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Julkaisut 2018 (alustava)
Publications 2018 (preliminary)

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1 Adem J et al. The combination of TRAIL and MG-132 induces apoptosis in both TRAIL-sensitive and TRAIL-resistant human follicular lymphoma cells.
2 Anttila V-J, Sinisalo M. Kuumeisen neuropenian hoito.
3 Anttila V-P, Sinisalo M. Neutropenian diagnostiikka.
4 Bellomo C et al. Differential Regulation of PAI-1 in Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome and Hemorrhagic Fever With Renal Syndrome.
5 Choudhary M et al. Effect of present versus previous smoking on non-invasive haemodynamics.
6 Collin P et al. Keliakia piilottelee pitkään.
7 Collin P et al. Review article: coeliac disease in later life must not be missed.
8 Elfving P et al. Impact of early systemic lupus erythematosus on work disability-results from the Finnish nationwide register 2000-2007.
9 Eskola M et al. One- and three-year outcomes in patients treated with intermittent hemodialysis for acute kidney injury: prospective observational multicenter post-hoc FINNAKI study.
10 Fuchs V et al. Delayed celiac disease diagnosis predisposes to reduced quality of life and incremental use of health care services and medicines: A prospective nationwide study.
11 Hietikko M et al. Ex vivo Culture of Duodenal Biopsies from Patients with Dermatitis Herpetiformis Indicates that Transglutaminase 3 Antibody Production Occurs in the Gut.
12 Hietikko M et al. Disappearance of epidermal transglutaminase and IgA deposits from the papillary dermis of patients with dermatitis herpetiformis after a long-term gluten-free diet.
13 Hietikko M et al. Small-intestinal TG2-specific plasma cells at different stages of coeliac disease.
14 Honkanen M et al. The impact of preoperative bacteriuria on the risk of periprosthetic joint infection after primary knee or hip replacement in a one-year follow-up.
15 Huttunen R, Hakanen A. Antibioottiresistenssin torjuntaan lisätehoa.
16 Huttunen R, Hietanen P. Mitä kauneus on?
17 Huttunen R, Järvinen A. Mikrobilääkkeiden käytön ohjaus ja seuranta.
18 Huttunen R et al. Miksi influenssarokotus on tärkeä?
19 Hämäläinen P et al. Hemoglobin level and lipoprotein particle size.
20 Intke C et al. Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist as a biomarker of sepsis in neutropenic haematological patients.
21 Jokinen E et al. Trends in incidence and resistance patterns of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia.
22 Jokinen E et al. Spa type distribution in MRSA and MSSA bacteremias and association of spa clonal complexes with the clinical characteristics of bacteremia.
23 Kangas S et al. An integrative systematic review of interprofessional education on diabetes.
24 Kaukinen K. Ohutsuoli. Rakenne, toiminta ja immunologia.
25 Kaukinen K. Autoimmuunienteropatia.
26 Kaukinen K, Kurppa K. Keliakia.
27 Kivelä L et al. Long-term health and treatment outcomes in adult coeliac disease patients diagnosed by screening in childhood.
28 Kortteisto T et al. Attitudes of mental health professionals towards service user involvement.
29 Koskela S. Thrombocytopenia, coagulation and disease severity in Puumala Hantavirus infection .
30 Koskela S et al. Diminished coagulation capacity assessed by calibrated automated thrombography during acute Puumala hantavirus infection.
31 Kuitunen A et al. Autoimmune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia of delayed onset: a clinical challenge.
32 Kuusalo L et al. High burden of adverse events is associated with reduced remission rates in early rheumatoid arthritis.
33 Laine J. Käsihygienia on yhä tärkeämpää.
34 Laine J, Järvelä K. Anestesiaan ja puudutuksiin liittyvät infektiot.
35 Laine J, Nieminen M. Iholoiset.
36 Laine O et al. Elevated serum antiphospholipid antibodies in adults with celiac disease.
37 Laitila M et al. Service users' views regarding user involvement in mental health services: A qualitative study.
38 Laurikka P et al. Tyypin 1 diabetes ja keliakia -seuloa vai ei?
39 Lindström V et al. Antibody persistence after pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
40 Ludvigsson JF et al. Outcome measures in coeliac disease trials: the Tampere recommendations.
41 Mansikka E et al. Prognosis of Dermatitis Herpetiformis Patients with and without Villous Atrophy at Diagnosis.
42 Mansikka E et al. Diagnostic Delay in Dermatitis Herpetiformis in a High-prevalence Area.
43 Mantula P et al. High plasma resistin associates with severe acute kidney injury in Puumala hantavirus infetion.
44 Miettinen M et al. The effect of age and gender on the genetic regulation of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D - the FIN-D2D population-based study.
45 Murtola T et al. Fasting blood glucose, glycaemic control and prostate cancer risk in the Finnish Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer.
46 Mustonen Jukka. Paistettu sipuli auttaa paiseissa.
47 Mäkelä S et al. Abdominal Aortic Calcifications Predict Survival in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients.
48 Nurmi R et al. Celiac disease or positive tissue transglutaminase antibodies in patients undergoing renal biopsies.
49 Nurminen N et al. Nature-derived microbiota exposure as a novel immunomodulatory approach.
50 Ojanperä H, Syrjänen J. Infektioiden torjuntatyön organisointi.
51 Paajanan I et al. Thyroid FNA diagnostics in a real-life setting: Experiences of the implementation of the Bethesda system in Finland.
52 Pajamäki N et al. Long-term cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients treated for differentiated thyroid cancer.
53 Pasternack C et al. Self-Reported Fractures in Dermatitis Herpetiformis Compared to Coeliac Disease.
54 Pekki H et al. Long-term follow-up in adults with coeliac disease: Predictors and effect on health outcomes.
55 Peltola E et al. Characteristics and Outcomes of 79 Patients with an Insulinoma: A Nationwide Retrospective Study in Finland.
56 Persson F et al. Different patterns of second-line treatment in type 2 diabetes after metformin monotherapy in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden (D360 Nordic): A multinational observational study.
57 Pölönen A. Vaikuttavaa elintapaohjausta sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltoon poikkihallinnnollisesti -VESOTE-ravitsemushanke.
58 Pölönen A. Ravitsemusohjauksen hyvät käytännöt käyttöön - VESOTE-ravitsemushankkeesta tukea.
59 Pölönen A. D2D-ruokavaliokysely ja Syötkö sopivasti? -omahoito -ohjelma ruoankäytön arviointiin.
60 Pölönen A. Elintapojen omatoiminen arviointi ja terveyttä ylläpitävien tottumusten vahvistaminen.
61 Rannikko J et al. Plasma cell-free DNA and qSOFA score predict 7-day mortality in 481 emergency department bacteraemia patients.
62 Ranta N et al. Proprotein convertase enzyme FURIN is upregulated in primary Sjögren's syndrome.
63 Rantala E et al. Miten käytän antibiootteja oikein?
64 Remes K et al. Real-world treatment outcomes in multiple myeloma: Multicenter registry results from Finland 2009-2013.
65 Reunala T et al. Dermatitis Herpetiformis: A Common Extraintestinal Manifestation of Coeliac Disease.
66 Rimpelä J et al. Genome-wide association study of nocturnal blood pressure dipping in hypertensive patients.
67 Ryödi E et al. Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality After Treatment of Hyperthyroidism with Either Radioactive Iodine or Thyroidectomy.
68 Rönkkö R et al. Changes in the microbiological epidemiology of febrile neutropenia in autologous stem cell transplant recipients.
69 Salmivesi S, Korppi M. The time has come to stop placebo-controlled trials of milk oral immunotherapy and focus on real-life studies.
70 Sinisalo M, Itälä-Remes M. Hemolyyttisten kriisien diagnostiikka.
71 Sinisalo M, Itälä-Remes M. Hemolyyttisten kriisien hoito.
72 Sinisalo M, Rimpiläinen J. Verenkuvamuutosten tulkinta.
73 Sinisalo M, Rimpiläinen J. Aneeminen aikuinen potilas.
74 Sinisalo M, Silvennoinen R. Erytro-, trombo- ja leukosytoosi sekä plasmaperäinen hyperviskositeetti.
75 Solomon S et al. Baseline Characteristics of Patients With Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction in the PARAGON-HF Trial.
76 Strandin T et al. Neutrophil Activation in Acute Hemorrhagic Fever With Renal Syndrome Is Mediated by Hantavirus-Infected Microvascular Endothelial Cells.
77 Syrjänen J et al. HIV ja vanheneminen.
78 Teräntö L, Alanko J. Epäselvä kuumeinen infektio.
79 Tikkakoski A. Supine and upright hemodynamics using non-invasive methods. Findings in hypertensive versus normotensive subjects, description of novel functional phenotypes, and effects of nitroglycerin versus salbutamol.
80 Tikkakoski A et al. Salbutamol-induced Decrease in Augmentation Index is Related to the Parallel Increase in Heart Rate.
81 van De Velde S et al. A systematic review of trials evaluating success factors of interventions with computerised clinical decision support.
82 Van de Velde S et al. Development of a Tailored Intervention With Computerized Clinical Decision Support to Improve Quality of Care for Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: Multi-Method Study.
83 Van de Velde S et al. The GUIDES checklist: development of a tool to improve the successful use of guideline-based computerised clinical decision support.
84 Velde DE van S et al. A systematic reviw of trials evaluating success factors of intrventions with computerised clinical decision support.
85 Viitasalo L et al. Microbial Biomarkers in Patients with Nonresponsive Celiac Disease.
86 Viskari H et al. Live attenuated enterovirus vaccine (OPV) is not associated with islet autoimmunity in children with genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes: prospective cohort study.
87 Vänskä M et al. Osaatko epäillä hemofagosyyttistä lymfohistiosytoosia?
88 Williams B et al. 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension.
89 Åttman E et al. A Serratia marcescens outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit was successfully managed by rapid hospital hygiene interventions and screening.

Julkaisutietokanta 31.12.2019 Publications Data Base 31.12.2019