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Julkaisut 2018 (alustava)
Publications 2018 (preliminary)

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1 Jämsen E. CORR Insights®: The Rothman Index is Associated With Postdischarge Adverse Events After Hip Fracture Surgery in Geriatric Patients.
2 Jämsä P et al. Moderate to severe renal insufficiency is associated with high mortality following hip and knee replacement.
3 Jämsä P et al. Chronic Kidney Diseases Among Patients Undergoing Elective Arthroplasty: Risk Groups and the Value of Serum Creatinine.
4 Järvelä K et al. Postoperative Delirium in Cardiac Surgery Patients.
5 Kangas T et al. Muistin ja tarkkaavaisuuden häiriöiden seulonta sairaalassa on aiheellista.
6 Kangasniemi H et al. Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in nursing homes and primary care facilities in Pirkanmaa, Finland.
7 Karjalainen M et al. The characterization of surgical smoke from various tissues and its implications for occupational safety.
8 Kontunen A et al. Tissue Identification in a Porcine Model by Differential Ion Mobility Spectrometry Analysis of Surgical Smoke.
9 Lehto M et al. Liitännäissairaudet huonontavat lonkan ja polven tekonivelkirurgian pitkäaikaistuloksia.
10 Levy B et al. Clinical Faceoff: The Role of Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy in the Treatment of Meniscal Tears.
11 Linnanmäki L et al. Factors Accounting for Variation in the Biomechanical Properties of Flexor Tendon Repairs.
12 Linnanmäki L et al. Gap Formation During Cyclic Testing of Flexor Tendon Repair.
13 Molander P et al. The impacts of an inflammatory bowel disease nurse specialist on the quality of care and costs in Finland.
14 Oksala N, Roine A. Toimenpiteenaikainen kudostunnistus.
15 Paavola M et al. Subacromial decompression versus diagnostic arthroscopy for shoulder impingement: randomised, placebo surgery controlled clinical trial.
16 Ranne J et al. Arthroscopic Coracoclavicular Ligament Reconstruction Using Graft Augmentation and Titanium Implants.
17 Rönneikkö J et al. Reasons for home care clients' unplanned Hospital admissions and their associations with patient characteristics.
18 Salminen P et al. Effect of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy vs Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass on Weight Loss at 5 Years Among Patients With Morbid Obesity: The SLEEVEPASS Randomized Clinical Trial.
19 Sihvonen R. Hoida se kons! - Miten hoidan? Polven degeneratiivinen sairaus: nivelkierukan repeämä.
20 Sihvonen R et al. Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy versus placebo surgery for a degenerative meniscus tear: a 2-year follow-up of the randomised controlled trial.
21 Sutinen M et al. Overweight is Associated With Increased Incidence of Minor Complications After Reduction Mammoplasty: A Retrospective Analysis of 453 Consecutive Cases.
22 Syrjänen J et al. HIV ja vanheneminen.
23 Venäläinen MK et al. Altered Polyamine Profiles in Colorectal Cancer.
24 Virtanen J et al. In vitro detection of common rhinosinusitis bacteria by the eNose utilising differential mobility spectrometry.

Julkaisutietokanta 31.12.2019 Publications Data Base 31.12.2019