Kirurgian klinikka

Julkaisut 2001
Publications 2001

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1 Aho AJ et al. Bioactive glass-polymer composite for experimental bone reconstruction.
2 Aro H. Suomalainen ortopedinen tutkimus ennen ja nyt.
3 Aro HT et al. Massiiviset luutuumoripotilaiden raaja- ja lantiorekonstruktiot TYKS:ssa.
4 Boström PJ. NF1 Tumor suppressor gene, cyclooxygenases, and matrix metalloproteinases in the molecular pathology of urinary bladder cancer.
5 Boström PJ et al. Expression of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 in urinary bladder carcinomas in vivo and in vitro and prostaglandin E2 synthesis in cultured bladder cancer cells.
6 Boström PJ et al. Interferon-alpha inhibits cyclooxygenase-1 and stimulates cyclooxygenase-2 expression in bladder cancer cells in vitro.
7 Gao T et al. Silica-based bioactive glasses modulate expression of bone morphogenetic protein-2 mRNA in Saos-2 osteoblasts in vitro.
8 Grönroos JM. Do normal leucocyte count and C-reactive protein value exclude acute appendicitis in children?
9 Grönroos JM, Grönroos P. Diagnosis of acute appendicitis.
10 Grönroos JM et al. A non-icteric cholecystectomized patient with recurrent attacks of right epigastric pain and dilated common biile duct - do liver function tests predict bile duct stones?
11 Grönroos JM et al. Effect of the diameter of the common bile duct on the incidence of bile duct stones in patients with recurrent attacks of right epigastric pain after cholecystectomy.
12 Hilska M et al. Surgically treated adenocarcinomas of the right side of the colon during a ten year period: A retrospective study.
13 Hohenthal U et al. Parainfluenza virus type 3 infections in a hematology unit.
14 Itälä A et al. Bioaktiivisen lasipinnan mikrokarhennuksen vaikutus uudisluun kasvuun huokoiseen lasi-implanttiin.
15 Itälä A et al. Creation of microrough surface on sintered bioactive glass microspheres.
16 Itälä A et al. Bioaktiivisen lasin pinnan karhentaminen.
17 Itälä AI et al. Pore diameter of more than 100 mu-m is not requisite for bone ingrowth in rabbits.
18 Joensuu H et al. Effect of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor STI571 in a patient with a metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor.
19 Kainonen T et al. Kohtuullisen hypovolemian vaikutus kokeellisessa rasvaembolisassa sialla.
20 Kinnala PJ et al. Pancreatic tissue perfusion in experimental acute pancreatitis.
21 Kiviranta R et al. Accelerated turnover of metaphyseal trabecular bone in mice overexpressing cathepsin K.
22 Koort JK et al. Intraoperatiivisen bakteerikontaminaation vaikutus lonkan tekonivelen pitkäaikaisennusteeseen.
23 Koort JK et al. PET-tutkimus osteomyeliitin diagnostiikassa.
24 Kotilainen E et al. Association between decreased disc signal intensity in preoperative T2-weighted MRI and a 5-year outcome after lumbar minimally invasive discectomy .
25 Kotilainen P et al. Eradication of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus from a health center ward and associated nursing home.
26 Kukkonen J et al. Bioaktiivinen lasi injektoituna kopolymeerikomposiittina ja granula-muodossa kokeellisessa radiuksen segmenttidefektissä.
27 Kyrö A et al. Aikuisten säärimurtumien hoitosuosistus. Tiivistelmä valmisteilla olevasta Käypä hoito -suosituksesta.
28 Kössi J et al. The effects of sialic acid on the gene expression of fibrillar collagens: Different changes in normal and fibrotic scar derived fibroblasts.
29 Kössi J et al. Overview of wound healing.
30 Kössi J et al. Effects of glucose on collagen mRNA levels and collagen secretion in EAhy 926 endothelial cell line.
31 Kössi J et al. Differential effects of hexoses and sucrose, and platelet-derived growth factor iroforms on cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 mRNA expression in keloid, hypertrophic scar and granulation tissue fibroblasts.
32 Kössi J et al. Effect of sucrose on collagen metabolism in keloid, hypertophic scar, and granulation tissue fibroblast cultures.
33 Laato M. Endoproteesipotilaan leikkausriskit syytä selvittää.
34 Laato M et al. Leiomyoma of the urinary bladder.
35 Laato M et al. Interferon-gamma-induced inhibition of wound healing in vivo and in vitro.
36 Lavonius MI et al. Role of laparoscopy and laparoscopic ultrasound in staging of pancreatic tumours.
37 Lavonius MI et al. Laparoscopic versus open appendectomy in children: A prospective randomised study.
38 Lehtonen O-P et al. Väestötiheys vaikuttaa tapaturmariskiin.
39 Leinonen T et al. The quality of perioperative care: development of a tool for the perceptions of patients.
40 Mäkinen TJ et al. RSA-menetelmän standardisointi lonkan tekonivelen fantom-mallilla.
41 Nieminen S, Lehtonen O-P. Accuracy of diagnosis and procedure registrations in surgical discharge records.
42 Nieminen S, Lehtonen P. Voiko erikoissairaanhoidon kustannuksiin vaikuttaa?
43 Niinikoski J. Ylipainehappihoito nekrotisoivissa infektioissa.
44 Niinikoski J. New aspects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in improving tissue salvage after acute musculo-skeletal trauma.
45 Niinikoski J. Current concepts of the role of oxygen in wound healing.
46 O'Higgins N et al. European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the Surgical Management of Mammographically Detected Lesions.
47 Paavilainen T et al. Infrequent Isolation of Multiresistant Acinetobacter baumannii From the Staff Tending a Colonized Patient With Severe Burns.
48 Parkkola R et al. MR-guided core biopsies of soft tissue tumours on an open 0.23 T imager.
49 Parkkola RK et al. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging and MR-guided bone biopsy on a 0.23 T open imager.
50 Piironen T et al. Measurement of circulating forms of prostate-specific antigen in whole blood immediately after venipuncture: implications for point-of-care testing.
51 Raitanen M-P et al. Human complement factor H related protein test for monitoring bladder cancer.
52 Rekola J et al. Puuluu - modifioitu puu luukorvikkeena.
53 Renvall S et al. Burst abdomen. Local synthesis of nucleic acids, glycosaminoglycans, proteins and collagen in wound.
54 Roberts PJ. Human genome project.
55 Roberts PJ. ACG - R.I.P.
56 Roivainen A et al. Failure to verify H-ras mutationsa in arthritic synovium: comment on the article by Roivainen et al.
57 Strandberg N et al. Bioaktiivinen lasi - metakrylaattikomposiitti kokeellisessa putkiluun segmenttidefektissä.
58 Sundström J et al. Management of testicular cancer. 16 years` experience from Southwest Finland.
59 Söderström M. Human chondrosarcoma. A molecular biologic, immunohistologic and epidemiologic study on Finnish patients.
60 Söderström M et al. Expression of matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in human chondrosarcomas.
61 Söderström M et al. Cysteine proteinases in chondrosarcomas.
62 Söderström M et al. Vuosina 1971-1990 Suomessa hoidettujen kondrosarkoomapotilaiden ennuste.
63 Taskinen H-S et al. Hermovamman paraneminen.
64 Uotila P et al. Stimulated expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in porcine heart after bypass circulation and cardioplegic arrest.
65 Uotila P et al. Increased expression of cyclooxygenase-2 and nitric oxide synthase-2 in human prostate cancer.
66 Uusitalo H. Induction of bone repair by bone morphogenetic protein-2 using adenovirus-mediated gene transfer. Cell and molecular biologic, radiologic and biomechanical characterization of the chondrogenic and osteogenic response in fracture callus, metaphyseal bone defect and intact periosteum in the mouse.
67 Uusitalo H et al. Induction of periosteal callus formation by bone morphogenetic protein-2 employing adenovirus-mediated gene delivery.
68 Uusitalo H et al. Luun paranemisen nopeuttaminen adenovirusvälitteisen BMP-2 geeniterapian avulla.
69 Uusitalo H et al. A metaphyseal defect model of the femur for studies of murine bone healing.
70 Valve EM et al. Increased expression of FGF-8 isoforms and FGF receptors in human premalignant prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia lesions and prostate cancer.
71 Vähäsilta T et al. Adenosine in myocardial protection given through three windows of opportunity. An experimental study with pigs.
72 Westerlund T et al. Same axonal regeneration rate after different endoneurial response to intraneural glycerol and phenol injection.
73 Ylänen H et al., inventor. Composite and its use.
74 Zhang L-Q, Laato M. Innervation of normal and hyperthophic human scars and experimental wounds in the rat.

Julkaisutietokanta 7.10.2004 Publications Data Base 7.10.2004