KHKS Hämeenlinnan yksikkö

Julkaisut 2018 (alustava)
Publications 2018 (preliminary)

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1 Airas L et al. Monoklonaaliset vasta-aineet MS-taudin hoidossa.
2 Andre K et al. BDNF and NRG1 polymorphisms and temperament in selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-treated patients with major depression.
3 Au J et al. An assessment of intra-individual variability in carotid artery longitudinal wall motion: recommendations for data acquisition.
4 Backström M et al. Defining new clinically derived criteria for high disease activity in non-systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a Finnish multicentre study.
5 Baldursson J et al. Emergency medicine for 25 Years in Iceland - history of the specialty in a nutshell.
6 Halkoaho A et al. Kliinisen tutkimuksen tietoon perustuva suostumusprosessi - onko jo aika siirtyä sähköiseen suostumukseen?
7 Jaalama M et al. Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis (Groups C or G Streptococci) Colonization in Pregnant Women: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
8 Kechagias A et al. Index C-reactive protein predicts increased severity in acute sigmoid diverticulitis.
9 Kiekara T. Kuvantamismenetelmän valinta alaraajadiagnostiikassa.
10 Kivelä L et al. Long-term health and treatment outcomes in adult coeliac disease patients diagnosed by screening in childhood.
11 Knip M et al. Effect of hydrolyzed infant formula vs conventional formula on risk of type 1 diabetes the TRIGR randomized clinical trial.
12 Koivistoinen T et al. Pulse Wave Velocity Predicts the Progression of Blood Pressure and Development of Hypertension in Young Adults.
13 Laitila M et al. Service users' views regarding user involvement in mental health services: A qualitative study.
14 Lemmetyinen R et al. Higher mortality of adults with asthma: A 15-year follow-up of a population-based cohort.
15 May P et al. Rare coding variants in genes encoding GABAA receptors in genetic generalised epilepsies: an exome-based case-control study.
16 Mehlum L et al. Building a strong European alliance for personality disorder research and intervention.
17 Purdy M et al. A prospective, randomized, open label, controlled study investigating the efficiency and safety of 3 different methods of rectus sheath block analgesia following midline laparotomy.
18 Reijula E et al. Comparable indicators of therapeutic misconception between epilepsy or Parkinson's disease patients between those with clinical trial experience and trial non-participants.
19 Saarinen H et al. Improved insulin sensitivity and lower postprandial triglyceride concentrations after cold-pressed turnip rapeseed oil compared to cream in patients with metabolic syndrome.
20 Saarinen H et al. Determining the mechanisms of dietary turnip rapeseed oil on cholesterol metabolism in men with metabolic syndrome.
21 Salmi T et al. Nuorten itsetuhoisuuden syyt, ilmeneminen ja avun saannin odotukset vanhempien näkökulmasta.
22 Salminen A et al. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Does Not Increase the Morbidity of Radical Cystectomy: A 10-year Retrospective Nationwide Study.
23 Sauna-Aho O et al. Signs indicating dementia in Down, Williams and Fragile X syndromes.
24 Taivainen H et al. Influence of cardiovascular risk factors on longitudinal motion of the common carotid artery wall.
25 Turtinen M et al. Sex as a determinant of type 1 diabetes at diagnosis.
26 Turunen A. Ischemia -reperfusion syndrome in human renal transplantation: Studies of the pathophysiological mechanisms.
27 Vilmi-Kerälä T. Cardiovascular risk factors and arterial function after gestational diabetes mellitus.
28 Virta L et al. Declining trend in valproate use in Finland among females of childbearing age in 2012-2016 - a nationwide registry-based outpatient study.
29 Ylisaukko-Oja T et al. High treatment persistence rate and significant endoscopic healing among real-life patients treated with vedolizumab - a Finnish Nationwide Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study (FINVEDO).

Julkaisutietokanta 31.12.2019 Publications Data Base 31.12.2019