Aikuispsykiatrian vastuualue

Julkaisut 2016 (alustava)
Publications 2016 (preliminary)

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1 Ala-Nikkola T et al. Regional Correlates of Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment.
2 Alanen H-M et al. Psykoosilääkkeet muistisairaan potilaan hoidossa.
3 Biernacka JM et al. CORRIGENDUM The International SSRI Pharmacogenomics Consortium (ISPC): a genome-wide association study of antidepressant treatment response.
4 Klemettilä J. Metabolic adverse effects in clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia.
5 Koponen H et al. Uusimmat psykoosilääkkeet - uutuuksia vai vanhan toistoa.
6 Koskinen S et al. INSIG2 polymorphism and weight gain, dyslipidemia and serum adiponectin in Finnish patients with schizophrenia treated with clozapine.
7 Laukkala T et al. Total and cause-specific mortality of Finnish military personnel following service in international peacekeeping operations 1990-2010: a comprehensive register-based cohort study.
8 Lehtimäki K et al. Outcome based definition of the anterior thalamic deep brain stimulation target in refractory epilepsy.
9 Leinonen E, Koponen H. Vanhusten masennus.
10 Leinonen E, Koponen H. Vanhusten kaksisuuntainen mielialahäiriö.
11 Markkula N et al. Prognosis of depressive disorders in the general population- results from the longitudinal Finnish Health 2011 Study.
12 Mattila E et al. Organisaatiokulttuurin eettisyys yliopistosairaalassa.
13 Obstbaum Y et al. Not All Substance Dependence Problems are Recognized as Risks-Comparing a Medical Health Study with Prison Assessments.
14 Paavonen V et al. Temperament and character profiles associated with depression and treatment response in patients with or without comorbid substance abuse.
15 Rossinen J, Seppälä N. Litiumin käytön somaattiset haitat.
16 Saariaho A et al. The role of alexithymia: An 8-year follow-up study of chronic pain patients .
17 Suokas K et al. Asiakas ei ole aina oikeassa - eikä lääkärikään.
18 Talaslahti T et al. Psychiatric hospital admission and long-term care in patients with very-late-onset schizophrenia-like psychosis.
19 Taskinen S et al. Gender Identity and Sex Role of Patients Operated on for Bladder Exstrophy-Epispadias.
20 Viikki M, Leinonen E. Uusi masennuslääke vortioksetiini.

Julkaisutietokanta 19.10.2017 Publications Data Base 19.10.2017