Lastenpsykiatrian yksikkö

Julkaisut 2002
Publications 2002

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1 Anttila P et al. Determinants of tension-type headache in children.
2 Hannesdottir H. Studies on child and adolescent mental health in Iceland.
3 Hukkanen R. Psychosocial problems of children placed in children´s homes.
4 Paavonen EJ et al. Poor sleep and psychiatric symptoms at school: an epidemiological study.
5 Parkkola K et al. Pojasta mieheksi - kasvamiseen liittyvät ongelmat.
6 Piha J. Tekevätkö lastenpsykiatrit vääriä asioita?
7 Sandberg S. Psychosocial contributions.
8 Sandberg S, ed. Hyperactivity and Attention Disorders of Childhood.
9 Sandberg S, Barton J. Historical development.
10 Sandberg S et al. Positive experiences and the relationship between stress and asthma in children.
11 Sandberg S, Rutter M. The role of acute life stresses.
12 Schmitt F. Alussa on ruumis. Ruumiin refleksiivisyydestä.
13 Sourander A et al. Psychopharmacological treatment of child and adolescent psychiatric inpatients in Finland.
14 Sourander A et al. Use of holding, restraints, seclusion and time-out in child and adolescent psychiatric in-patient treatment.
15 Sourander A, Leijala H. The Clinical Course of Children Treated in a Short-Term Inpatient Programme.

Julkaisutietokanta 13.10.2004 Publications Data Base 13.10.2004