Gastroenterologian vastuualue

Julkaisut 2018 (alustava)
Publications 2018 (preliminary)

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1 Ahola R. The Effect of Operation Volume on the Management and Prognosis of Pancreatic Cancer Patients in Finland.
2 Ahola R et al. Access to radical resections of pancreatic cancer is region-dependent despite the public healthcare system in Finland.
3 Chetcuti Z et al. Vitamin D deficiency in a European inflammatory bowel disease inception cohort: an Epi-IBD study.
4 Collin P et al. Keliakia piilottelee pitkään.
5 Collin P et al. Review article: coeliac disease in later life must not be missed.
6 Del Chiaro M et al. European evidence-based guidelines on pancreatic cystic neoplasms .
7 Haijanen J et al. Optimising the antibiotic treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis: a protocol for a multicentre randomised clinical trial (APPAC II trial).
8 Harju E et al. Eturauhassyöpäpotilaiden ja heidän puolisoidensa terveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu vuosi diagnoosin jälkeen .
9 Helavirta I et al. Long-term functional outcome after restorative proctocolectomy: a cross-sectional study.
10 Helavirta I et al. Health-Related Quality of Life after Restorative Proctocolectomy: A Cross-Sectional Study.
11 Hietikko M et al. Ex vivo Culture of Duodenal Biopsies from Patients with Dermatitis Herpetiformis Indicates that Transglutaminase 3 Antibody Production Occurs in the Gut.
12 Hietikko M et al. Disappearance of epidermal transglutaminase and IgA deposits from the papillary dermis of patients with dermatitis herpetiformis after a long-term gluten-free diet.
13 Hietikko M et al. Small-intestinal TG2-specific plasma cells at different stages of coeliac disease.
14 Jokinen E. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus epidemic in Pirkanmaa.
15 Kantonen I et al. Akuutti mesenteriaali-iskemia.
16 Keane MG et al. Risk of malignancy in resected pancreatic mucinous cystic neoplasms.
17 Khan J et al. Long-Term Prognosis and Causes of Death After Pleural Infections .
18 Kirss J et al. Impact of sphincter lesions and delayed sphincter repair on sacral neuromodulation treatment outcomes for faecal incontinence: results from a Finnish national cohort study.
19 Kodrashova A et al. Exocrine pancreas function decreases during the progression of the beta-cell damaging process in young prediabetic children.
20 Kuismanen K et al. Outcomes of primary anal sphincter repair after obstetric injury and evaluation of a novel three-choice assessment.
21 Laine O et al. Elevated serum antiphospholipid antibodies in adults with celiac disease.
22 Laukkarinen J. Haiman kystiset kasvaimet.
23 Laukkarinen J. Musinoottinen kystinen neoplasia (MCN).
24 Laukkarinen J. Seroosi kystinen neoplasia (SCN).
25 Laukkarinen J. Intraduktaalinen papillaarinen musinoottinen neoplasia (IPMN).
26 Laukkarinen J. Solidi pseudopapillaarinen neoplasia (SPN).
27 Laukkarinen J. Muut haiman kystiset kasvaimet.
28 Laukkarinen J. Haiman kystisten kasvainten leikkaushoito.
29 Laukkarinen J. Haiman kystisten kasvainten seuranta.
30 Laukkarinen J. Haimasyövän hoito.
31 Laukkarinen J, Kylänpää L. Kroonisen pankreatiitin esiintyminen, etiologia ja patogeneesi.
32 Laukkarinen J, Kylänpää L. Kroonisen pankreatiitin oireet, löydökset ja diagnoosi.
33 Laukkarinen J, Kylänpää L. Kroonisen pankreatiitin hoito.
34 Lietzén E et al. The Accuracy of the Computed Tomography Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis: Does the Experience of the Radiologist Matter?
35 Mansikka E et al. Prognosis of Dermatitis Herpetiformis Patients with and without Villous Atrophy at Diagnosis.
36 Mansikka E et al. Diagnostic Delay in Dermatitis Herpetiformis in a High-prevalence Area.
37 Molander P et al. The impacts of an inflammatory bowel disease nurse specialist on the quality of care and costs in Finland.
38 Nordström P et al. Ylemmän suolilievevaltimon äkillinen embolia tai tromboosi.
39 Nordström P et al. Nonokklusiivinen mesenteriaali-iskemia (NOMI).
40 Pasternack C et al. Self-Reported Fractures in Dermatitis Herpetiformis Compared to Coeliac Disease.
41 Pekki H et al. Long-term follow-up in adults with coeliac disease: Predictors and effect on health outcomes.
42 Peltola E et al. Characteristics and Outcomes of 79 Patients with an Insulinoma: A Nationwide Retrospective Study in Finland.
43 Puolakkainen P et al. Akuutti haimatulehdus.
44 Puolakkainen P, Laukkarinen J. Akuutin pankreatiitin esiintyminen, etiologia ja patogeneesi.
45 Puolakkainen P, Laukkarinen J. Akuutin pankreatiitin oireet ja diagnoosi.
46 Puolakkainen P, Laukkarinen J. Akuutin pankreatiitin etiologian selvittäminen.
47 Puolakkainen P, Laukkarinen J. Akuutin pankreatiitin hoito.
48 Puolakkainen P, Laukkarinen J. Akuutin pankreatiitin ennuste.
49 Reunala T et al. Dermatitis Herpetiformis: A Common Extraintestinal Manifestation of Coeliac Disease.
50 Sallinen VJ et al. Prognosis of sporadic resected small ( 2 cm) nonfunctional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors - a multi-institutional study.
51 Salminen P et al. Five-Year Follow-up of Antibiotic Therapy for Uncomplicated Acute Appendicitis in the APPAC Randomized Clinical Trial.
52 Siiki A et al. Endoskopia haimasairauksien diagnostiikassa .
53 Siiki A, Laukkarinen J. Sappitiehyttähystys parantaa sappitiehytsairauksien diagnostiikkaa .
54 Siiki A et al. A pilot study of endoscopically inserted biodegradable biliary stents in the treatment of benign biliary strictures and cystic duct leaks.
55 Siiki A et al. A systematic review of biodegradable biliary stents: promising biocompatibility without stent removal.
56 Siiki A et al. Biodegradable biliary stents preferable to plastic stent therapy in post-cholecystectomy bile leak and avoid second endoscopy.
57 Sippola S et al. A randomised placebo-controlled double-blind multicentre trial comparing antibiotic therapy with placebo in the treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis: APPAC III trial study protocol.
58 Viitasalo L et al. Microbial Biomarkers in Patients with Nonresponsive Celiac Disease.
59 Ylisaukko-Oja T et al. High treatment persistence rate and significant endoscopic healing among real-life patients treated with vedolizumab - a Finnish Nationwide Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study (FINVEDO).

Julkaisutietokanta 31.12.2019 Publications Data Base 31.12.2019