Suusairauksien klinikka

Julkaisut 2002
Publications 2002

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1 Aitasalo K et al. Ylipainehappihoito pään ja kaulan kirurgiassa: Osteoradionekroosi, osteomyeliitti ja leukaluiden implantit.
2 Dieudonne SC et al. Osteoblast differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells cultured on silica gel and sol-gel-derived titania.
3 Forssell H et al. Sensory dysfunction in burning mouth syndrome.
4 Heikinheimo K et al. Gene expression profiling of ameloblastoma and human tooth germ by means of a cDNA microarray.
5 Jääskeläinen K et al. Cell proliferation and chomosomal changes in human ameloblastoma.
6 Karsila-Tenovuo S. The effect of anticancer therapy on craniofacial growth.
7 Karsila-Tenovuo S. Syöpähoitojen vaikutus pään ja leukojen kasvuun.
8 Karsila-Tenovuo S et al. Induced leukemia and antineoplastic agent carmustine cause permanent changes in craniofacial growth of immature rats.
9 Kawashima S et al. Cephalometric evaluation of facial types in preschool children without sleep-related breathing disorder.
10 Kawashima S et al. Craniofacial morphology in preschool children with sleep-related breathing disorder and hypertrophy of tonsils.
11 Kirveskari P. Purenta ja päänsärky.
12 Kirveskari P. Prevention of temporomandibular disorders - an impossibility?
13 Kuttila M et al. Efficiency of occlusal appliance therapy in secondary otalgia and temporomandibular disorders.
14 Laine J et al. Rehabilitation of patients with congenital unrepaired cleft palate defects using free iliac crest bone grafts and dental implants .
15 Le Bell Y et al. Effect of artificial occlusal interferences depends on previous experience of temporomandibular disorders.
16 Leimola-virtanen R et al. Purennan kuntoutus perinteisellä yhdistelmäprotetiikalla.
17 Liljeström M-R, Närhi T. Leukojen välinen epäsuhta pitkälle tuhoutuneessa hampaistossa - korjaaminen konservatiivisen kiinteän protetiikan avulla.
18 Liukkonen M et al. Effect of mandibular setback surgery on the posterior airway size.
19 Muhonen A. Luun venytyshoito sädehoidetussa alaleuassa ja ylipainehappihoidon vaikutus luun muodostumiseen.
20 Muhonen A, Muhonen A. Distraction osteogenesis of irradiated rabbit mandible with and without hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
21 Muhonen A et al. Osteodistraction of a previously irradiated mandible with or without adjunctive hyperbaric oxygenation: An experimental study in rabbits.
22 Muhonen A et al. The effects of irradiation and hyberbaric oxygen on bone formation during rabbit mandibular distraction.
23 Muhonen A et al. Effect of mandibular distraction osteogenesis on temporomandibular joint after previous irradiation and hyperbaric oxygenation.
24 Muhonen A et al. Osteoblastic activity of the rabbit temporomandibular joint during distraction osteogenesis assessed by [18F]fluoride positron emission tomography.
25 Niemi M et al. Effects of transitory lingual nerve impairment on speech: an acoustic study of vowel sounds.
26 Närhi T et al. Bioactive composites for tissue repair and engineering.
27 Närhi T et al. Biopolymeerit lääketieteen palveluksessa.
28 Peltomäki T et al. Moulding of the generate to control open bite during mandibular distraction osteogenesis.
29 Peltomäki T et al. Histology of surgically removed overgrown osteochondral rib grafts.
30 Peltomäki T et al. The effect of a unilateral costochondral graft on the growth of the marmoset mandible.
31 Rich J et al. In vitro evaluation of poly(e-caprolactone-co-DL-lactide)/bioactive glass composites.
32 Soukka T, Vähätalo K. Hammasperäinen infektio.
33 Teerijoki-Oksa T et al. Risk factors of nerve injury during mandibular sagittal split osteotomy .
34 Vilhula S et al. Lasikuituvahvisteinen kokoleuan silta - vaihtoehto irrotettavalle proteesille.
35 Visnapuu V et al. Distribution of insulin-like growth factor-I mRNA in the mandibular condyle and rib cartilage of the rat during growth .
36 Visnapuu V et al. Distribution of fibroblast growth factors (FGFR-1 and 3) and platelet-derived growth factor receptors (PDGFR) in the rat mandibular condyle during growth.

Julkaisutietokanta 13.10.2004 Publications Data Base 13.10.2004