Kliinisen neurofysiologian yksikkö
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology

Julkaisut 2016 (alustava)
Publications 2016 (preliminary)

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1 Alapirtti T et al. The concentration of cell-free DNA in video-EEG patients is dependent on the epilepsy syndrome and duration of epilepsy.
2 Anttalainen U et al. Prolonged partial upper airway obstruction during sleep - an underdiagnosed phenotype of sleep-disordered breathing.
3 Jussila M et al. Sleep apnea reduces the amount of computational deep sleep in the right frontopolar area in school-aged children.
4 Kaartinen M et al. Autonomic Arousal Response Habituation to Social Stimuli Among Children with Asd.
5 Möttönen T et al. The Correlation between Intraoperative Microelectrode Recording and 3-Tesla MRI in Patients Undergoing ANT-DBS for Refractory Epilepsy.
6 Perez-Macias JM et al. Spectral analysis of snoring events from an Emfit mattress.
7 Rantanen A et al. Two models of nursing practice: a comparative study of motivational characteristics, work satisfaction and stress.
8 Satomaa A et al. The adapted American Academy of Sleep Medicine sleep scoring criteria in one month old infants: A means to improve comparability?

Kliinisen neurofysiologian yksikkö Department of Clinical Neurophysiology
Julkaisutietokanta 19.10.2017 Publications Data Base 19.10.2017