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Julkaisut 2001
Publications 2001

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1 Lavonius MI et al. Laparoscopic versus open appendectomy in children: A prospective randomised study.
2 Märtson M, Alanen M. Rästikuhammustuste ravi I. Kirjanduse ülevaade.
3 Märtson M, Alanen M. Rästikuhammustuste ravi II. 168 lapse haigusjuhu analüüs.
4 Märtson M et al. Vipera Berus Adder Bite in the Water, Complicated by Rapid Shock. A Case History.
5 Niinikoski H et al. Surgical closure of patent ductus arteriosus in very-low-birth-weight infants.
6 Paavilainen T et al. Infrequent Isolation of Multiresistant Acinetobacter baumannii From the Staff Tending a Colonized Patient With Severe Burns.
7 Pajulo O. Early Incision Wound Healing: Methodological and Clinical Studies.
8 Pajulo O et al. Hyaluronic acid incision wound fluid: A clinical study with the Cellstick device in children.
9 Parkkola R et al. Cerebrospinal fluid flow in children with normal and dilated ventricles studied by MR imaging.
10 Peltola V et al. Lasten veriviljelypositiiviset Staphylococcus aureus -infektiot.
11 Suominen P et al. Regression-based reference limitis for serum transferrin receptor in children 6 months to 16 years of age.
12 Vaittinen S et al. The expression of intermediate filament protein nestin as related to vimentin and desmin in regenerating skeletal muscle.

Julkaisutietokanta 7.10.2004 Publications Data Base 7.10.2004