Kliinisen fysiologian ja isotooppilääketieteen yksikkö

Julkaisut 2001
Publications 2001

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1 Boström PJ et al. Expression of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 in urinary bladder carcinomas in vivo and in vitro and prostaglandin E2 synthesis in cultured bladder cancer cells.
2 Boström PJ et al. Interferon-alpha inhibits cyclooxygenase-1 and stimulates cyclooxygenase-2 expression in bladder cancer cells in vitro.
3 Janatuinen T et al. Effect of lipid-lowering therapy with pravastatin on myocardial blood flow in young mildly hypercholesterolemic adults.
4 Järvisalo MJ et al. Increased aortic intima-media thickness. A marker of preclinical atherosclerosis in high-risk children.
5 Kalliokoski K. The effects of exercise and endurance training on skeletal muscle and myocardial blood flow . Studies using positron emission tomography .
6 Kalliokoski K et al. Enhanced oxygen extraction and reduced flow heterogeneity in exercising muscle in endurance-trained men.
7 Kalliokoski K. et al. Perfusion heterogeneity in human skeletal muscle: fractal analysis of PET data.
8 Kiljander T. The Association of Gastroesophageal Reflux with Asthma, Bronchial Responsiveness and Chronic Cough.
9 Kiljander T et al. Asthma and gastro-oesophageal reflux: can the response to anti-reflux therapy be predicted?
10 Koskenvuo J W et al. Global myocardial blood flow and global flow reserve measurements by MRI and PET are comparable.
11 Koskenvuo J. Myocardial blood flow and flow reserve . Assessed by magnetic resonance imaging, echocardiography and positron emission tomography .
12 Koskenvuo JW et al. Assessing coronary sinus blood flow in patients with coronary artery disease: a comparison of phase-contrast MR imaging with positron emission tomography.
13 Kozák-Bárány A et al. Development of left ventricular systolic and diastolic function in preterm infants during the first month of life: A prospective follow-up study.
14 Kuikka JT et al. Imaging of endothelial dysfunction in coronary atherosclerosis.
15 Kössi J et al. Differential effects of hexoses and sucrose, and platelet-derived growth factor iroforms on cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 mRNA expression in keloid, hypertrophic scar and granulation tissue fibroblasts.
16 Lehtiö K et al. Imaging of blood flow and hypoxia in head and neck cancer: initial evaluation with (15O)H2O and (18F)fluoroerythronitroimidazole PET.
17 Peltoniemi P et al. Evidence for spatial heterogeneity in insulin- and exercise-induced increases in glucose uptake: studies in normal subjects and patients with type 1 diabetes.
18 Pietilä M et al. Reduced myocardial carbon-11 hydroxyephedrine retention is associated with poor prognosis in chronic heart failure.
19 Raitakari O et al. Impaired vascular responses to nitroglycerin in subjects with atherosclerosis.
20 Raitakari OT et al. Reduced myocardial flow reserve relates to increased carotid intima-media thickness in healthy young men.
21 Saaresranta T et al. Effect of medroxyprogesterone on pulmonary arterial pressure, alveolar nitric oxide and arterial blood gases.
22 Saraste M et al. Coronary Flow Reserve: measurement with transthoracic Doppler echocardiography is reproducible and comparable with positron emission tomography.
23 Saraste M et al. Transthoracic color doppler echocardiography: a new way to diagnose coronary artery disease.
24 Slimani N et al. Lait et cancer.
25 Telama R et al. Suomalaisten lasten ja nuorten liikunta tänään.
26 Toikka J. Early Changes in Atherosclerosis. Assessed by ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging .
27 Vasankari T et al. Oxidized LDL and thickness of carotid intima-media are associated with coronary atherosclerosis in middle-aged men: lower levels of oxidized LDL with statin therapy.
28 Viikari J et al. Milloin ja miten lasten ja nuorten hyperlipidemioita tulee hoitaa?
29 Vähäsilta T et al. Adenosine in myocardial protection given through three windows of opportunity. An experimental study with pigs.
30 Wendelin-Saarenhovi M et al. Long-term reproducibility of ambulatory blood pressure in unselected elderly subjects.

Julkaisutietokanta 7.10.2004 Publications Data Base 7.10.2004