
Julkaisut 2017
Publications 2017

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1 Barker H et al. Role of carbonic anhydrases in skin wound healing.
2 Bauer C et al. The effect of muscle fatigue and low back pain on lumbar movement variability and complexity.
3 Contreras-Muñoz P et al. Postinjury Exercise and Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapies Improve Skeletal Muscle Healing in Rats But Are Not Synergistic When Combined.
4 Haapasalo H et al. Epidemiology of calcaneal fractures in Finland.
5 Havulinna J. Ganglio.
6 Havulinna J. Lunatummalasia (kienböckin tauti).
7 Havulinna J. Dupuytrenin kontraktuura.
8 Heinänen M et al. Accuracy and Coverage of Diagnosis and Procedural Coding of Severely Injured Patients in the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register: Comparison to Patient Files and the Helsinki Trauma Registry.
9 Hevonkorpi T et al. Värttinäluun alaosan murtuman primäärin leikkaushoidon ja korjaavan osteotomian ilmaantuvuus yli 50-vuotiailla suomalaisilla.
10 Ilves O et al. Quality of life and disability: can they be improved by active postoperative rehabilitation after spinal fusion surgery in patients with spondylolisthesis? A randomised controlled trial with 12-month follow-up.
11 Ilves O et al. Effectiveness of postoperative home-exercise compared with usual care on kinesiophobia and physical activity in spondylolisthesis: A randomized controlled trial.
12 Jokihaara J et al. Characteristics of hand injuries caused by powered wood splitters.
13 Järvelä S et al. Double-Bundle Versus Single-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Prospective Randomized Study With 10-Year Results.
14 Järvinen T et al. Systemically Administered, Target-Specific Therapeutic Recombinant Proteins and Nanoparticles for Regenerative Medicine.
15 Kaartinen I et al. Haavanhoitoon kannattaa panostaa.
16 Kaartinen I et al. Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma - From diagnosis to treatment.
17 Kannus P et al. Continuous decline in incidence of distal humeral fracture of older women in Finland.
18 Kannus P et al. Stabilized Incidence in Proximal Humeral Fractures of Elderly Women: Nationwide Statistics From Finland in 1970-2015.
19 Karvonen S et al. The Elimination of Transfer Distances Is an Important Part of Hospital Design.
20 Kiekara T et al. Femoral and Tibial Tunnel Diameter and Bioabsorbable Screw Findings After Double-Bundle ACL Reconstruction in 5-Year Clinical and MRI Follow-up.
21 Kiiski J et al. Modified approach for endoscopic harvest of the latissimus dorsi free flap with CO2 insufflation and standard laparoscopic equipment.
22 Koljonen V et al. Moniammatillinen suunnittelu edistää melanoomapotilaan hoitoa.
23 Kolu P et al. Evaluation of the Effects of Physical Activity, Cardiorespiratory Condition, and Neuromuscular Fitness on Direct Healthcare Costs and Sickness-Related Absence Among Nursing Personnel With Recurrent Nonspecific Low Back Pain.
24 Kosola J et al. Complications after surgical treatment of femoral neck fractures in men with alcohol dependence syndrome: retrospective register analysis of 154 cases.
25 Kummola L et al. R-Ras deficiency does not affect papain-induced IgE production in mice.
26 Kääriäinen M. Lihasvammat.
27 Kääriäinen M et al. Greater Success of Primary Fascial Closure of the Open Abdomen: A Retrospective Study Analyzing Applied Surgical Techniques, Success of Fascial Closure, and Variables Affecting the Results.
28 Kääriäinen M et al. Chest-wall contouring surgery in female-to-male transgender patients: A one-center retrospective analysis of applied surgical techniques and results.
29 L Wilson M et al. Pediatric TBI in Finland: An examination of hospital discharges (1998-2012).
30 Laakso M et al. Re-organizing inpatient care saves legs in patients with diabetic foot infections.
31 Laine H, Leppikangas H. Epämääräisestä jonottamisesta aikataulutettuun toimintaa.
32 Laitinen M et al. High blood metal ion levels in 19 of 22 patients with metal-on-metal hinge knee replacements.
33 Laitinen M et al. Is computer navigation when used in the surgery of iliosacral pelvic bone tumours safer for the patient?
34 Laitinen MK et al. Resection of the ilium in patients with a sarcoma: should the pelvic ring be reconstructed?
35 Leppänen M et al. Sagittal Plane Hip, Knee, and Ankle Biomechanics and the Risk of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Prospective Study.
36 Leppänen M et al. Stiff Landings Are Associated With Increased ACL Injury Risk in Young Female Basketball and Floorball Players.
37 Leppänen O et al. Outcomes After Flexor Tendon Repair Combined With the Application of Human Amniotic Membrane Allograft.
38 Mattila VM et al. Low back pain during military service predicts low back pain later in life.
39 Mikkola T et al. Virtsankarkailu (naiset). Käypä hoito päivitystiivistelmä.
40 Nordenvall R et al. The Effect of Socioeconomic Status on the Choice of Treatment for Patients With Cruciate Ligament Injuries in the Knee.
41 Nortunen S et al. Dynamic Stress Testing Is Unnecessary for Unimalleolar Supination-External Rotation Ankle Fractures with Minimal Fracture Displacement on Lateral Radiographs.
42 Palve J. Kroonisten haavojen konservatiivisen hoidon mahdollisuudet.
43 Peltokangas M et al. Combining finger and toe photoplethysmograms for the detection of atherosclerosis.
44 Peltokangas M et al. Age Dependence of Arterial Pulse Wave Parameters Extracted From Dynamic Blood Pressure and Blood Volume Pulse Waves.
45 Rade M et al. Reduced Spinal Cord Movement With the Straight Leg Raise Test in Patients With Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation.
46 Rade M et al. Normal multiplanar movement of the spinal cord during unilateral and bilateral straight leg raise: Quantification, mechanisms, and overview.
47 Raittio L et al. Comparison of volar-flexion, ulnar-deviation and functional position cast immobilization in the non-operative treatment of distal radius fracture in elderly patients: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial study protocol.
48 Ratasvuori M, Laitinen M. Raajojen ja lantion luustoetäpesäkkeiden kirurginen hoito - ei enää pelkkää palliaatiota.
49 Rinne P et al. The incidence and trauma mechanisms of acetabular fractures: A nationwide study in Finland between 1997 and 2014.
50 Rämö et al. Open reduction and internal fixation of humeral shaft fractures versus conservative treatment with a functional brace: a study protocol of a randomised controlled trial embedded in a cohort.
51 Salonen E et al. Traumatic Patellar Dislocation and Cartilage Injury: A Follow-up Study of Long-Term Cartilage Deterioration.
52 Salonen E et al. Traumatic Patellar Dislocation and Cartilage Injury: A Follow-up Study of Long-Term Cartilage Deterioration.
53 Saukkonen P et al. Organisaatiokulttuuri ja -ilmapiiri hoitohenkilökunnan näkökulmasta.
54 Shen Y et al. Recombinant Decorin Fusion Protein Attenuates Murine Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Formation and Rupture.
55 Sumrein B et al. Proximal humeral fractures in Sweden-a registry-based study.
56 Taulaniemi A et al. Bio-psychosocial factors are associated with pain intensity, physical functioning, and ability to work in female healthcare personnel with recurrent low back pain.
57 Trovik C et al. The Scandinavian Sarcoma Group Central Register: 6,000 patients after 25 years of monitoring of referral and treatment of extremity and trunk wall soft-tissue sarcoma.
58 Törnävä M. Vastaanotolla vulvodyniaa sairastava nainen : koulutusinterventiotutkimus vulvodynian ja sen hoidon tietämyksestä terveydenhuoltohenkilöstöllä.
59 Uusi-Rasi K et al. A 2-Year Follow-Up After a 2-Year RCT with Vitamin D and Exercise: Effects on Falls, Injurious Falls and Physical Functioning Among Older Women.
60 Uusi-Rasi K et al. Exercise Training in Treatment and Rehabilitation of Hip Osteoarthritis: A 12-Week Pilot Trial.
61 van Praag V et al. A prediction model for treatment decisions in high-grade extremity soft-tissue sarcomas: Personalised sarcoma care (PERSARC).
62 Vähätupa M et al. Furin deficiency in myeloid cells leads to attenuated revascularization in a mouse-model of oxygen-induced retinopathy.
63 Willeumier JJ et al. Individualised risk assessment for local recurrence and distant metastases in a retrospective transatlantic cohort of 687 patients with high-grade soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities: a multistate model.

Julkaisutietokanta 20.6.2018 Publications Data Base 20.6.2018