Neuroalojen ja kuntoutuksen vastuualue

Julkaisut 2019 (alustava)
Publications 2019 (preliminary)

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1 Berardo A et al. HNRNPDL-related muscular dystrophy: expanding the clinical, morphological and MRI phenotypes.
2 Cai S et al. Clinical spectrum and gene mutations in a Chinese cohort with anoctaminopathy.
3 Chertcoff A et al. Clinical Reasoning: A 54-year-old man with dyspnea and muscle weakness.
4 Elia N et al. Myasthenic congenital myopathy from recessive mutations at a single residue in NaV1.4.
5 Fisher RS et al. 2017 International League Against Epilepsy classifications of seizures and epilepsy are steps in the right direction.
6 Fisher RS et al. Classification as autonomic versus sensory seizures.
7 Frösen J et al. Periodontitis as a risk factor for formation, progression, and rupture of intracranial aneurysms.
8 Frösen J et al. Letter to the Editor. Periodontitis as a risk factor for formation, progression, and rupture of intracranial aneurysms.
9 Frösen J, Lindgren L. Letter by Frösén and Lindgren Regarding Article, "Treatment Scoring of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms".
10 Hagman S et al. Effects of inflammatory cytokines IFN-gamma, TNF-alfa and IL-6 on the viability and functionality of human pluripotent stem cell-derived neural cells.
11 Heikkilä I et al. In reply.
12 Isokuortti H, Luoto T. Miten tunnistan ja hoidan lievän aivovamman.
13 Iverson GL et al. Mild Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Neuropathology in People With No Known Participation in Contact Sports or History of Repetitive Neurotrauma.
14 Iverson GL et al. Serum Neurofilament Light Is Elevated Differentially in Older Adults with Uncomplicated Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries.
15 Jehkonen M, Mäki-Petäjä A. Neuropsykologinen tutkimus ja Alzheimerin tautia sairastavan testamentintekokelpoisuus.
16 Jehkonen M et al., toim. Kliininen neuropsykologia, 3 uud. p.
17 Jokela M et al. Homozygous Nonsense Mutation p.Q274X in TRIM63 (MuRF1) in a Patient with Mild Skeletal Myopathy and Cardiac Hypertrophy.
18 Jokela M et al. Särö-X-esimutaatio-oireyhtymä (FXTAS) - magneettikuvauksesta apua diagnosointiin.
19 Jokela M et al. A novel COL6A2 mutation causing late-onset limb-girdle muscular dystrophy.
20 Jokela M et al. An unusual ryanodine receptor 1 (RYR1) phenotype: Mild calf-predominant myopathy.
21 Kakko K et al. Tardive Dyskinesia Should Not Be Overlooked.
22 Keränen T, Kuusisto H. Multippeliskleroosi.
23 Kiiski K et al. Dominantly inherited distal nemaline/cap myopathy caused by a large deletion in the nebulin gene.
24 Kolasa M et al. Diffusion tensor imaging and disability progression in multiple sclerosis: A 4-year follow-up study.
25 Kulju T et al. Autostimulation in Vagus Nerve Stimulator Treatment: Modulating Neuromodulation.
26 Kuuluvainen L et al. Oligogenic basis of sporadic ALS: The example of SOD1 p.Ala90Val mutation.
27 Laakso SM et al. Multiple sclerosis in Finland 2018-Data from the national register.
28 Lehtimäki K et al. The Surgical Approach to the Anterior Nucleus of Thalamus in Patients With Refractory Epilepsy: Experience from the International Multicenter Registry (MORE).
29 Minkkinen M et al. Prospective Validation of the Scandinavian Guidelines for Initial Management of Minimal, Mild, and Moderate Head Injuries in Adults.
30 Mäkinen J et al. Vaikuttaako entsyymi-induktio karbamatsepiinin asemaan epilepsian ensisijaislääkkeenä?
31 Mäntykoski T et al. Violence-related traumatic brain injury.
32 Olivé M et al. Myoglobinopathy is an adult-onset autosomal dominant myopathy with characteristic sarcoplasmic inclusions.
33 Ortiz R et al. Comorbidity and retirement in cervical dystonia.
34 Palmio J et al. Expanding the importance of HMERF titinopathy: new mutations and clinical aspects.
35 Papadopoulos C et al. Valosin-containing protein-related myopathy and Meige syndrome: Just a coincidence or not?
36 Patrakka O et al. Oral Bacterial Signatures in Cerebral Thrombi of Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Treated With Thrombectomy.
37 Peciola S et al. Tekoäly ja seurantajärjestelmät neurologisen potilaan hoidossa.
38 Peciola S et al. Tekoäly ja sähköiset järjestelmät neurologisen potilaan seurannassa.
39 Peltonen K et al. Adolescent athletes with learning disability display atypical maturational trajectories on concussion baseline testing: Implications based on a Finnish sample.
40 Penttilä S et al. ANO5 Muscle Disease.
41 Posti J, Luoto T. Parempaa aivovammapotilaan diagnostiikkaa ja hoitoa verikokee avulla?
42 Rajamäki TJ et al. Use of prescription analgesic drugs before and after hip or knee replacement in patients with osteoarthritis.
43 Rosti-Otajärvi E et al. MS-tauti ja kognitiivinen toimintakyky.
44 Sainio M et al. Recessive PYROXD1 mutations cause adult-onset limb-girdle-type muscular dystrophy.
45 Samuelsson K et al. Screening for Fabry disease and Hereditary ATTR amyloidosis in idiopathic small-fiber and mixed neuropathy.
46 Sarkanen T et al. Ullanlinna Narcolepsy Scale in diagnosis of narcolepsy.
47 Savarese M et al. Actininopathy: A new muscular dystrophy caused by ACTN2 dominant mutations.
48 Sola T et al. Tyypin 2 diabetes voi heikentää kognitiota jo työiässä.
49 Tabassum R et al. Genetic architecture of human plasma lipidome and its link to cardiovascular disease.
50 Tallqvist S1 et al. Health, functioning and accessibility among spinal cord injury population in Finland: Protocol for the FinSCI study.
51 Udd B et al. 1st ENMC European meeting: The EURO-NMD pathology working group Recommended Standards for Muscle Pathology Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 7 December 2018.
52 Vahtera A et al. Activation of Blood Coagulation After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Prospective Observational Trial of Rotational Thromboelastometry.
53 Vatanen T et al. Publisher Correction: Genomic variation and strain-specific functional adaptation in the human gut microbiome during early life.

Julkaisutietokanta 31.12.2020 Publications Data Base 31.12.2020