KHKS Hämeenlinnan yksikkö

Julkaisut 2017
Publications 2017

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1 Aalto AP et al. Vulvodynia-Younger Age and Combined Therapies Associate With Significant Reduction in Self-Reported Pain.
2 Aatola H et al. Influence of Child and Adult Elevated Blood Pressure on Adult Arterial Stiffness: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
3 Alaspää A. Myrkytyspotilaan hoito.
4 Alaspää A. Lääkemyrkytykset.
5 Caimmi D et al. Validation of the MASK-rhinitis visual analogue scale on smartphone screens to assess allergic rhinitis control.
6 Grönroos M et al. Akut strokebehandling utförd av akutläkäre på centralsjukhus.
7 Harjola P et al. The role of pre-hospital management in acute heart failure.
8 Hyvärinen N et al. Maahanmuuttajasairaanhoitajien kokemuksia sopeutumisesta työhön ja työyhteisöihin .
9 Hällberg V et al. Obesity paradox disappears in coronary artery bypass graft patients during 20-year follow-up.
10 Joensuu H et al. Adjuvant Capecitabine in Combination With Docetaxel, Epirubicin, and Cyclophosphamide for Early Breast Cancer: The Randomized Clinical FinXX Trial.
11 Kaera A. Itsejohtamisterapia masennuksen hoidossa.
12 Kechagias A, Ukkonen M. CRP divertikuliitin vaikeusasteen arvioimisessa.
13 Ketola S et al. Arthroscopic decompression not recommended in the treatment of rotator cuff tendinopathy: a final review of a randomised controlled trial at a minimum follow-up of ten years.
14 Kilpeläinen T et al. Estimate of Opportunistic Prostate Specific Antigen Testing in the Finnish Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer.
15 Laine J, Mikkola J. HIV-infektio.
16 Laine J, Mikkola J. Vaikeat iho- ja pehmytkudosinfektiot.
17 Liimatainen S et al. Aivovammojen hyvä hoito perustuu yhtenäiseen diagnostiikkaan.
18 Linna M et al. Eteisvärinäpotilaan sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltopalvelujen käyttö komplikaation jälkeen.
19 Länsimies H et al. A systematic review of adolescents' sense of coherence and health.
20 Mattsson N et al. Validation of the short forms of the Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory (PFDI-20), Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire (PFIQ-7), and Pelvic Organ Prolapse/Urinary Incontinence Sexual Questionnaire (PISQ-12) in Finnish.
21 Neuvonen P. Long-term results of Nissen fundoplication.
22 Peromaa-Haavisto P et al. Obstructive sleep apnea: the effect of bariatric surgery after 12 months. A prospective multicenter trial.
23 Ridker P et al. Cardiovascular Efficacy and Safety of Bococizumab in High-Risk Patients.
24 Toppila-Salmi S, Pelkonen A. Lapsen allerginen nuha.
25 Torikka A. Depression and Substance Use in Middle Adolescence.
26 Torikka A et al. Trends in Alcohol Use among Adolescents from 2000 to 2011: The Role of Socioeconomic Status and Depression.
27 Vilander L et al. Genetic variants in SERPINA4 and SERPINA5, but not BCL2 and SIK3 are associated with acute kidney injury in critically ill patients with septic shock.
28 Vilmi-Kerälä T et al. Arterial stiffness in fertile women with metabolic syndrome .
29 Vilmi-Kerälä T et al. Subclinical inflammation associated with prolonged TIMP-1 upregulation and arterial stiffness after gestational diabetes mellitus: a hospital-based cohort study.
30 Väänänen T et al. Glycoprotein YKL-40: A potential biomarker of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis during intensive treatment with csDMARDs and infliximab. Evidence from the randomised controlled NEO-RACo trial .

Julkaisutietokanta 20.6.2018 Publications Data Base 20.6.2018