Yleishallinnon vastuualue

Julkaisut 2017
Publications 2017

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1 Brasaite I et al. Health Care Professionals' Knowledge Regarding Patient Safety.
2 Haapio S et al. Effects of extended childbirth education by midwives on the childbirth fear of first-time mothers: an RCT.
3 Harju E et al. Marital relationships and health-related quality of life after prostate cancer diagnosis.
4 Harju E et al. The health-related quality of life of patients with prostate cancer and their spouses before treatment compared with the general population.
5 Jouhki M et al. Giving birth on our own terms-Women's experience of childbirth at home.
6 Kantanen K et al. Leader and management competencies of head nurses and directors of nursing in Finnish social and health care.
7 Kantanen K et al. Leadership and management comperencies of head nurses and directors of nursing in Finnish social and health care.
8 Karila A et al. Budjettiharha julkisessa toimeksiantotaloudessa - esimerkkinä sairaanhoitopiirit.
9 Laine J et al. A controlled survey of less typical long-term consequences after an extensive waterborne epidemic.
10 Nieminen I, Kaunonen M. Professionals' views on mental health service users' education: challenges and support.
11 Nieminen I, Kaunonen M. Professionals’ views on mental health service users’ education: challenges and support .
12 Sorsa M et al. A Qualitative Study of Barriers to Care for People With Co-Occurring Disorders.
13 Välimäki M et al. Connectivity to computers and the Internet among patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a cross-sectional study.
14 Åstedt-Kurki P, Kaunonen M. Editorial, SJCS June 2017 issue: Changing times.

Julkaisutietokanta 20.6.2018 Publications Data Base 20.6.2018