Seinäjoen keskussairaala

Julkaisut 2018 (alustava)
Publications 2018 (preliminary)

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1 Aalto M. Mitä kerron potilaalleni AA:sta?
2 Aalto M. Alkoholin haitallisuudesta sosioekonominen paradoksi.
3 Aalto M. Bentsodiatsepiiniriippuvuuden hoito.
4 Aalto M. Huumeet ja mielenterveys.
5 Aalto M et al. Huume- ja lääkeriippuvuudet.
6 Aalto M et al. Huumeiden ja lääkkeiden käyttö sosiaalisena ja kansanterveydellisenä ongelmana.
7 Ahonen-Siirtola M et al. Laparoscopic versus hybrid approach for treatment of incisional ventral hernia: a prospective randomized multicenter study of 1-month follow-up results.
8 Alho H et al. Huumeongelmaisen hoito . Käypä hoito suositus, päivitystiivistelmä.
9 Amare AT et al. Association of the Polygenic Scores for Personality Traits and Response to Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder.
10 Andre K et al. BDNF and NRG1 polymorphisms and temperament in selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-treated patients with major depression.
11 Archer M et al. The effects of adiposity and alcohol use disorder on adipokines and biomarkers of inflammation in depressed patients.
12 Backman K et al. Asthma and lung function in adulthood after a viral wheezing episode in early childhood.
13 Demidenko J et al. Family functioning evaluated by family members of older patients and nurses in emergency departments.
14 Duce B et al. The prevalence of REM-related obstructive sleep apnoea is reduced by the AASM 2012 hypopnoea criteria.
15 Eränkö E et al. Immune cell phenotype and functional defects in Netherton syndrome.
16 Haijanen J et al. Optimising the antibiotic treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis: a protocol for a multicentre randomised clinical trial (APPAC II trial).
17 Heikkilä P et al. Using high-flow nasal cannulas for infants with bronchiolitis admitted to paediatric wards is safe and feasible.
18 Holster A et al. IL-17A gene polymorphism rs2275913 is associated with the development of asthma after bronchiolitis in infancy.
19 Holster A et al. Polymorphisms in the promoter region of IL10 gene are associated with virus etiology of infant bronchiolitis.
20 Hongisto M et al. Lateral and Posterior Approaches in Hemiarthroplasty.
21 Ikonen R et al. Preterm infants' mothers' initiation and frequency of breast milk expression and exclusive use of mother's breast milk in neonatal intensive care units.
22 Javanainen M et al. Two-Year Nutrition Data in Terms of Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Albumin After Bariatric Surgery and Long-term Fracture Data Compared with Conservatively Treated Obese Patients: a Retrospective Cohort Study.
23 Javanainen M et al. A Retrospective 2-Year Follow-up of Late Complications Treated Surgically and Endoscopically After Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (LRYGB) and Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG) for Morbid Obesity.
24 Jäntti V et al. Electroencephalographic signals during anesthesia recorded from surface and depth electrodes.
25 Kangas S et al. An integrative systematic review of interprofessional education on diabetes.
26 Kankaanranta H, Moilanen E. Keuhkosairauksien hoidossa käytettävät lääkeaineet.
27 Kauppila E, Rautio P. FDG-PET-TT muutti keuhkosyövän levinneisyysluokan ja hoidon.
28 Keiski P et al. Nainen perheväkivallan tekijänä -ryhmäinterventio väkivaltakäyttäytymisen loppumiseksi .
29 Kirss J et al. Impact of sphincter lesions and delayed sphincter repair on sacral neuromodulation treatment outcomes for faecal incontinence: results from a Finnish national cohort study.
30 Kivelä S et al. A cross-sectional descriptive study of the family functioning, health and social support of hospital patients with family violence backgrounds.
31 Koivula T et al. Psychological and physical violence towards children with disabilities in Finland and Sweden.
32 Korhonen L et al. Enterovirus infection during pregnancy is inversely associated with atopic disease in the offspring.
33 Korppi M, Nuolivirta K. Exploratory and confirmatory studies have different targets and both are needed in clinical research.
34 Kortteisto T et al. Attitudes of mental health professionals towards service user involvement.
35 Kulkas A et al. Required CPAP usage time to normalize AHI in obstructive sleep apnea patients: a simulation study.
36 Kulkas A et al. Simulation of Required CPAP Usage to Normalize AHI in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients.
37 Kuusalo L et al. High burden of adverse events is associated with reduced remission rates in early rheumatoid arthritis.
38 Laine M et al. Outcomes of High-Frequency Gastric Electric Stimulation for the Treatment of Severe, Medically Refractory Gastroparesis in Finland.
39 Laine O et al. Elevated serum antiphospholipid antibodies in adults with celiac disease.
40 Laitila M et al. Service users' views regarding user involvement in mental health services: A qualitative study.
41 Lassila A, Kampman O. Työmalleja toipumisorientaation pohjalta.
42 Lauhkonen E et al. Impulse oscillometry at preschool age is a strong predictor of lung function by flow-volume spirometry in adolescence.
43 Laurikka P et al. Tyypin 1 diabetes ja keliakia -seuloa vai ei?
44 Laurikka P et al. Extraintestinal Manifestations of Celiac Disease: Early Detection for Better Long-Term Outcomes.
45 Leikkola P et al. Emergency Patients' and Family Members' Experiences of Nonconveyance Situations and Counseling Received From Care Providers.
46 Leppänen T et al. Differences in arousal probability and duration after apnea and hypopnea events in adult obstructive sleep apnea patients.
47 Leskinen MJ et al. Urologiset ja miesten lantionalueen kivut.
48 Levola J et al. The association of alcohol use and quality of life in depressed and non-depressed individuals: a cross-sectional general population study.
49 Lietzén E et al. The Accuracy of the Computed Tomography Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis: Does the Experience of the Radiologist Matter?
50 Lindfors K et al. Preceptors' perceptions of the elements of a successful and an unsuccessful orientation period for newly graduated nurses.
51 Lindholm L. Maakunnallinen lastensuojelu tienristeyksessä - tienviittoja systeemisen lastensuojelun implementointiin .
52 Loponen J et al. Daily physical activity and lung function decline in adult-onset asthma: a 12-year follow-up study.
53 Luoto KE et al. Behavioral activation versus treatment as usual in naturalistic sample of psychiatric patients with depressive symptoms: a benchmark controlled trial.
54 Mantula P et al. High plasma resistin associates with severe acute kidney injury in Puumala hantavirus infetion.
55 Miettinen M et al. The effect of age and gender on the genetic regulation of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D - the FIN-D2D population-based study.
56 Mikkola R et al. Out-of-hospital emergency care providers' work and challenges in a changing care environment.
57 Mikkola R et al. Out-of-hospital emergency care providers´ work and clinical skills in Finlanf: A follow-up-study.
58 Miravitlles M et al. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease guidelines in Europe: a look into the future.
59 Moilanen E, Kankaanranta H. Eikosanoidit ja tulehduskipulääkkeet.
60 Mustila T et al. A pragmatic controlled trial to prevent childhood obesity within a risk group at maternity and child health-care clinics: results up to six years of age (the VACOPP study).
61 Mäntymaa M et al. Pikkulasten syömisongelmien tutkiminen ja hoito: lastenpsykiatrinen näkökulma.
62 Niemi-Nikkola V et al. Long-term Posttraumatic Survival of Spinal Fracture Patients in Northern Finland.
63 Nuolivirta K et al. IL17A gene polymorphisms rs4711998 and rs8193036 are not associated with postbronchiolitis asthma in Finnish children.
64 Nurmi R et al. Celiac disease or positive tissue transglutaminase antibodies in patients undergoing renal biopsies.
65 Paajanan I et al. Thyroid FNA diagnostics in a real-life setting: Experiences of the implementation of the Bethesda system in Finland.
66 Paavilainen E et al. Encountering and counselling patients and family members in out-of-hospital emergency care in non-conveyance situations: Follow-up study in Finland.
67 Paavonen V et al. Temperament clusters associate with anxiety disorder comorbidity in depression.
68 Paavonen V et al. Temperament and character profiles are associated with depression outcome in psychiatric secondary care patients with harmful drinking.
69 Pajamäki N et al. Long-term cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients treated for differentiated thyroid cancer.
70 Pajulammi H, Nuotio M. Geriatri lonkkamurtumapotilaan akuuttihoidossa - käyttämätön mahdollisuus.
71 Pasanen A et al. NKG2D gene variation and susceptibility to viral bronchiolitis in childhood.
72 Peltola E et al. Characteristics and Outcomes of 79 Patients with an Insulinoma: A Nationwide Retrospective Study in Finland.
73 Pitkänen A et al. Outcome of neuropsychiatric symptoms and daily functioning of patients with dementia treated on an acute psychogeriatric ward.
74 Porsbjerg C et al. Nordic consensus statement on the systematic assessment and management of possible severe asthma in adults.
75 Pänkäläinen M et al. Pessimism, diet, and the ability to improve dietary habits: a three-year follow-up study among middle-aged and older Finnish men and women'.
76 Ryödi E et al. Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality After Treatment of Hyperthyroidism with Either Radioactive Iodine or Thyroidectomy.
77 Salminen A et al. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Does Not Increase the Morbidity of Radical Cystectomy: A 10-year Retrospective Nationwide Study.
78 Salminen P et al. Effect of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy vs Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass on Weight Loss at 5 Years Among Patients With Morbid Obesity: The SLEEVEPASS Randomized Clinical Trial.
79 Salminen P et al. Five-Year Follow-up of Antibiotic Therapy for Uncomplicated Acute Appendicitis in the APPAC Randomized Clinical Trial.
80 Salminen-Tuomaala M et al. Emergency patients' and family members' experiences of encountering care providers and receiving care in nonconveyance situations.
81 Salminen-Tuomaala M et al. Hoitohenkilökunnan ja lääkäreiden käsityksiä moniammatillisen simulaatio-opetuksen tarpeista.
82 Seidelmann SB et al. Genetic Variants in SGLT1, Glucose Tolerance, and Cardiometabolic Risk.
83 Sipilä M et al. Alcohol abuse, psychological distress, and suicidal thoughts are associated with intimate partner violence among parents’ with children.
84 Smith M et al. Apalutamide Treatment and Metastasis-free Survival in Prostate Cancer.
85 Soini J et al. Sydäninfarktipotilaisen ensihoidon toteuttaminen: dokumenttianalyysi potilasasiakirjoista .
86 Solismaa A. Pharmacogenetics of Adverse Effects in Clozapine Treatment.
87 Solismaa A et al. Genetic Polymorphisms Associated With Constipation and Anticholinergic Symptoms in Patients Receiving Clozapine.
88 Sonkajärvi E et al. Epileptiform and periodic EEG activities induced by rapid sevoflurane anaesthesia induction.
89 Sorri A et al. Low tumor necrosis factor-a levels predict symptom reduction during electroconvulsive therapy in major depressive disorder.
90 Sorri A et al. Effect of electroconvulsive therapy on brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in patients with major depressive disorder.
91 Suokas K et al. Pain in SCN4A Mutated P.A1156T muscle sodium channelopathy-a postal survey.
92 Turcot V et al. Protein-altering variants associated with body mass index implicate pathways that control energy intake and expenditure in obesity.
93 Törmänen S et al. Toll-like receptor 1 and 10 gene polymorphisms are linked to postbronchiolitis asthma in adolescence.
94 Törmänen S et al. Risk factors for asthma after infant bronchiolitis.
95 Törmänen S et al. TLR5 rs5744174 gene polymorphism is associated with the virus etiology of infant bronchiolitis but not with post-bronchiolitis asthma.
96 Vanninen S et al. Heterozygous junctophilin-2 (JPH2) p.(Thr161Lys) is a monogenic cause for HCM with heart failure.
97 Vähätalo I et al. Inhaled corticosteroids and asthma control in adult-onset asthma: 12-year follow-up study.
98 Ylisaukko-Oja T et al. High treatment persistence rate and significant endoscopic healing among real-life patients treated with vedolizumab - a Finnish Nationwide Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study (FINVEDO).

Julkaisutietokanta 31.12.2019 Publications Data Base 31.12.2019