Synnytys- ja naistentautien kl

Julkaisut 2001
Publications 2001

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1 Aho M et al. Y-chromosomal microdeletions among infertile Finnish men.
2 Ahonen P. Matalan ja korkean riskin ensisynnyttäjien raskaudenaikaiset odotukset ja synnytyskokemukset.
3 Aittokallio T et al. Analysis of inspiratory flow shapes in patients with partial upper-airway obstruction during sleep.
4 Anttila L, Salmi T. Vaihdevuodet.
5 Backman T et al. Sixty thousand women-years of experience on the levonorgestrel intrauterine system: an epidemiological survey in Finland.
6 Erkkola R. Sikiön kasvun hidastuminen.
7 Heikkinen J, Alanen A. Mid-trimester amniotic fluid cytokines in association with preterm birth.
8 Heikkinen J et al. Cytokine levels in midtrimester amniotic fluid in normal pregnancy and in the prediction of pre-eclampsia.
9 Heikkinen T et al. Transplacental transfer of amitriptyline and nortriptyline in isolated perfused human placenta.
10 Hurskainen R et al. Psycosocial and other characteristics of women complaining of menorrhagia, with and without actual increased menstrual blood loss.
11 Hurskainen R et al. Quality of life and cost-effectiveness of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system versus hysterectomy for treatment of menorrhagia: a randomised trial.
12 Jokimaa V et al. Expression patterns of cathepsins B, H, K, L and S in the human endometrium.
13 Lind L et al. Lääkkeellisen raskaudenkeskeytyksen käyttöönotto TYKS:n naistenklinikassa.
14 Meltomaa S et al. Outcome of Burch retropubic urethropexy and the effect of concomitant abdominal hysterectomy: a prospective long-term follow-up study.
15 Mäkinen J et al. Morbidity of 10 110 hysterectomies by type of approach.
16 Mäkinen J et al. Estrogeenia tarvitaan myös paikallishoitona emättimeen.
17 Oksjoki S et al. Differential expression patterns of cathepsins B, H, K, L and S in the mouse ovary.
18 Polo-Kantola P, Erkkola R. Alzheimer´s disease and estrogen replacement therapy-where are we now?
19 Polo-Kantola P et al. Estrogen replacement therapy and nocturnal periodic limb movements: a randomized controlled trial.
20 Polo-Kantola P et al. Climacteric vasomotor symptoms do not predict nocturnal breathing abnormalities in postmenopausal women.
21 Polo-Kantola P et al. Aetiology and treatment of sleep disturbances during perimenopause and postmenopause.
22 Rantala M et al. Miehen sterilisaatio veitsettömällä ja perinteisellä menetelmällä.
23 Rantonen T. Antenatal MgSO4 Exposure and the Preterm Infant. Clinical Studies on Hemodynamics, Mineral Status and One-year Outcome.
24 Rantonen T et al. Periodic spectral components of fetal heart rate variability reflect the changes in cord arterial base deficit values: a preliminary report.
25 Rantonen T et al. Maternal magnesium sulfate treatment is associated with reduced brain-blood flow perfusion in preterm infants.
26 Rantonen T et al. Antenatal magnesium sulphate exposure is associated with prolonged parathyroid hormone suppression in preterm neonates.
27 Räty R et al. Maternal serum beta-hCG levels in screening for Down syndrome are higher in singleton pregnancies achieved with ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination than in spontaneous singleton pregnancies.
28 Saaresranta T et al. Medroxyprogesterone in postmenopausal females with partial upper airway obstruction during sleep.
29 Salmi M et al. Immune cell trafficking in uterus and early life is dominated by the mucosal addressin MAdCAM-1 in humans.
30 Salmi T, Grenman S. Munasarjasyöpä.
31 Sarantaus L et al. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations among Finnish ovarian carcinoma families.
32 Sumiala S et al. Serum total renin after tubal sterilization.
33 Sumiala Susanna. Late Effects of Female Sterilization.
34 Sundström J et al. Management of testicular cancer. 16 years` experience from Southwest Finland.
35 Veräjänkorva E et al. Cytokines in the BALB/c mouse testis in various conditions.
36 Virtanen H S, Kiilholma P. Ja kirkas vuoto jatkui ja jatkui...
37 Virtanen H, Kiilholma P. Urogynecologic ultrasound and tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) procedure for urinary incontinence.

Julkaisutietokanta 7.10.2004 Publications Data Base 7.10.2004