Hoitotiede (hallinnon yksikkö)

Julkaisut 2003
Publications 2003

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1 Elomaa L. Research Evidence Implementation and its Reguirements in Nursing Education.
2 Grandell-Niemi H et al. Medication calculation skills of nurses in Finland.
3 Haapaniemi H et al. Hoitotieteellinen vanhustutkimus; Analyysi vuosina 1979-2000 Suomessa tehdyistä opinnäytetöistä.
4 Hannula L. Imetysnäkemykset ja imetyksen toteutuminen. Suomalaisten synnyttäjien seurantatutkimus.
5 Johansson K et al. Need for change in patient education: a Finnish survey from the patient´s perspective.
6 Kuokkanen L. Nurse Empowerment. A Model of Individual and Endoviranmental Factors.
7 Kuokkanen L et al. Nurse empowerment, job-related satisfaction, and organizational commitment.
8 Leino-Kilpi H. Potilas hoitotieteessä.
9 Leino-Kilpi H. Hoitotyön johtaja ja voimavaraistuminen.
10 Leino-Kilpi H, Välimäki M. Etiikka hoitotyössä.
11 Leino-Kilpi H et al. Perceptions of autonomy, privacy and informed consent in the care of elderly people in five European countries: general overview.
12 Leino-Kilpi H et al. Perceptions of autonomy, privacy and informed consent in the care of elderly people in five European countries: comparison and implications for the future.
13 Leinonen T et al. Comparing patient and nurse perceptions of perioperative care quality.
14 Lemonidou C et al. Privacy in surgical nursing care.
15 Lemonidou C et al. A comparison of surgical patients' and nurses' perceptions of patients' autonomy, privacy and informed consent in nursing interventions .
16 Luotolinna-Lybeck H. Lapsipotilas teknisessä hoitoympäristössä. Esimerkkinä virtsan refluksin gammakuvaustutkimus.
17 Meretoja R. Nurse Competence Scale.
18 Meretoja R, Leino-Kilpi H. Comparison of competence assessments made by nurse managers and practising nurses.
19 Merkouris A et al. Patients' and nurses' perceptions for the protection of privacy in Greek hospitals .
20 Nuutila L et al. Turun maisterit työllistyvät hyvin .
21 Pyykkö V. "If Only I Could" - "There is Always a Loophole". Hope and Hopelessness Experienced by the Severely Depressive and Non-depressive Elderly.
22 Rehnström L et al. Adaption and psychometric evalution of the Swedish version of the Good Nursing Care Scale for patients.
23 Salanterä S et al. Clinical judgement and information seeking by nurses and physicians working with cancer patients.
24 Salmela M et al. Potilasopetus Turun yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa.
25 Schopp A et al. Perceptions of privacy in the care of elderly people in five European countries.
26 Schopp A et al. Perceptions of informed consent in the care of elderly people in five European countries.
27 Scott PA et al. Autonomy, privacy and informed consent 2: postnatal perspective.
28 Scott PA et al. Autonomy, privacy and informed consent 4: surgical perspective.
29 Scott PA et al. Autonomy, privacy and informed consent 1: concepts and definitions.
30 Scott PA et al. Autonomy, privacy and informed consent 3: elderly care perspective .
31 Scott PA et al. Perception of autonomy in the care of elderly people in five European countries.
32 Suhonen R et al. Patients' autonomy in surgical care: a comparison of nurses' perceptions in five European countries.
33 Varjus S-L et al. Autonomy among intensive care nurses in Finland.
34 Veräjänkorva O. Sairaanhoitajien lääkehoitotaidot. Lääkehoitotaitojen arviointimittarin ja täydennyskoulutusmallin kehittäminen.

Julkaisutietokanta 29.9.2004 Publications Data Base 29.9.2004