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Julkaisut 2019 (alustava)
Publications 2019 (preliminary)

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1 Aalto M. Bentsodiatsepiinien määräämisessä pitää noudattaa varovaisuutta.
2 Aalto M, Vorma H. Päihdeongelmat.
3 Alanne S et al. Vajaaravitsemuksen kustannukset.
4 Amare A et al. The association of obesity and coronary artery disease genes with response to SSRIs treatment in major depression.
5 Archer M et al. Assessment of alcohol consumption in depression follow-up using self-reports and blood measures including inflammatory biomarkers.
6 Archer M et al. Status of inflammation and alcohol use in a 6-month follow-up study of patients with major depressive disorder.
7 Borg A et al. LAPS-lomake - menetelmä lapsen psykososiaalisen terveyden arviointiin.
8 Böstman O et al. Ampumavammat.
9 Ekström K et al. Sudden death in cardiac sarcoidosis: an analysis of nationwide clinical and cause-of-death registries.
10 Ellonen N et al. The use of the Brief Child Abuse Potential Inventory in the general population in Finland.
11 Fizazi K et al. Darolutamide in Nonmetastatic, Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer.
12 Harju T et al. Aikuisen astman ilmiasujen kirjo on laaja - ilmiasu ohjaa hoidon valintaa.
13 Helminen H et al. Effect of pre-operative oral carbohydrate loading on recovery after day-case cholecystectomy: A randomised controlled trial.
14 Helminen H et al. Predictive value of the mini-nutritional assessment short form (MNA-SF) and nutritional risk screening (NRS2002) in hip fracture.
15 Hietaranta-Luoma HL et al. A Long-Term Follow-Up Study on Disclosing Genetic Risk Information (APOE) to Promote Healthy Lifestyles in Finland.
16 Holster A et al. Interleukin-10 gene polymorphism rs1800896 is associated with post-bronchiolitis asthma at 11-13 years of age.
17 Hongisto MT et al. Delay to Surgery of Less Than 12 Hours Is Associated With Improved Short- and Long-Term Survival in Moderate- to High-Risk Hip Fracture Patients.
18 Honkamäki J et al. Age- and gender-specific incidence of new asthma diagnosis from childhood to late adulthood.
19 Häkkinen MR et al. Simultaneous analysis by LC-MS/MS of 22 ketosteroids with hydroxylamine derivatization and underivatized estradiol from human plasma, serum and prostate tissue.
20 Ilmarinen P et al. Effect of asthma control on general health-related quality of life in patients diagnosed with adult-onset asthma.
21 Ilmarinen P et al. YKL-40 and adult-onset asthma: Elevated levels in clusters with poorest outcome.
22 Ilmarinen P et al. Prevalence of Patients Eligible for Anti-IL-5 Treatment in a Cohort of Adult-Onset Asthma.
23 Joentausta R, Murtola T. Prostate cancer survival among statin users after prostatectomy in a Finnish nationwide cohort. Prostate. 2019;79:583-591.
24 Joentausta R et al. Prostate cancer survival among statin users after prostatectomy in a Finnish nationwide cohort.
25 Julkunen P et al. Laitteet, luokitukset , standardit ja turvallisuus.
26 Julkunen P et al. Elektrodit, anturit ja stimulaattorit.
27 Kainulainen S et al. Severity of Desaturations Reflects OSA-Related Daytime Sleepiness Better Than AHI.
28 Kangas P et al. Metabolic syndrome is associated with decreased heart rate variability in a sex-dependent manner: a comparison between 252 men and 249 women.
29 Kankaanranta H, Israel E. What Patients Can Tell Us About Their Asthma.
30 Kaunisto J et al. Demographics and survival of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in the FinnishIPF registry.
31 Kellokumpu-Lehtinen PL et al. Docetaxel Versus Surveillance After Radical Radiotherapy for Intermediate- or High-risk Prostate Cancer : Results from the Prospective, Randomised, Open-label Phase III SPCG-13 Trial.
32 Kirss J Jr et al. Outcomes of treatment of faecal incontinence with sacral nerve stimulation - a Finnish multicentre study.
33 Kirss J et al. Comparison of 3D endoanal ultrasound and external phased array magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of obstetric anal sphincter injuries.
34 Kivelä S et al. Continuation of domestic violence and changes in the assessment of family functioning, health, and social support in Finland.
35 Knuuttila E et al. Access and concentrations of atorvastatin in the prostate in men with prostate cancer.
36 Korhonen L et al. Rhinoviruses in infancy and risk of immunoglobulin E sensitization.
37 Korppi M et al. Interferon-y and interleukin-12 production in relation to gene polymorphisms in bacillus Calmette-Guérin osteitis.
38 Koskenvuo L et al. Mechanical and oral antibiotic bowel preparation versus no bowel preparation for elective colectomy (MOBILE): a multicentre, randomised, parallel, single-blinded trial.
39 Kulmala J et al. The Effect of Multidomain Lifestyle Intervention on Daily Functioning in Older People.
40 Laitila M. Kokemusasiantuntijakoulutuksen merkitys koulutukseen osallistuneiden arvioimana.
41 Laurikka P et al. Dietary Factors and Mucosal Immune Response in Celiac Disease Patients Having Persistent Symptoms Despite a Gluten-free Diet.
42 Leppäkoski T et al. How Training Impacts the Identification and Discussion of the Risks of Child Maltreatment: A Finnish Follow-Up Study.
43 Leppänen T et al. Increase in Body Mass Index Decreases Duration of Apneas and Hypopneas in Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
44 Leppänen T et al. The hypoxic burden: also known as the desaturation severity parameter.
45 Levola J, Aalto M. Alkoholiongelmat ja masennus.
46 Levola J et al. Päihdelääketieteeseen tarvitaan osaajia.
47 Lietzen E et al. Appendiceal neoplasm risk associated with complicated acute appendicitis-a population based study.
48 Lindholm LH et al. What is important for the sustained implementation of evidence-based brief psychotherapy interventions in psychiatric care? A quantitative evaluation of a real-world programme.
49 Lindström I et al. Altistuminen astmaa aiheuttaville tekijöille työssä. Suositus terveystarkistuksista.
50 Moilanen L et al. Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 Enhances Ovalbumin-Induced Acute Allergic Inflammation in Murine Models.
51 Murtola T et al. Reply to Jae Heon Kim and Benjamin I. Chung's Letter to the Editor re: Teemu J. Murtola, Heimo Syvälä, Teemu Tolonen, et al. Atorvastatin Versus Placebo for Prostate Cancer Before Radical Prostatectomy-A Randomized, Double-blind....
52 Murtola TJ, Veitonmäki T. Aspirin and Prostate Cancer Mortality: The Role of Tumor Grading Misclassification?
53 Mustonen A et al. Nuorten kannabiksen käyttö, aivojen kehitys ja psykiatriset häiriöt.
54 Mällinen J et al. Risk of Appendiceal Neoplasm in Periappendicular Abscess in Patients Treated With Interval Appendectomy vs Follow-up With Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 1-Year Outcomes of the Peri-Appendicitis Acuta Randomized Clinical Trial.
55 Niemelä O et al. Laboratory test based assessment of WHO alcohol risk drinking levels.
56 Nissinen SI et al. Detection of Pancreatic Cancer by Urine Volatile Organic Compound Analysis.
57 Nivukoski U et al. Liver enzymes in alcohol consumers with or without binge drinking.
58 Nivukoski U et al. Impacts of unfavourable lifestyle factors on biomarkers of liver function, inflammation and lipid status.
59 Nuotio M et al. Elevated post-void residual volume in a geriatric post-hip fracture assessment in women-associated factors and risk of mortality.
60 Outinen TK et al. Glycoprotein YKL-40 Is Elevated and Predicts Disease Severity in Puumala Hantavirus Infection.
61 Parviainen M et al. Incidence and Risk Factors of Foot and Ankle Disorders in Male Finnish Conscripts.
62 Paunonen J et al. Temporomandibular disorders in Class II malocclusion patients after surgical mandibular advancement treatment as compared to non-treated patients.
63 Pihlajamäki H et al. Ydinräjähdyksen ja säteilyonnettomuuden aiheuttamat vammat.
64 Pihlajamäki H et al. Regular physical exercise before entering military service may protect young adult men from fatigue fractures.
65 Pihlajamäki H, Sormaala M. Rasitusmurtumat.
66 Pitkänen A et al. Implementing physical exercise and music interventions for patients suffering from dementia on an acute psychogeriatric inpatient ward.
67 Puura K et al. Maternal and infant characteristics connected to shared pleasure in dyadic interaction.
68 Pylväläinen J et al. Charlson Comorbidity Index Based On Hospital Episode Statistics Performs Adequately In Predicting Mortality, But Its Discriminative Ability Diminishes Over Time.
69 Raivio R et al. Continuity of nursing care in Finnish primary health care settings : A 15-year follow-up.
70 Rantala E et al. Overall survival after treatment for metastatic uveal melanoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
71 Rantala E et al. Silmämelanooma.
72 Rantalaiho V et al. Early Targeted Combination Treatment With Conventional Synthetic Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs and Long-Term Outcomes in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Ten-Year Follow-Up Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial.
73 Rasku T et al. The core components of Community Paramedicine : integrated care in primary care setting : a scoping review .
74 Riikonen R et al. Prospective study confirms that bronchiolitis in early infancy increases the risk of reduced lung function at 10-13 years of age.
75 Riikonen R et al. Preliminary communication suggests overweight was associated with reduced lung function in adolescence after infant bronchiolitis.
76 Roller-Wirnsberger R et al. European postgraduate curriculum in geriatric medicine developed using an international modified Delphi technique.
77 Rumrich I et al. Smoking during pregnancy in Finland - Trends in the MATEX cohort.
78 Ruohtula T et al. Maturation of Gut Microbiota and Circulating Regulatory T Cells and Development of IgE Sensitization in Early Life.
79 Santala EE et al. Risk of urothelial cancer death among people using antihypertensive drugs-a cohort study from Finland.
80 Schmidt F et al. Development of atopic sensitization in Finnish and Estonian children: A latent class analysis in a multicenter cohort.
81 Siltanen H et al. Family members' experiences and expectations of self-management counseling while caring for a person with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review of qualitative evidence.
82 Siltari A et al. Effects of Preoperative Atorvastatin Treatment On Erectile Function After Radical Prostatectomy: Results From a Subgroup of ESTO1, a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study.
83 Sola T et al. Tyypin 2 diabetes voi heikentää kognitiota jo työiässä.
84 Stephen R et al. Brain volumes and cortical thickness on MRI in the Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability (FINGER).
85 Tabassum R et al. Genetic architecture of human plasma lipidome and its link to cardiovascular disease.
86 Tallqvist S1 et al. Health, functioning and accessibility among spinal cord injury population in Finland: Protocol for the FinSCI study.
87 Tiainen T, Jouppila T. Use of Virtual Environment and Virtual Prototypes in Co-Design: The Case of Hospital Design.
88 Tietäväinen J et al. Glucosuria Predicts the Severity of Puumala Hantavirus Infection.
89 Tommola M et al. Cumulative effect of smoking on disease burden and multimorbidity in adult-onset asthma.
90 Tommola M et al. Occupational exposures and asthma-COPD overlap in a clinical cohort of adult-onset asthma.
91 Tuomisto L et al. Immediate bronchodilator response in FEV1 as a diagnostic criterion for adult asthma.
92 Vanhatalo S et al. Prospective multicentre cohort trial on acute appendicitis and microbiota, aetiology and effects of antimicrobial treatment: study protocol for the MAPPAC (Microbiology APPendicitis ACuta) trial.
93 Ylisaukko-Oja T et al. Characterization of inflammatory bowel disease management by vedolizumab and concomitant treatments in real-life clinical practice.
94 Østergren P et al. Are Biomarker-driven Inclusion and Symptom Control Endpoints the Future of Phase 3 Trials in Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer? Lessons from COMET-2.

Julkaisutietokanta 31.12.2020 Publications Data Base 31.12.2020