mobilization with cyclophosphamide+G-CSF or G-CSF alone after lenalidomide-based induction in multiple myeloma.
33 Sipponen T et al. Esimerkkitapauksia biologisen hoidon yksilöllistämisestä.
34 Sätilä H et al. Synnynnäinen tyypin la glykosylaation häiriö.
35 Tuunainen E et al. Näyttöön perustuva akuuttilääketiede.
36 Tähtinen R et al. Long-term Impact of Mode of Delivery on Stress Urinary Incontinence and Urgency Urinary Incontinence: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
37 Vaara ST et al. Association of oliguria with the development of acute kidney injury in the critically ill.
38 Vakhitov D et al. Successful endovascular treatment of mycotic aneurysms of the inferior mesenteric artery and the abdominal aorta.
39 Vilmi-Kerälä T et al. Oxidized LDL, insulin resistance and central blood pressure after gestational diabetes mellitus.
40 Yli-Ollila H et al. Principal Component Analysis of the Longitudinal Carotid Wall Motion in Association with Vascular Stiffness: A Pilot Study.
41 Yli-Ollila H et al. Transfer Function Analysis of the Longitudinal Motion of the Common Carotid Artery Wall.

Julkaisutietokanta 19.10.2017 Publications Data Base 19.10.2017