Nuorisopsykiatrian vastuualue

Julkaisut 2019 (alustava)
Publications 2019 (preliminary)

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1 Acacio-Claro P Jean et al. Timing of puberty and reserve capacity in adolescence as pathways to educational level in adulthood-a longitudinal study.
2 Apell S et al. Experiences of sexual harassment are associated with high self-esteem and social anxiety among adolescent girls.
3 Cacciatore R et al. The Steps of Sexuality - A Developmental, Emotion-Focused, Child-Centered Model of Sexual Development and Sexuality Education from Birth to Adulthood.
4 Coban R et al. Nicotine dependence among adolescents in the European Union: How many and who are affected?
5 Dobewall H et al. Health and educational aspirations in adolescence: a longitudinal study in Finland.
6 Doku D et al. Health and socioeconomic circumstances over three generations as predictors of youth unemployment trajectories.
7 Kaartinen M et al. Maternal tiredness and cytokine concentrations in mid-pregnancy.
8 Kaltiala-Heino R, Lindberg N. Gender identities in adolescent population: Methodological issues and prevalence across age groups.
9 Kaltiala-Heino R et al. Adolescents with same-sex interest: experiences of sexual harassment are more common among boys.
10 Kaltiala-Heino R et al. Gender dysphoria in adolescent population: A 5-year replication study.
11 Kaltiala-Heino R et al. Sexual experiences of clinically referred adolescents with features of gender dysphoria.
12 Kinnunen J et al. Adolescents notice fewer tobacco displays after implementation of the point-of.
13 Kinnunen JM et al. Nicotine matters in predicting subsequent smoking after e-cigarette experimentation: A longitudinal study among Finnish adolescents.
14 Kivimäki H et al. Access to a school health nurse and adolescent health needs in the universal school health service in Finland.
15 Knaappila N et al. Socioeconomic Trends in Adolescent Smoking in Finland From 2000 to 2015.
16 Lagerweij N et al. Where do teens smoke? Smoking locations of adolescents in Europe in relation to smoking bans in bars, schools and homes.
17 Lindfors P et al. Do maternal knowledge and paternal knowledge of children's whereabouts buffer differently against alcohol use? A longitudinal study among Finnish boys and girls.
18 Linnansaari A et al. Understanding school staff members' enforcement of school tobacco policies to achieve tobacco-free school: a realist review.
19 Minkkinen J et al. Low schoolwork engagement and schoolwork difficulties predict smoking in adolescence?
20 Moor I et al. Inequalities in adolescent self-rated health and smoking in Europe: comparing different indicators of socioeconomic status.
21 Palomäki S. Asiakkaan kokemukset hoidosta ja kohtelusta erikoissairaanhoidossa.
22 Reinsalo P, Kaltiala R. Onko nuorisopsykiatrian poliklinikan potilaskunta muuttunut lähetemäärien kasvaessa?
23 Ruuska J, Makkonen K. Laihuushäiriö nuoruusiässä.
24 Schreuders M et al. The association between smoke-free school policies and adolescents' anti-smoking beliefs: Moderation by family smoking norms.
25 Souverein F et al. Overview of European forensic youth care: towards an integrative mission for prevention and intervention strategies for juvenile offenders.
26 Tiirikainen K et al. Psychometric properties of the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) in a large representative sample of Finnish adolescents.
27 Timberlake DS et al. Examining retail purchases of cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy in Finland.

Julkaisutietokanta 31.12.2020 Publications Data Base 31.12.2020