
Julkaisut 2016 (alustava)
Publications 2016 (preliminary)

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1 Bergroth E et al. Post-bronchiolitis Use of Asthma Medication: A Prospective 1-year Follow-up Study.
2 Haataja P et al. Asthma and atopic dermatitis in children born moderately and late preterm.
3 Kivistö J et al. Adult but no pediatric anaphylaxis-related deaths in the Finnish population from 1996 to 2013.
4 Kivistö JE et al. Hospitalizations due to allergic reactions in Finnish and Swedish children during 1999-2011.
5 Korppi M et al. Absence of Bordetella pertussis Among Infants Hospitalized for Bronchiolitis in Finland, 2008-2010.
6 Lauhkonen E et al. Following up infant bronchiolitis patients provided new evidence for and against the united airway disease hypothesis.
7 Lehtimäki L et al. Predictive value of exhaled nitric oxide in the management of asthma: a systematic review.
8 Moilanen L et al. Pinosylvin Inhibits TRPA1-Induced Calcium Influx In Vitro and TRPA1-Mediated Acute Paw Inflammation In Vivo.
9 Paassilta M et al. Children who were treated with oral immunotherapy for cows' milk allergy showed long-term desensitisation seven years later.
10 Salmivesi S et al. Changes in biomarkers during a six-month oral immunotherapy intervention for cow's milk allergy.

Julkaisutietokanta 19.10.2017 Publications Data Base 19.10.2017