
Julkaisut 2001
Publications 2001

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1 Ahokoski O et al. Pharmacokinetics of finrozole (MPV-2213ad), a novel selective aromatase inhibitor, in healthy men.
2 Anichtchik OV et al. Distribution and modulation of histamine H3 receptors in basal ganglia and frontal cortex of healthy controls and patients with Parkinson's disease.
3 Bergman J. Aspects on the specific radioactivity in the synthesis of 18F-labelled radiopharmaceuticals.
4 Bergman J et al. Automated synthesis and purification of (18F) bromofluoromethane at high spesific radioactivity.
5 Bertoldo A et al. Kinetic modeling of (18F)FDG in skeletal muscle by PET: a four-compartment five-rate-constant model.
6 Brück A et al. Positron emission tomography shows that impaired frontal lobe functioning in Parkinson´s disease is related to dopaminergic hypofunction in the caudate nucleus.
7 Erkinjuntti T et al. Muistihäiriöt ja dementia.
8 Fan Y et al. Hepatic lipase gene variation is related to coronary reactivity in healthy young men.
9 Fan Y-M et al. Effects of pravastatin therapy on serum lipids and coronary reactivity are not associated with SREBP cleavage-activating protein polymorphism in healthy young men.
10 Fan YM et al. Hepatic lipase gene variations is related to coronary in healthy young men.
11 Gerber BL et al. Positron emission tomography using 18F-fluoro-deoxyglucose and euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic glucose clamp:optimal criteria for the prediction of recovery of post-ischaemic left ventricular dysfunction . Results from the European Community Concerted Action Multicenter study on use of 18-F-fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography for Detection of Myocardial Viability .
12 Grönroos T et al. Pharmacokinetics of (18F)FETNIM: a potential hypoxia marker for PET.
13 Hietala J et al. Sertindole is a serotonin 5-HT2c inverse agonist and decreases agonist but not antagonist binding to 5-HT2c receptors after chronic treatment.
14 Hirvonen J et al. Measurement of cortical dopamine D1 receptor binding with 11C(SCH23390):a test-retest analysis.
15 Holopainen IE et al. Decreased Binding of (11 C) Flumazenil in Angelman Syndrome Patients with GABA A Receptor B 3 Subunit Deletions.
16 Janatuinen T et al. Effect of lipid-lowering therapy with pravastatin on myocardial blood flow in young mildly hypercholesterolemic adults.
17 Järvisalo MJ et al. Increased aortic intima-media thickness. A marker of preclinical atherosclerosis in high-risk children.
18 Jääskeläinen S et al. Role of the dopaminergic system in chronic pain - a fluorodopa-PET study.
19 Kaasinen V et al. Personality traits and brain dopaminergic function in Parkinson´s disease .
20 Kaasinen V et al. Increased frontal (18F)flurodopa uptake in early Parkinson´s disease: sex differences in the prefrontal cortex.
21 Kaasinen V. et al. Sex differences in extrastriatal dopamine d(2)-like receptors in the human brain.
22 Kalela A et al. Effect of pravastatin in mildly hypercholesterolemic young men on serum matrix metalloproteinases .
23 Kalliokoski K. The effects of exercise and endurance training on skeletal muscle and myocardial blood flow . Studies using positron emission tomography .
24 Kalliokoski K et al. Enhanced oxygen extraction and reduced flow heterogeneity in exercising muscle in endurance-trained men.
25 Kalliokoski K. et al. Perfusion heterogeneity in human skeletal muscle: fractal analysis of PET data.
26 Karsila-Tenovuo S et al. Disturbances in craniofacial morphology in children treated for solid tumors.
27 Kemppainen N et al. Different pattern of reduction of striatal dopamine reuptake sites in Alzheimer's disease and ageing.
28 Knuuti J. Myocarcial Perfusion and Function by Radioisotopes.
29 Knuuti J. et al. Myocardial fatty acid oxidation in patients with impaired glucose tolerance.
30 Koort JK et al. PET-tutkimus osteomyeliitin diagnostiikassa.
31 Koskenvuo J W et al. Global myocardial blood flow and global flow reserve measurements by MRI and PET are comparable.
32 Koskenvuo J. Myocardial blood flow and flow reserve . Assessed by magnetic resonance imaging, echocardiography and positron emission tomography .
33 Koskenvuo JW et al. Assessing coronary sinus blood flow in patients with coronary artery disease: a comparison of phase-contrast MR imaging with positron emission tomography.
34 Kuikka JT et al. Imaging of endothelial dysfunction in coronary atherosclerosis.
35 Laakso A et al. Decreased striatal dopamine transporter binding in vivo in chronic schizophrenia.
36 Laakso MP et al. A morphometric MRI study of the hippocampus in first-episode, neuroleptic-naive schizophrenia.
37 Laine TPJ et al. The A1 allele of the D2 dopamine receptor gene is associated with high dopamine transporter density in detoxified alcholics.
38 Laitio T et al. Mitä sydämen sykevaihtelu kertoo?
39 Lamusuo S et al. [18F]FDG-PET reveals temporal hypometabolism in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy even when quantitative MRI and histopathological analysis show only mild hippocampal damage.
40 Lamusuo S. Imaging the Epileptogenic Region with Positron Emission Tomography in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
41 Langer O. et al. Synthesis of high-specific-radioactivity 4- and 6-[18F] fluorometaraminol-PET tracers for the adrenergic nervous system of the heart.
42 Lee M. et al. Genotypes of catechol-O-methyltransferase and response to levodopa treatment in patients with Parkinson´s disease.
43 Lehtiö K et al. Imaging of blood flow and hypoxia in head and neck cancer: initial evaluation with (15O)H2O and (18F)fluoroerythronitroimidazole PET.
44 Malin R et al. Paraoxonase genotype modifies the effect of pravastatin on high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
45 Malin R. et al. Paraoxonase gene polymorphisms and coronary reactivity in young healthy men.
46 Mattila PM et al. Choline acetyltransferase activity and striatal dopamine receptors in Parkinson's disease in relation to cognitive impairment.
47 Mildh LH et al. The concentration-effect relationship of the respiratory depressant effects of alfentanil and fentanyl.
48 Nenonen J et al. Current-density estimation of exercise-induced ischemia in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease.
49 Nurmi E. Progression of Nigrostrial Hypofunction in Parkinson´s Disease.
50 Nurmi E et al. The rate of progression in Parkinson´s disease: a 6-(18F) fluoro-L-dopa PET study.
51 Nuutinen J. Positron emission tomography (PET) in planning of cancer treatment and monitoring of treatment response.
52 Nyman S. NMR Spectroscopic Applications to Biomedicine.
53 Peltoniemi P et al. Evidence for spatial heterogeneity in insulin- and exercise-induced increases in glucose uptake: studies in normal subjects and patients with type 1 diabetes.
54 Peltoniemi P et al. Resistance to exercise-induced increase in glucose uptake during hyperinsulinemia in insulin-resistant skeletal muscle of patients with type 1 diabetes.
55 Peltoniemi P. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle during exercise. Studies in Different Degrees of Glucose Tolerance.
56 Penttilä J et al. Spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity as a dynamic measure of cardiac anticholinergic drug effect.
57 Penttilä J. et al. Time domain, geometrical and frequency domain analysis of cardiac vagal outflow: effects of various respiratory patterns.
58 Penttilä J. et al. Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model for the anticholinergic effect of glycopyrrolate.
59 Penttilä J. et al. Effects of amitriptyline, citalopram and reboxetine on autonomic nervous system. A randomised placebo-controlled study on healthy volunteers.
60 Pietilä M et al. Reduced myocardial carbon-11 hydroxyephedrine retention is associated with poor prognosis in chronic heart failure.
61 Pirilä L et al. Identification of alfa6beta1 integrin positive cells in synovial lining layer as type B synoviocytes.
62 Raitakari O et al. Impaired vascular responses to nitroglycerin in subjects with atherosclerosis.
63 Raitakari OT et al. Reduced myocardial flow reserve relates to increased carotid intima-media thickness in healthy young men.
64 Rinne J. Lewyn kappale -dementia.
65 Rinne J. Frontotemporaaliset degeneraatiot.
66 Rinne J. Parkinsonin tauti ja muut ekstrapyramidaalisairaudet.
67 Rinne JO et al. (18F)FDOPA and (18F)CFT are both sensitive PET markers to detect presynaptic dopaminergic hypofunction in early Parkinson´s disease.
68 Roivainen A et al. Failure to verify H-ras mutationsa in arthritic synovium: comment on the article by Roivainen et al.
69 Ruottinen HM et al. Detection of response to COMT inhibition in FDOPA PET in advanced Parkinson's diasease requires prolong imaging.
70 Saraste M et al. Coronary Flow Reserve: measurement with transthoracic Doppler echocardiography is reproducible and comparable with positron emission tomography.
71 Scheinin H. Riittääkö otoskoko?
72 Scheinin H. Lääketutkimuksen suunnittelu ja toteutus A.D. 2001.
73 Sutinen E. et al. Biodistribution of (11C)methylaminoisobutyric acid, a tracer for PET studies on system A amino acid transport in vivo.
74 Tuominen S et al. Phenotype of a homozygous CADASIL patient in comparison to 9 age-matched heterozygous patients with the same R133C Notch3 mutation.
75 Ukkonen H. Myocardial oxygen consumption and efficiency in the healthy and failing heart. Studies using positron emission tomography with special reference to the effects of levosimendan.
76 Ukkonen H et al. Use of [11C]acetate and [15O]O2 PET for the assessment on myocardial oxygen utilization in patients with chronic myocardial infarction.
77 Vasankari T et al. Oxidized LDL and thickness of carotid intima-media are associated with coronary atherosclerosis in middle-aged men: lower levels of oxidized LDL with statin therapy.
78 Viikari J et al. Milloin ja miten lasten ja nuorten hyperlipidemioita tulee hoitaa?
79 Virtanen KA et al. Human adipose tissue glucose uptake determined using [18F]-fluoro-deoxy-glucose ([18F]FDG) and PET in combination with microdialysis.
80 Zessin J et al. Synthesis of S-(18F)fluoromethyl)-(+)-McN5652 as a potential PET radioligand for the serotonin transporter .
81 Åberg L. et al. A favorable response to antiparkinsonian treatment in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis.

Julkaisutietokanta 7.10.2004 Publications Data Base 7.10.2004