Kirurgian klinikka

Julkaisut 2002
Publications 2002

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1 Bmp-2 EVALUATION in Surgery For Tibial Trauma (bestt) Study Group et al. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 for treatment of open tibial fractures. A prospective, controlled, randomized study of four hundred and fifty patients.
2 Demetri GD et al. Efficacy and safety of imatinib mesylate in advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors.
3 Finnish LUMBAR Spinal Stenosis Research Group. Leikkaushoidon vaikuttavuus keskivaikeassa spinaalistenoosissa. Satunnaistettu vertailututkimus.
4 Grönroos JM. Det utförs alltför många onödiga appendektomier. Leukocyträkning och CRP-bestämning skulle ge en säkrare diagnos.
5 Grönroos JM et al. No effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on sodium taurocholate induced pancreatic necrosis in the rat.
6 Hautamäki M et al. Esivalmistettu biolasi metakrylaatti bulk-proteesi - Fixaatiomenetelmän vaikutus kokeellisessa putkiluun segmenttidefektissä.
7 Helttula I et al. Similar central hemodynamics and oxygenation in reamed and unreamed intramedullary nailing of tibial fractures.
8 Hilska M et al. Prognostic value of various staging and grading systems in proximal colon cancer.
9 Hohenthal U et al. Response from dr Hohenthal.
10 Hohenthal U et al. Human parainfluenza type 4 virus (hPIV4) infection provoking many puestions regarding the role of this virus as the causative agent of reseptrory tract infections in the posttransplant setting.
11 Huhtinen HT et al. Source of group II phospholipase A2 in gastric juice.
12 Hämäläinen MT et al. Do normal leucocyte count and C-reactive protein on admission to hospital exclude a life-threatening attack of acute pancreatitis?
13 Inoue N et al. Biologic tendon fixation to metallic implant augmented with autogenous cancellous bone graft and bone marrow in a canine model.
14 International SUBARACHNOID Aneurysm Trial (isat) Collaborative Group. International subarachnoid aneurysm trial (ISAT) of neurosurgical clipping versus endovascular coiling in 2143 patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysms: a randomised trial.
15 Isotalo K et al. The long-term results of Lubinus interplanta hemiarthroplasty in 228 acute femoral neck fractures. A retrospective six-year follow-up.
16 Itälä A. Enhancing the bioactivity of porous bioactive glass by surface microroughening.
17 Itälä A et al. Molekyylibiologinen analyysi bioaktiivisen lasin pinnan mikrokarhentamisen vaikutuksesta uudisluun muodostumiseen.
18 Itälä A et al. Characterization of microrough bioactive glass surface: Surface reactions and osteoblast responses in vitro.
19 Joensuu H et al. Management of malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumours.
20 Kaasinen E et al. Factors explaining recurrence in patients undergoing chemoimmunotherapy regimens for frequently recurring superficial bladder carcinoma.
21 Kentala E, Grönroos J. Ruuansulatuskanavan ja maksan häiriöt.
22 Kiljander TO et al. Gastroesophageal reflux and bronchial responsiveness: correlation and the effect of fundoplication.
23 Kinnala PJ et al. Catalytic activity of phospholipase A2 in blood plasma and pancreatic tissue perfusion in early ecperimental acute pancreatitis.
24 Kinnala PJ et al. Splanchnic and pancreatic tissue perfusion in experimental acute pancreatitis.
25 Koort JK et al. Kvantitatiivinen PET-tutkimus kokeellisen osteomyeliitin kuvantamisessa.
26 Kotilainen E, Valtonen S. PLIF ja transpedikulaarinen fiksaatio sekä lateraalinen luusiirre (IPLF) lyyttisen olisteesin kirurgisessa hoidossa; TYKS:ssa hoidettujen potilaiden primaaritulokset.
27 Kurvinen T, Terho K. Haasteena puhtaammat kädet.
28 Kurvinen T et al. Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin projektissa panostetaan sairaalahygieniaan.
29 Kuttila KT et al. Penetrating thoracic and abdominal wounds treated at the Turku University Central Hospital and the Satakunta Central Hospital in the years 1977 to 1996.
30 Laato M. Haavan paranemisen biologiaa.
31 Laato M. Kives- ja lisäkiveskasvaimet.
32 Laato M. Peniskasvaimet.
33 Lavonius M. Diagnostic laparoscopy in surgery.
34 Lavonius MI et al. Staging of gastric cancer. A study with spiral computed tomography, ultrasonography, laparoscopy, and laparoscopic ultrasonography.
35 Leino-Kilpi H et al. Organizational ethics in Finnish intensive care unit: staff perception.
36 Leinonen T. The Quality of Perioperative Care: Developing a Patient-Oriented Measurement Tool.
37 Leinonen T et al. The quality of perioperative care: perceptions of nursing staff.
38 Lindfors N. Bioactive glass: Performance in experimental cancellous cavitary bone defects and spinal fusion, and interactions with polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
39 Lindfors NC et al. Bioactive glass as bone-graft substitute for posterior spinal fusion in rabbit.
40 Maass M et al. Teleneuroradiologian vaikuttavuus .
41 Marquez M et al. Development of dextran derivatives with cytotoxic effects in human urinary bladder cancer cell lines.
42 Nieminen S et al. Population density and occurrence of accidents in Finland.
43 Nurmi M. Virtsadiversiomenetelmät.
44 Nurmi M, Lukkarinen O. Muut miehen sukupuolielinten sairaudet.
45 Nurmi M et al. Urologia.
46 Nurmi M, Rintala E. Virtsateiden kasvaimet.
47 Ojala P et al. mRNA differential display of gene expression in colonic carcinoma.
48 Ouwehand AC et al. Dependent adhesion of lactic acid bacteria to colonic tissue in vitro.
49 Ouwehand AC et al. Resected human colonic tissue: new model for characterizing adhesion of lactic acid bacteria.
50 Paajanen H et al. Novel serum inflammatory markers in acute appendicitis.
51 Perttilä J, Grönroos J. Ruuansulatuskanavan ja maksan häiriöt.
52 Rainio P et al. Observation of anomalous insertion of the medial meniscus on the anterior cruciate ligament.
53 Rajala P et al. Perioperative single dose instillation of epirubicin or interferon-alpha after transurethral resection for the prophylaxis of primary superficial bladder cancer recurrence: A prospective randomized multicenter study - Finnbladder III long-term results.
54 Roberts P. SJS - Scandinavian Journal of Surgery.
55 Roberts P. The female shock.
56 Roberts P, Eisenberg B. Clinical presentation of gastrointestinal stromal tumors and treatment of operable disease.
57 Salminen E, Nurmi M. Metastasizing renal cell cancer.
58 Sarimo J et al. Comparison of two procedures for meniscal cysts. A report of 35 patients with a mean follow-up of 33 months.
59 Sarimo J et al. Acute traumatic hemarthrosis of the knee. Is routine arthroscopic examination necessary? A study of 320 consecutive patients.
60 Sarimo J et al. Polven akuutti traumaattinen ekstensiovaje.
61 Sipola E et al. Ranneartroplastian (TMW) varhaistulokset Paimion Sairaalassa.
62 Suominen T et al. Hoitotieteentutkimusmetodiikka-opintojen kehittämis- ja arviointiprojekti.
63 Söderström M et al. Molecular profiling of human chondrosarcomas for matrix production and cancer markers.
64 Takala TO et al. 14(R,S)-(18F)Fluoro-6-thia-heptadecanoic acid as a tracer of free fatty acid uptake and oxidation in myocardium and skeletal muscle.
65 Terho PM et al. The endoneurial response to microsurgically removed epi- and perineurium.
66 Tiusanen H, Sipola E. Ranteen luudutusleikkaus, prospektiivinen tutkimus 115 potilaalla.
67 Tiusanen H et al. S.T.A.R. nilkkaproteesin varhaistulokset. Prospektiivinen tutkimus 36 potilaalla.
68 Vaittinen S et al. Transected myofibres may remain permanently divided in two parts.
69 Veräjänkorva E et al. CD 99 and CD 106 (VCAM-1) in human testis.
70 Virolainen P, Aitasalo K. Effect of postoperative irradiation on free skin flaps: An experimental study in rats.
71 Virolainen P et al. The reliability of diagnosis of infection during revision arthroplasties.
72 Ylikoski A et al. Simultaneous quantification of prostate-specific antigen and human glandular kallikrein 2 mRNA in blood samples from patients with prostate cancer and benign disease.

Julkaisutietokanta 13.10.2004 Publications Data Base 13.10.2004