Nuorisopsykiatrian vastuualue

Julkaisut 2017
Publications 2017

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1 Acacio-Claro PJ et al. Adolescent reserve capacity, socioeconomic status and school achievement as predictors of mortality in Finland - a longitudinal study.
2 Alves J et al. The role of parental smoking on adolescent smoking and its social patterning: a cross-sectional survey in six European cities .
3 Bosque-Prous M et al. Adolescent alcohol use and parental and adolescent socioeconomic position in six Europen cities.
4 Eloranta S et al. The Role of Attachment and Emotion Regulation in the Psychosocial Intervention Among War-Affected Children.
5 Lindberg N et al. Serious delinquency and later schizophrenia: A nationwide register-based follow-up study of Finnish pretrial 15- to 19-year-old offenders sent for a forensic psychiatric examination.
6 Lindberg N et al. Mortality of young offenders: a national register-based follow-up study of 15- to 19-year-old Finnish delinquents referred for forensic psychiatric examination between 1980 and 2010.
7 Litmanen J et al. Are eating disorders and their symptoms increasing in prevalence among adolescent population?
8 Lorant V et al. Social network and inequalities in smoking amongst school-aged adolescents in six European countries.
9 Marttunen M, Kaltiala-Heino R. Nuorisopsykiatria.
10 Minkkinen J et al. Health as a Predictor of Students' Academic Achievement: A 3-Level Longitudinal Study of Finnish Adolescents.
11 Oshukova S et al. Self-assessed limited prosocial emotions do not distinguish community youth with psychosocial problems from those without them.
12 Oshukova S et al. Self-rated psychopathic traits in a sample of treatment-seeking adolescent girls with internalizing and externalizing disorders: comparisons to girls in the community.
13 Parviainen H et al. Consumption of special diets among adolescents from 1999 to 2013: A population-based study in Finland.
14 Perelman J et al. The association between personal income and smoking among adolescents: a study in six European cities.
15 Ranta K et al. Social phobia, depression and eating disorders during middle adolescence: longitudinal associations and treatment seeking.
16 Rimpelä A. Alkoholilain uudistus uhkaa hyvää kehitystä.
17 Savioja A et al. Parental involvement, depression, and sexual experiences across adolescence: a cross-sectional survey among adolescents of different ades.
18 Savioja H et al. Delinquency and sexual experiences across adolescence: does depression play a role?
19 Sumia M et al. Current and recalled childhood gender identity in community youth in comparison to referred adolescents seeking sex reassignment.
20 Talonen S et al. Gender differences in first onset Schizophrenia spectrum psychoses.
21 Torikka A et al. Trends in Alcohol Use among Adolescents from 2000 to 2011: The Role of Socioeconomic Status and Depression.
22 Turja T et al. Proeating disorder websites and subjective well-being: A four-country study on young people.
23 Wiss K et al. Terveydenhoitajat, lääkärit, psykologit ja kuraattorit peruskouluissa 2008-2015.

Julkaisutietokanta 20.6.2018 Publications Data Base 20.6.2018