Science Center

Julkaisut 2019 (alustava)
Publications 2019 (preliminary)

Lisätietoja julkaisusta saa klikkaamalla sen numeroa.
For full details, please click the number in front of the publication.

1 Adu-Afarwuah S et al. Maternal and Infant Supplementation with Small-Quantity Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements Increases Infants' Iron Status at 18 Months of Age in a Semiurban Setting in Ghana: A Secondary Outcome Analysis of the iLiNS-DYAD Randomized Controlled Trial.
2 Aho H. Social Involvement and Adolescent Smoking : Associations and Students’ Views of Smoking in a Vocational School Setting.
3 Aho H et al. The relationship between peer relations, self-rated health and smoking behaviour in secondary vocational schools.
4 Aho H et al. Practical nursing students' discursive practices on smoking in Finland.
5 Andrén Aronsson C et al. Association of Gluten Intake During the First 5 Years of Life With Incidence of Celiac Disease Autoimmunity and Celiac Disease Among Children at Increased Risk.
6 Archer M et al. Assessment of alcohol consumption in depression follow-up using self-reports and blood measures including inflammatory biomarkers.
7 Archer M et al. Status of inflammation and alcohol use in a 6-month follow-up study of patients with major depressive disorder.
8 Aula H et al. Transforming growth factor beta 1 levels predict echocardiographic changes at three years after adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer.
9 Bannuru RR et al. OARSI guidelines for the non-surgical management of knee, hip, and polyarticular osteoarthritis.
10 Bläuer M et al. Wnt/ß-catenin signalling plays diverse functions during the process of fibrotic remodelling in the exocrine pancreas.
11 Booth N et al. Cost-effectiveness analysis of PSA-based mass screening: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial combined with register data.
12 Choudhary MK et al. Atherogenic index of plasma is related to arterial stiffness but not to blood pressure in normotensive and never-treated hypertensive subjects.
13 Elia N et al. Myasthenic congenital myopathy from recessive mutations at a single residue in NaV1.4.
14 Ellonen N et al. The use of the Brief Child Abuse Potential Inventory in the general population in Finland.
15 Endesfelder D et al. Time-Resolved Autoantibody Profiling Facilitates Stratification of Preclinical Type 1 Diabetes in Children.
16 Fiorito G et al. Socioeconomic position, lifestyle habits and biomarkers of epigenetic aging: a multi-cohort analysis.
17 Galdikiene N et al. The association of primary healthcare nurses’ perceived stress with organizational culture and climate in a team context .
18 Gering C et al. Design of modular gellan gum hydrogel functionalized with avidin and biotinylated adhesive ligands for cell culture applications.
19 González de Cózar JM et al. RNase H1 promotes replication fork progression through oppositely transcribed regions of .
20 Hackman G et al. Randomised Trial of Adjuvant Radiotherapy Following Radical Prostatectomy Versus Radical Prostatectomy Alone in Prostate Cancer Patients with Positive Margins or Extracapsular Extension.
21 Hallamaa L et al. The impact of maternal antenatal treatment with two doses of azithromycin and monthly sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine on child weight, mid-upper arm circumference and head circumference: A randomized controlled trial.
22 Hammarén H et al. The regulation of JAKs in cytokine signaling and its breakdown in disease.
23 Hautalahti J et al. Vibration transmittance measures sternotomy stability - a preliminary study in human cadavers.
24 Helminen H et al. Predictive value of the mini-nutritional assessment short form (MNA-SF) and nutritional risk screening (NRS2002) in hip fracture.
25 Hippich M et al. Genetic Contribution to the Divergence in Type 1 Diabetes Risk Between Children From the General Population and Children From Affected Families.
26 Hokkila E et al. The efficacy of misoprostol vaginal insert compared with oral misoprostol in the induction of labor of nulliparous women: A randomized national multicenter trial.
27 Hongisto MT et al. Delay to Surgery of Less Than 12 Hours Is Associated With Improved Short- and Long-Term Survival in Moderate- to High-Risk Hip Fracture Patients.
28 Hopia H, Heino-Tolonen T. Families in Paediatric Oncology Nursing: Critical Incidents From the Nurses' Perspective.
29 Huttala O et al. Presence of vasculature results in faster insulin response in adipocytes in vascularized adipose tissue model.
30 Huuskonen C et al. Monoamine oxidase A inhibition protects the myocardium after experimental acute volume overload.
31 Hämäläinen M, Moilanen E. Sytokiinit ja sytokiiniverkosto.
32 Hämäläinen M, Moilanen E. Tuumorinekroositekijä.
33 Hämäläinen M, Moilanen E. Interleukiini-1.
34 Hämäläinen M, Moilanen E. Interleukiini-2.
35 Hämäläinen M, Moilanen E. Interleukiini-4.
36 Hämäläinen M, Moilanen E. Interleukiini-5.
37 Hämäläinen M, Moilanen E. Interleukiini-6.
38 Hämäläinen M, Moilanen E. Interleukiini-12.
39 Hämäläinen M, Moilanen E. Interleukiini-17.
40 Hämäläinen M, Moilanen E. Interleukiini-23.
41 Hämäläinen M, Moilanen E. Tyypin I interferonit.
42 Hämäläinen M, Moilanen E. Interferoni -Y.
43 Hämäläinen M, Moilanen E. Hematopoieettiset kasvutekijät.
44 Ilmarinen P et al. YKL-40 and adult-onset asthma: Elevated levels in clusters with poorest outcome.
45 Irmola T et al. Functional outcome of total knee replacement: a study protocol for a prospective, double-blinded, parallel-group randomized, clinical controlled trial of novel, personalized and conventional implants.
46 Jacobsen LM et al. Predicting progression to type 1 diabetes from ages 3 to 6 in islet autoantibody positive TEDDY children.
47 Johnson R et al. Metabolite-related dietary patterns and the development of islet autoimmunity.
48 Kares S et al. HIGH-RISK HPV testing as the primary screening method in an organized regional screening program for cervical cancer: the value of HPV16 and HPV18 genotyping?
49 Karjalainen J et al. New evidence from plasma ceramides links apoE polymorphism to greater risk of coronary artery disease in Finnish adults.
50 Keiski P et al. Female-perpetrated family violence-Effectiveness of a psychodynamic group intervention.
51 Keränen T. The MAP Kinase / MAP Kinase Phosphatase-1 Pathway in the Anti-Inflammatory Effects of ß2 -Agonists and Dexamethasone.
52 Kiiskinen J et al. Nanofibrillar cellulose wound dressing supports the growth and characteristics of human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells without cell adhesion coatings.
53 Kivelä S et al. Continuation of domestic violence and changes in the assessment of family functioning, health, and social support in Finland.
54 Kivistö JE et al. Genetic and environmental susceptibility to food allergy in a registry of twins.
55 Koivusalo L et al. Tissue adhesive hyaluronic acid hydrogels for sutureless stem cell delivery and regeneration of corneal epithelium and stroma.
56 Korhonen N et al. Characteristics and Trends of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Patient Cohort in Finland 2006-2015.
57 Kortekangas E et al. A Prospective Study on Child Morbidity and Gut Microbiota in Rural Malawi.
58 Krischer JP et al. Predicting Islet Cell Autoimmunity and Type 1 Diabetes: An 8-Year TEDDY Study Progress Report.
59 Laavola M et al. IL-6 in Osteoarthritis: Effects of Pine Stilbenoids.
60 Lampinen M. Yhteisöllisyys sosiaali- ja terveystoimen esimiesyhteisössä.
61 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Hengityselimistö ja sen tehtävät.
62 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Hengityksen säätelyyn vaikuttavat lääkeaineet.
63 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Astma ja keuhkoahtaumatauti.
64 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Astman ja keuhkoahtaumataudin lääkehoidon yleiset periaatteet.
65 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Inhalaatiolääkitys.
66 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Hengitettävät glukokortikoidit.
67 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Leukotrieenien estäjät.
68 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. IgE:n estäjät.
69 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Interleukiini-5:n estäjät.
70 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Teofylliini.
71 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Fosfodiesteraasi-4:n estäjät.
72 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Keuhkoputkien sileän lihaksen toiminta.
73 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Keuhkoputkia laajentavat ß2-sympatomimeetit.
74 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Antikolinergiset keuhkoputkia laajentavat lääkeaineet.
75 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Pirfenidoni.
76 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Nintedanibi.
77 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Yskä ja yskänlääkkeet.
78 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Opioidit yskänlääkkeenä.
79 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Mukolyytit.
80 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Hengitystieallergiat ja niiden hoitoperiaatteet.
81 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Antihistamiinit.
82 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Natriumkromoglikaatti ja nedokromiili.
83 Lehtimäki L, Moilanen E. Siedätyshoito allergeeneillä.
84 Lehtipuro S et al. Modes of immunosuppression in glioblastoma microenvironment.
85 Leppäkoski T et al. How Training Impacts the Identification and Discussion of the Risks of Child Maltreatment: A Finnish Follow-Up Study.
86 Leppänen T, Moilanen E. Histamiini.
87 Leppänen T, Moilanen E. Histamiinin biosynteesi, vapautuminen ja hajoaminen.
88 Leppänen T, Moilanen E. Histamiinin vaikutusmekanismi.
89 Leppänen T, Moilanen E. Histamiinin terapeuttinen merkitys.
90 Leppänen T, Moilanen E. Glukokortikoidit.
91 Leppänen T, Moilanen E. Glukokortikoidien vaikutusmekanismi ja vaikutukset.
92 Leppänen T, Moilanen E. Glukokortikoidien haittavaikutukset.
93 Leppänen T, Moilanen E. Histamiinin vaikutukset.
94 Lietzén N et al. Coxsackievirus B Persistence Modifies the Proteome and the Secretome of Pancreatic Ductal Cells.
95 Luhtala S. Novel Biomarkers in HER2-amplified Breast Cancer : Histopathological and Clinical Associations.
96 Mendelian Randomization of Dairy Consumption Working Group Charge Consortium et al. Dairy Intake and Body Composition and Cardiometabolic Traits among Adults: Mendelian Randomization Analysis of 182041 Individuals from 18 Studies.
97 Mishra A et al. In-vitro dissolution characteristics and human adipose stem cell response to novel borophosphate glasses.
98 Moilanen E. Paikalliset välittäjäaineet.
99 Moilanen E. Typpioksidi.
100 Moilanen E. Typpioksidin biosynteesi ja hajoaminen .
101 Moilanen E. Typpioksidin vaikutusmekanismi.
102 Moilanen E. Typpioksidin terapeuttinen merkitys.
103 Moilanen E. Tulehdusreaktio.
104 Moilanen E. Luonnollinen immuunivaste.
105 Moilanen E. Hankittu immuunivaste.
106 Moilanen E, Nieminen R. Eikosanoidit: prostanoidit ja leukotrieenit.
107 Moilanen E, Nieminen R. Prostanoidien biosynteesi ja hajoaminen .
108 Moilanen E, Nieminen R. Prostanoidien vaikutusmekanismi.
109 Moilanen E, Nieminen R. Prostanoidien vaikutukset.
110 Moilanen E, Nieminen R. Prostanoidien terapeuttinen merkitys.
111 Moilanen E, Nieminen R. Leukotrieenien biosynteesi ja hajoaminen.
112 Moilanen E, Nieminen R. Leukotrieenien vaikutusmekanismi ja vaikutukset.
113 Moilanen E, Nieminen R. Leukotrieenien terapeuttinen merkitys.
114 Moilanen E, Vuolteenaho K. Bradykiniinin vaikutusmekanismi ja vaikutukset.
115 Moilanen L et al. Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 Enhances Ovalbumin-Induced Acute Allergic Inflammation in Murine Models.
116 Mu J et al. Combined Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy and Rehabilitation in Experimental Stroke.
117 Mäkelä K et al. Oral versus patient-controlled intravenous administration of oxycodone for pain relief after cesarean section.
118 Mäki-Opas I et al. Pyrazine-Fused Triterpenoids Block the TRPA1 Ion Channel in Vitro and Inhibit TRPA1-Mediated Acute Inflammation in Vivo.
119 Nevalainen T et al. CD27- IgD- B cell memory subset associates with inflammation and frailty in elderly individuals but only in males.
120 Niemi P et al. Association between snoring and deciduous dental development and soft tissue profile in 3-year-old children.
121 Nieminen R, Moilanen E. Kihti ja sen lääkehoidon periaatteet.
122 Nieminen R, Moilanen E. Ksantiinioksidaasin estäjät .
123 Nieminen R, Moilanen E. Urikaasit.
124 Niskanen I et al. Effect of Maxillomandibular Advancement Surgery on Pharyngeal Airway Volume and Polysomnography Data in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients.
125 Nkhoma M et al. Lipid based nutrient supplements during pregnancy may improve foetal growth in HIV infected women - A cohort study.
126 Nordback P. Natural and synthetic biomaterials for epithelial repair : Skin and urethral regeneration.
127 Nordic Burden of Disease Collaborators et al. Life expectancy and disease burden in the Nordic countries: results from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2017.
128 Nuotio M et al. Elevated post-void residual volume in a geriatric post-hip fracture assessment in women-associated factors and risk of mortality.
129 Núñez-Toldrà R et al. S53P4 Bioactive Glass Inorganic Ions for Vascularized Bone Tissue Engineering by Dental Pulp Pluripotent-Like Stem Cell Cocultures.
130 Ojansivu M et al. Wood-based nanocellulose and bioactive glass modified gelatin-alginate bioinks for 3D bioprinting of bone cells.
131 Outinen TK et al. Glycoprotein YKL-40 Is Elevated and Predicts Disease Severity in Puumala Hantavirus Infection.
132 Ovaskainen K et al. Planned home deliveries in Finland, 1996-2013.
133 Pakarinen M et al. Vocational school students' self-evaluations of a sexual health promotion intervention.
134 Palve J et al. A second expert pathology review of cutaneous melanoma in multidisciplinary meetings: Impact on treatment decisions.
135 palve et al. Predictors of Metastasis and Outcome Following True Negative Sentinel Node Biopsy.
136 Pasternack C et al. Risk of fractures in dermatitis herpetiformis and coeliac disease: a register-based study.
137 Patrakka O et al. Oral Bacterial Signatures in Cerebral Thrombi of Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Treated With Thrombectomy.
138 Patrikoski M et al. Perspectives for Clinical Translation of Adipose Stromal/Stem Cells.
139 Paunonen J et al. Temporomandibular disorders in Class II malocclusion patients after surgical mandibular advancement treatment as compared to non-treated patients.
140 Pemmari A et al. MKP-1 promotes anti-inflammatory M(IL-4/IL-13) macrophage phenotype and mediates the anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids.
141 Pyykkö J et al. Cross-cultural analysis of attention disengagement times supports the dissociation of faces and patterns in the infant brain.
142 Pyykkö J et al. Early development of visual attention in infants in rural Malawi.
143 Pyysalo MJ et al. Increased tooth brushing frequency is associated with reduced gingival pocket bacterial diversity in patients with intracranial aneurysms.
144 Rimpilä V. Transcutaneous carbon dioxide in sleep-disordered breathing.
145 Roth R et al. The association between stressful life events and respiratory infections during the first 4 years of life: The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young study.
146 Ruskoaho H et al., toim. Lääketieteellinen farmakologia ja toksikologia, 5 uud. p.
147 Rönkkö H et al. Protective distal side-to-side neurorrhaphy in proximal nerve injury-an experimental study with rats.
148 Saari S et al. Alternative respiratory chain enzymes: Therapeutic potential and possible pitfalls.
149 Saari S et al. Alternative oxidase confers nutritional limitation on Drosophila development.
150 Salo HM et al. No evidence of the role of early chemical exposure in the development of -cell autoimmunity.
151 Savioja H. Sexual behavior in adolescence: The role of depression, delinquency, and family-related factors.
152 Seppänen P et al. Obstetric patients' health-related quality of life before and after intensive care.
153 Silbernagel G et al. LDL triglycerides, hepatic lipase activity, and coronary artery disease: An epidemiologic and Mendelian randomization study.
154 Silvis K et al. Maternal dietary supplement use and development of islet autoimmunity in the offspring: TEDDY study.
155 Skyttä T et al. Adjuvant radiotherapy-induced cardiac changes among patients with early breast cancer: a three-year follow-up study.
156 Stanfill B et al. Extending Classification Algorithms to Case-Control Studies.
157 Tabassum R et al. Genetic architecture of human plasma lipidome and its link to cardiovascular disease.
158 Talvitie T et al. Adherence to instructions and fluctuation of force magnitude in cervical headgear therapy.
159 Talvitie TH et al. Impact of force magnitude on effectiveness in cervical headgear therapy: a cephalometric analysis.
160 Tiainen L et al. Low Plasma IL-8 Levels During Chemotherapy Are Predictive of Excellent Long-Term Survival in Metastatic Breast Cancer.
161 Tiainen L et al. High baseline Tie1 level predicts poor survival in metastatic breast cancer.
162 Tolvanen E et al. Comparison of the Patient Enablement Instrument (PEI) with two single-item measures among Finnish Health care centre patients.
163 Trus M. Nurse managers' work-related empowerment : Evaluated in connection to power issues and Organizational Social Context.
164 Trus M et al. Connection between organizational culture and climate and empowerment: The perspective of nurse managers.
165 Tuomisto S et al. Age-dependent association of gut bacteria with coronary atherosclerosis: Tampere Sudden Death Study.
166 Tuure L et al. Downregulation of microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 (mPGES-1) expression in chondrocytes is regulated by MAP kinase phosphatase-1 (MKP-1).
167 Uusitalo U et al. Early Probiotic Supplementation and the Risk of Celiac Disease in Children at Genetic Risk.
168 Vatanen T et al. Genomic variation and strain-specific functional adaptation in the human gut microbiome during early life.
169 Vehik K et al. Prospective virome analyses in young children at increased genetic risk for type 1 diabetes.
170 Veijalainen O et al. Implementation of HPV-based cervical cancer screening in an organised regional screening programme: 3 years of experience.
171 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Bradykiniini.
172 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Bradykiniinin biosynteesi ja hajoaminen.
173 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Bradykiniinin terapeuttinen merkitys.
174 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Tulehduskipulääkkeiden yleiset ominaisuudet.
175 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Tulehduskipulääkkeiden vaikutusmekanismi.
176 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Tulehduskipulääkkeiden vaikutukset.
177 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Tulehduskipulääkkeiden haittavaikutukset.
178 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Tulehduskipulääkkeiden kliininen käyttö.
179 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Propionihappojohdokset.
180 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Etikkahappojohdokset.
181 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Oksikaamit.
182 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Fenamaatit.
183 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Nabumetoni.
184 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Koksibit.
185 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Salisylaatit.
186 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Parasetamoli.
187 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Reumalääkkeet ja niiden käyttöperiaatteet.
188 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Metotreksaatti.
189 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Sulfasalatsiini.
190 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Klorokiinijohdokset.
191 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Penisillamiini.
192 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Kultayhdisteet.
193 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Leflunomidi.
194 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Solunsalpaajat tulehduksellisten reumasairauksien hoidossa.
195 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Janus-kinaasien estäjät.
196 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Fosfodiesteraasiestäjät.
197 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Tuumorinekroositekijän estäjät.
198 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Interleukiini-1:n estäjät.
199 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Interleukiini-6:n estäjät.
200 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Interleukiini-17:n estäjät.
201 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. BLyS-sytokiinin estäjät.
202 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. T-solujen estäjät.
203 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. B-solujen estäjät.
204 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Immunosuppressiiviset lääkkeet.
205 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Sirolimuusi.
206 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Mykofenolaatti.
207 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Nivelrikko ja sen lääkehoidon periaatteet.
208 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Glukosamiini ja kondroitiinisulfaatti .
209 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Hyaluronaatti.
210 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Nivelrikon hoitoon kehitteillä olevat lääkkeet.
211 Vuolteenaho K, Moilanen E. Kalsineuriinin estäjät.
212 Vuornos K et al. Bioactive glass ions induce efficient osteogenic differentiation of human adipose stem cells encapsulated in gellan gum and collagen type I hydrogels.

Tiedekeskus Science Center
Julkaisutietokanta 31.12.2020 Publications Data Base 31.12.2020