Aikuispsykiatrian vastuualue

Julkaisut 2018 (alustava)
Publications 2018 (preliminary)

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1 Aaltonen K et al. Decline in suicide mortality after psychiatric hospitalization for depression in Finland between 1991 and 2014.
2 Ala-Nikkola T et al. Identifying Local and Centralized Mental Health Services-The Development of a New Categorizing Variable.
3 Amare AT et al. Association of the Polygenic Scores for Personality Traits and Response to Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder.
4 Andre K et al. BDNF and NRG1 polymorphisms and temperament in selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-treated patients with major depression.
5 Archer M et al. The effects of adiposity and alcohol use disorder on adipokines and biomarkers of inflammation in depressed patients.
6 Halonen J et al. Distinctive use of newer and older antidepressants in major geographical areas: A nationally representative register-based study.
7 Huovinen E et al. Verkostosta energiaa.
8 Järvenpää S et al. Reversible psychiatric adverse effects related to deep brain stimulation of the anterior thalamus in patients with refractory epilepsy.
9 Kohtala S et al. Neurobiologiset ilmiöt nopean masennuslääkevasteen taustalla.
10 Leinonen E. Voiko masennuslääkkeen aiheuttama seksuaalisen toiminnan häiriö jäädä pysyväksi.
11 Leinonen E et al. Ahdistuneisuuden lääkehoito.
12 Leinonen E et al. Ahdistuneisuushäiriöiden lääkehoito.
13 Lepistö S et al. Healthcare professionals’ work engagement in Finnish university hospitals.
14 Lepistö S et al. Healthcare professionals' work engagement in Finnish university hospitals.
15 Luoto KE et al. Behavioral activation versus treatment as usual in naturalistic sample of psychiatric patients with depressive symptoms: a benchmark controlled trial.
16 Nurmela K et al. Identification of major depressive disorder among the long-term unemployed.
17 Nurmela K et al. Identification of Depression and Screening for Work Disabilities among Long-Term Unemployed People.
18 Paavonen V et al. Temperament clusters associate with anxiety disorder comorbidity in depression.
19 Paavonen V et al. Temperament and character profiles are associated with depression outcome in psychiatric secondary care patients with harmful drinking.
20 Pitkänen A et al. Outcome of neuropsychiatric symptoms and daily functioning of patients with dementia treated on an acute psychogeriatric ward.
21 Sadeniemi M et al. A Comparison of Mental Health Care Systems in Northern and Southern Europe: A Service Mapping Study.
22 Solismaa A et al. Genetic Polymorphisms Associated With Constipation and Anticholinergic Symptoms in Patients Receiving Clozapine.
23 Sorri A et al. Low tumor necrosis factor-a levels predict symptom reduction during electroconvulsive therapy in major depressive disorder.
24 Sorri A et al. Effect of electroconvulsive therapy on brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in patients with major depressive disorder.

Julkaisutietokanta 31.12.2019 Publications Data Base 31.12.2019