Lastenneurologian yksikkö

Julkaisut 2001
Publications 2001

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1 Anttila Pirjo et al. Comorbidity of other pains in schoolchildren with migraine or nonmigrainous headache.
2 Haataja Leena et al. Neurologic examination in infants with hypoxicischemic encephalopathy at age 9 to 14 months: Use of optimality scores and correlation with magnetic resonance imaging findings.
3 Holopainen I et al. Changes in Neurofilament Protein-Immunoreactivity After Kainic Acid Treatment of Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Cultures.
4 Holopainen IE et al. Decreased Binding of (11 C) Flumazenil in Angelman Syndrome Patients with GABA A Receptor B 3 Subunit Deletions.
5 Johannessen S et al., ed. Medical Risks in Epilepsy.
6 Koillinen H et al. Mapping of the second locus for the Van der Woude syndrome to chromosome 1p34.
7 Krause CM et al. Event-related desynchronization and synchronization during a memory task in children.
8 Liljeström M-R et al. Signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in children with different types of headache.
9 Mattila M-L et al. Impact of Dental Health Care on Deltal health of Children with Long-Term Diseases: A Nested Case-Control Study.
10 Mattila M-L et al. Caries Experience and Caries Increments at 10 Years of Age.
11 Parkkola R et al. Cerebrospinal fluid flow in children with normal and dilated ventricles studied by MR imaging.
12 Sillanpää M. Risks Associated with Epilepsy in Everyday Life - Children.
13 Sinnar Sholoma et al. Status Epilepticus and Tiagabine Therapy: Review of Safety Data and Epidemiologic Comparisons.
14 Varho T. Neurological Spectrum of Salla Disease.
15 Wong FK et al. Genetic heterogeneity and exclusion of a modifying locus at 17p11.2-p11.1 Finnish families with van der Wounde syndrome.

Julkaisutietokanta 7.10.2004 Publications Data Base 7.10.2004