Ensihoidon, kivunhoidon ja anestesian vastuualue

Julkaisut 2017
Publications 2017

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1 Halonen S et al. Detection of spine structures with Bioimpedance Probe (BIP) Needle in clinical lumbar punctures.
2 Harju J et al. Determination of saturation, heart rate, and respiratory rate at forearm using a Nellcor™ forehead SpO2-saturation sensor.
3 Junttila E. CO artsikastako?
4 Junttila E et al. Hypophosphatemia after nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage.
5 Jäntti V et al. Electric field of EEG during anesthesia.
6 Lauronen S et al. Thermal suit in preventing unintentional intraoperative hypothermia during general anaesthesia: a randomized controlled trial.
7 Luginbuhl M, Yli-Hankala A. Assessment of the components of anaesthesia.
8 Pakkanen T et al. Physician-staffed helicopter emergency medical service has a beneficial impact on the incidence of prehospital hypoxia and secured airways on patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
9 Rinne P et al. The incidence and trauma mechanisms of acetabular fractures: A nationwide study in Finland between 1997 and 2014.
10 Setälä P et al. Assessment of futility in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
11 Sivula A et al. FOUR-pisteytys tehohoitopotilaan tajunnantilan seurannassa: ensimmäiset kokemukset suomennetun version käytöstä.
12 Sulkava M et al. Differentially expressed genes and canonical pathway expression in human atherosclerotic plaques - Tampere Vascular Study.
13 Toikkanen V et al. The Impact of Lung Ventilation on Some Cytokines after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting.

Julkaisutietokanta 20.6.2018 Publications Data Base 20.6.2018