Seinäjoen keskussairaala

Julkaisut 2016 (alustava)
Publications 2016 (preliminary)

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1 Aalto M, Kaarne T. Milloin alkoholi aihettaa työkyvyttömyyden?
2 Biernacka JM et al. CORRIGENDUM The International SSRI Pharmacogenomics Consortium (ISPC): a genome-wide association study of antidepressant treatment response.
3 Bokhorst LP et al. A Decade of Active Surveillance in the PRIAS Study: An Update and Evaluation of the Criteria Used to Recommend a Switch to Active Treatment.
4 Ciacci C et al. Response to Forbes's comment.
5 Ciacci C et al. Response to Forbes's comment.
6 Duce B et al. The AASM 2012 recommended hypopnea criteria increase the incidence of obstructive sleep apnea but not the proportion of positional obstructive sleep apnea.
7 Gunell M et al. Comprehensive real-time epidemiological data from respiratory infections in Finland between 2010 and 2014 obtained from an automated and multianalyte mariPOC® respiratory pathogen test.
8 Hannula-Jouppi K et al. Intrafamily and Interfamilial Phenotype Variation and Immature Immunity in Patients With Netherton Syndrome and Finnish SPINK5 Founder Mutation.
9 Hastrup A et al. Perhekeskus lasten ja perheiden palveluiden tarjoajana.
10 Hietaranta-Luoma H et al. Erratum to: Using ApoE Genotyping to Promote Healthy Lifestyles in Finland- Psychological Impacts: Randomized Controlled Trial.
11 Hietaranta-Luoma HL. Promoting Healthy Lifestyles with Personalized, APOE Genotype Based Health Information: The Effects on Psychological-, Health Behavioral and Clinical Factors.
12 Hongisto M et al. Does cognitive/physical screening in an outpatient setting predict institutionalization after hip fracture?
13 Huovinen J et al. Familial idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus.
14 Ikonen R et al. Keskosten äitien kokemuksia saamastaan ohjauksesta ja tuesta rintamaidon lypsämiseen.
15 Ikonen R et al. Trying to Live With Pumping: Expressing Milk for Preterm or Small for Gestational Age Infants.
16 Ilmarinen P et al. Comorbidities and elevated IL-6 associate with negative outcome in adult-onset asthma.
17 Inkilä J et al. Moniammatillinen yhteistyö perheen kanssa lasten kaltoinkohtelutilanteissa.
18 Inkilä J et al. Moniammatillinen toimintamalli lasten kaltoinkohteluun puuttumisessa.
19 Javanainen M et al. Retrospective analysis of 3 different antithrombotic prophylaxis regimens in bariatric surgery.
20 Jokihaara J et al. Phosphate Binding with Sevelamer Preserves Mechanical Competence of Bone Despite Acidosis in Advanced Experimental Renal Insufficiency.
21 Kankaanranta H et al. Emerging Comorbidities in Adult Asthma: Risks, Clinical Associations, and Mechanisms.
22 Kappos L et al. The 11-year long-term follow-up study from the randomized BENEFIT CIS trial.
23 Kilpeläinen T et al. Estimating bias in causes of death ascertainment in the Finnish Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer.
24 Kirss J et al. Factors predicting a failed primary repair of obstetric anal sphincter injury.
25 Kivelä S et al. Miten parisuhdeväkivalta näyttäytyy terveydenhuollossa.
26 Klemettilä J. Metabolic adverse effects in clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia.
27 Kolasa M et al. Anti-JC virus seroprevalence in a Finnish MS cohort.
28 Korkeala H et al. Psychiatric Nurses' Emotional and Ethical Experiences Regarding Seclusion and Restraint.
29 Korkeila H et al. Phychiatric Nurses´ Emotional and Ethical Experiences Regarding Seclusion and Restraint.
30 Koskinen S et al. INSIG2 polymorphism and weight gain, dyslipidemia and serum adiponectin in Finnish patients with schizophrenia treated with clozapine.
31 Laitila M et al. Hiljaiseen raportointiin siirtymisen edellytykset erikoissairaanhoidon vuodeosastoilla: hoitohenkilökunnan näkemyksiä.
32 Lauhkonen E et al. Following up infant bronchiolitis patients provided new evidence for and against the united airway disease hypothesis.
33 Lauhkonen E et al. Gene Polymorphism of Toll-Like Receptors and Lung Function at Five to Seven Years of Age after Infant Bronchiolitis.
34 Lehtonen A et al. Prevalence and prognosis of ECG abnormalities in normotensive and hypertensive individuals.
35 Leikkola P et al. Non-conveyance of patients: Challenges to dicision-making in emergency care.
36 Leppänen T. Novel Methods for Diagnostics of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
37 Leppänen T et al. RemLogic plug-in enables clinical application of apnea-hypopnea index adjusted for severity of individual obstruction events.
38 Leppänen T et al. Length of Individual Apnea Events Is Increased by Supine Position and Modulated by Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
39 Lietzen E et al. Clinical and laboratory findings in the diagnosis of right lower quadrant abdominal pain: outcome analysis of the APPAC trial.
40 Lohi O et al. Lastentautien erikoislääkärikoulutuksen auditointi - kolmas vaihe.
41 Luoto K et al. Outcome of patients with dual diagnosis in secondary psychiatric care.
42 Långsjö J et al. Critical neural targets for (the level of) human consciousness: Arousal arrest and unconsciousness after sumatriptan administration.
43 Löf C et al. Detection of Novel Gene Variants Associated with Congenital Hypothyroidism in a Finnish Patient Cohort.
44 Marttila T et al. Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guérin Versus Combination of Epirubicin and Interferon-a2a in Reducing Recurrence of Non-Muscle-invasive Bladder Carcinoma: FinnBladder-6 Study.
45 Marttila T et al. Recurrence of Non-Muscle-invasive Bladder Carcinoma: FinnBladder-6 Study.
46 Miravitlles M et al. A review of national guidelines for management of COPD in Europe.
47 Myllymaa K et al. Effect of oxygen desaturation threshold on determination of OSA severity during weight loss.
48 Niemelä M et al. Individual responses in biomarkers of health after marathon and half-marathon running: is age a factor in troponin changes?
49 Niemelä M et al. Acute Changes in Inflammatory Biomarker Levels in Recreational Runners Participating in a Marathon or Half-Marathon.
50 Niemelä O. Biomarker-Based Approaches for Assessing Alcohol Use Disorders.
51 Niemelä O et al. Assays of Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase and Carbohydrate-Deficient Transferrin Combination from Maternal Serum Improve the Detection of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure.
52 Niemelä S et al. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Maternal Alcohol Biomarkers in Sera: A Register-Based Case-Control Study.
53 Nieminen T et al. Työterveyshoitajien kokemuksia työikäisten mielenterveyden edistämisestä työterveydenhuollossa.
54 Nuolivirta K et al. Post-bronchiolitis wheezing is associated with toll-like receptor 9 rs187084 gene polymorphism.
55 Nuotio M, Luukkaala T. Factors associated with changes in mobility and living arrangements in a comprehensive geriatric outpatient assessment after hip fracture.
56 Nuotio M et al. Siirtokriteerit turvaavat iäkkään lonkkamurtumapotilaan jatkohoitoa.
57 Nuotio M et al. Association of nutritional status as measured by the Mini-Nutritional Assessment Short Form with changes in mobility, institutionalization and death after hip fracture.
58 Nuotio M et al. Iäkkäiden lonkkamurtumapotilaiden hoito- ja kuntoutusketjun toimivuuden alueellinen selvitys Etelä-Pohjanmaan sairaanhoitopiirissä.
59 Paavonen V et al. Temperament and character profiles associated with depression and treatment response in patients with or without comorbid substance abuse.
60 Pajulammi H et al. Decreased glomerular filtration rate estimated by 2009 CKD-EPI equation predicts mortality in older hip fracture population.
61 Peräaho H et al. Täydennyskoulutukseen osallistumisen yhteys työntekijöiden valmiuksiin hoitaa perheväkivaltaa.
62 Piirilä P et al. Unique Exercise Lactate Profile in Muscle Phosphofructokinase Deficiency (Tarui Disease); Difference Compared with McArdle Disease.
63 Pänkäläinen M et al. Pessimism and risk of death from coronary heart disease among middle-aged and older Finns: an eleven-year follow-up study.
64 Rantanen T et al. Adenocarcinoma of the Oesophagus and Oesophagogastric Junction: Analysis of Incidence and Risk Factors.
65 Ried JS et al. A principal component meta-analysis on multiple anthropometric traits identifies novel loci for body shape.
66 Ritvonen E et al. Mortality in acromegaly: a 20-year follow-up study.
67 Sairanen J et al. Interstitiaalisen virtsarakkotulehduksen eli virtsarakon kipuoireyhtymän hoito.
68 Saltevo J et al. Gender differences in Thyroid function and obesity among finnish womwn and men. The FN-D2D- study.
69 Sandell S et al. Diagnostically important muscle pathology in DNAJB6 mutated LGMD1D.
70 Stenberg J et al. Mielenterveyttä etänä?
71 Suokas K et al. Asiakas ei ole aina oikeassa - eikä lääkärikään.
72 Surendran P et al. Trans-ancestry meta-analyses identify rare and common variants associated with blood pressure and hypertension.
73 Talaslahti T et al. Psychiatric hospital admission and long-term care in patients with very-late-onset schizophrenia-like psychosis.
74 Tapiainen T et al. Finnish guidelines for the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia and pertussis in children.
75 Tapiainen T et al. Finnish guidelines for the treatment of laryngitis, wheezing bronchitis and bronchiolitis in children.
76 Tarvainen M et al. Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy and hypophysitis after Puumala hantavirus infection.
77 Tirkkonen J et al. Ethically justified treatment limitations in emergency situations.
78 Tommola M et al. The effect of smoking on lung function: a clinical study of adult-onset asthma.
79 Tuomisto L et al. A 12-year prognosis of adult-onset asthma: Seinäjoki Adult Asthma Study .
80 Viitanen E et al. Hospital management teams - reflections on organizational and medical specialization cultures.
81 Väärämäki S et al. Long-Term Experience of Endovascular Repair for Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms and Dissections.
82 Väärämäki S et al. Hybrid Repair of Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms Is a Durable Option for High-Risk Patients in the Endovascular Era.

Julkaisutietokanta 19.10.2017 Publications Data Base 19.10.2017