Yleishallinnon vastuualue

Julkaisut 2018 (alustava)
Publications 2018 (preliminary)

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1 Aho A et al. Grandmothers' Grief after the Loss of a Grandchild.
2 Antila-Långsjö R et al. Comparison of transvaginal ultrasound and saline contrast sonohysterography in evaluation of cesarean scar defect: a prospective cohort study.
3 Antila-Långsjö RM et al. Cesarean scar defect: a prospective study on risk factors.
4 Autti-Rämö I et al. Priorisointi ei ole tunnepeliä.
5 Harju E et al. Eturauhassyöpäpotilaiden ja heidän puolisoidensa terveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu vuosi diagnoosin jälkeen .
6 Harju E et al. Marital relationship and health-related quality of life of patients with prostate cancer and their spouses: A longitudinal clinical study.
7 Harju E et al. Health-related quality of life in patients with prostate cancer and their spouses: Results from a longitudinal study.
8 Harju E et al. Changes in the health-related quality of life of patients with prostate cancer and their spouses.
9 Hiltunen K. Paksuuoli, peräsuoli ,anus. Rakenne ja toiminta.
10 Ikonen R et al. Preterm infants' mothers' initiation and frequency of breast milk expression and exclusive use of mother's breast milk in neonatal intensive care units.
11 Kaunonen M. Sairaanhoitajana urologisella osastolla 1980-luvulla .
12 Kortteisto T et al. Attitudes of mental health professionals towards service user involvement.
13 Laitila M et al. Service users' views regarding user involvement in mental health services: A qualitative study.
14 Lepistö S et al. Healthcare professionals’ work engagement in Finnish university hospitals.
15 Lepistö S et al. Healthcare professionals' work engagement in Finnish university hospitals.
16 Lindfors K et al. Preceptors' perceptions of the elements of a successful and an unsuccessful orientation period for newly graduated nurses.
17 Pitkänen A et al. Outcome of neuropsychiatric symptoms and daily functioning of patients with dementia treated on an acute psychogeriatric ward.
18 Salmi T et al. Nuorten itsetuhoisuuden syyt, ilmeneminen ja avun saannin odotukset vanhempien näkökulmasta.
19 Sorsa M et al. Engagement in help-seeking of dual diagnosed mothers at a low-threshold service: grasping life through co-created opportunities.
20 Tuomisto S et al. Family involvement in rehabilitation: Coronary artery disease-patients' perspectives.
21 Åstedt-Kurki P, Kaunonen M. Ethics in nursing research and research publications.

Julkaisutietokanta 31.12.2019 Publications Data Base 31.12.2019