Sisätautien klinikka

Julkaisut 2003
Publications 2003

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1 Arkkila PET et al. Biochemical markers of types I and III collagen and limited joint mobility in type 1 diabetic patients.
2 Björkstrand B et al. Feasibility of fludarabine added to VAD during induction therapy in multiple myeloma: a randomised phase II-study.
3 Büller HR et al. Subcutaneous fondaparinux versus intravenous unfractionated heparin in the initial treatment of pulmonary embolism.
4 Carlsson S et al. Assessment of alcohol consumption by mailed questionnaire in epidemiological studies: Evaluation of misclassification using a dietary history interview and biochemical markers.
5 Chen T et al. Bacterial components in the synovial tissue of patients with advanced Rheumtoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis: Analysis with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and pan-bacterial polymerase chain reaction.
6 Cometta A et al. Vancomycin versus placebo for treating persistent fever in patients with neutropenic cancer receiving Piperacillin-Tazobactam monotherapy.
7 Devereux RB et al. Effects of losartan or atenolol in hypertensive patients without clinically evident vascular disease: A stubstudy of the LIFE randomized trial.
8 Dreger P et al. Treatment-related mortality and graft-versus-leukemia activity after allogeneic stem cell transplantation for chronic lymhocytic leukemia using intensity-reduced conditioning.
9 Ebert OE et al. Oncolytic vesicular stomatitis virus for treatment of orthotopic hepatocellular carcinoma in immune-competent rats.
10 Executive Steering Committee on behalf of the SPORTIF III investigators. Stroke prevention with the oral direct thrombin inhibitor ximelagatran compared with warfarin in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (SPORTIF III): randomised controlled trial.
11 Fujimoto T et al. Skeletal muscle glucose uptake response to exercise in trained and untrained men.
12 Granger CB et al. Effects of candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and reduced left-ventricular systolic function intolerant to angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors: the CHARM-alternative trial.
13 Gratwohl A et al. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for hematological malignancies in Europe.
14 Hakanen A et al. Fluoroquinolone resistance in campylobacter jejuni isolates in travelers returning to Finland: Association of ciprofloxacin resistance to travel destination.
15 Hakanen AJ et al. Multidrug resistance in Campylobacter jejuni strains collected from Finnish patients during 1995-2000.
16 Halperin JL et al. Ximelagatran compared with warfarin for prevention of thromboembolism in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: Rationale, objectives, and design of a pair of clinical studies and baseline patient characteristics (SPORTIF III and V).
17 Huang T-G et al. Telomerase-dependent oncolytic adenovirus for cancer treatment.
18 Huikuri HV et al. Prediction of sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction in the beta-blocking era.
19 Hällsten K et al. Insulin- and exercise-stimulated skeletal muscle blood flow and glucose uptake in obese men.
20 Härkönen R et al. Munuaisten ja virtsateiden isotooppitutkimukset.
21 Iivanainen E et al. Angiopoietin-regulated recruitment of vascular smooth muscle cells by endothelial-derived heparin binding EGF-like growth factor.
22 Immonen-Räihä P et al. Eleven-year trends of stroke in Turku, Finland.
23 Iozzo P et al. Insulin stimulates liver glucose uptake in humans: an 18F-FDG PET study.
24 Iozzo P et al. Effects of metformin and rosiglitazone monotherapy on insulin-mediated hepatic glucose uptake and their relation to visceral fat in type 2 diabetes.
25 Iozzo P et al. Insulin-mediated hepatic glucose uptake is impaired in type 2 diabetes: Evidence for a relationship with glycemic control.
26 Iozzo P et al. Liver uptake of free fatty acids in vivo in humans as determined with 14(R,S)-(18F)fluoro-6-thia-heptadecanoic acid and PET.
27 Janatuinen T. Coronary artery disease risk factors and myocardial blood flow in young adults. With special reference to statin treatment.
28 Janatuinen T et al. Plasma asymmetric demethylarginine modifies the effect of pravastatin on myocardial blood flow in young adults.
29 Jantunen E et al. High-dose therapy supported by autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma.
30 Jantunen E et al. Low-dose or intermediate-dose cyclophosphamide plus granulocyte colony-stimulating factor for progenitor cell mobilisation in patients with multiple myeloma.
31 Jartti L. Markers of Subclinical Atherosclerosis. A Study of Middle-Aged Male Twins Discordant for Migration from Finland to Sweden.
32 Jartti L et al. Higher prevalence of Chlamydia pneumoniae seropositivity in Finnish twins compared with co-twins living in Sweden: relationships with markers of subclinical atherosclerosis.
33 Jokinen V et al. Papillaarinen fibroelastooma - harvinainen sydänkasvain.
34 Jokinen V et al. Temporal changes in cardiovascular autonomic regulation in type II diabetic patients: association with coronary risk variables and progression of coronary artery disease.
35 Julius S et al. VALUE trial: Long-term blood pressure trends in 13,449 patients with hypertension and high cardiovascular risk.
36 Järvisalo MJ et al. Enhanced endothelium-dependent vasodilation in subjects with Proline7 substitution in the signal peptide of neuropeptide Y.
37 Kaitosaari T et al. Effect of 7-year infancy-onset dietary intervention on serum lipoproteins and lipoprotein subclasses in healthy children in the prospective, randomized special Turku coronary risk factor intervention project for children (STRIP) study.
38 Kakko S et al. Candidate locus analysis of familial ascending aortic aneurysms and dissections comfirms the linkage to the chromosome 5q13-14 in Finnish families.
39 Kalliokoski K et al. Muscle fractal vascular branching pattern and microvascular perfusion heterogeneity in endurance-trained and untrained men.
40 Kalliokoski K et al. Muscle oxygen extraction and perfusion heterogeneity during continuous and intermittent static exercise.
41 Kalliokoski KK et al. Perfusion distribution between and within muscles during intermittent isometric exercise in endurance-trained and untrained men.
42 Kangas T et al. Monipistoshoidon luonnollisin malli - perusinliinina NPH-useana annoksena tai pitkävaikutteinen insuliinijohdos ja ateriainsuliinina pikainsuliini.
43 Kantele A et al. P fimbria-specific B cell responses in patients with urinary tract infection.
44 Kantola I. Apnea del Sueño e Hipertensión.
45 Kantola I. Muuttuuko kohonneen verenpaineen lääkehoito uusien tutkimustuloksien mukaan?
46 Kantola I. Kohoneen verenpaineen lääkehoito.
47 Karikumpu A et al. Päivystyksen ylläpidon kustannukset yliopistosairaaloissa.
48 Kauppila M, Mäkipernaa A. Miksi mies on mustelmilla sahattuaan saunapuita?
49 Kemppainen J. Skeletal muscle metabolism and perfusion in healthy men and patients with dilated cardomyopathy. With special reference to the effects of training.
50 Kemppainen J et al. Exercise training improves insulin stimulated skeletal muscle glucose uptake independent of changes in perfusion in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy.
51 Kemppainen J et al. Insulin signalling and resistance in patients with chronic heart failure.
52 Klemi PJ et al. Significant improvement in breast cancer survival through population-based mammography screening.
53 Koistinen J et al. Supraventrikulaarisen takykardian aiheuttama sydämen vajaatoiminta.
54 Kokkola A et al. Spontaneous disappearance of Helicobacter pylori antibodies in patients with advanced atrophic corpus gastritis.
55 Kotilainen P. Vierasesineinfektiot.
56 Kotilainen P et al. Elimination of epidemic methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus from a university hospital and district institutions, Finland.
57 Kupila L et al. Aetiological diagnosis of brain abscesses and spinal infections: application of broad range bacterial polymerase chain reaction analysis.
58 Laaksonen MS et al. Skeletal muscle blood flow and flow heterogeneity during dynamic and isometric exercise in humans.
59 Laine M et al. The prevalence of antibodies against Sindbis-related (Pogosta) virus in different parts of Finland.
60 Laine M et al. Prevalence of Sindbis-related (Pogosta) virus infections in patients with arthritis.
61 Laivoranta-Nyman S. Genetics of rheumatoid arthritis. HLA, familiality and gender. .
62 Lehtimäki T et al. Interleukin-1B genotype modulates the improvement of coronary artery reactivity by lipid-lowering therapy with pravastatin: a placebo-controlled positron emission tomography study in young healthy men.
63 Lehtonen-Veromaa MKM et al. Reply to RP Heaney. (Bone mineral content, not bone mineral density, is the correct bone measure for growth studies).
64 Leino R, Nuutinen H. Kapseliendoskopia - uutta valoa ohutsuolen tutkimiseen. Epäily ohutsuolivuodosta tai Crohnin taudista tärkeimmät käyttöaiheet.
65 Lindgren KS et al. Relationship between the frequency of paroxysmal episodes of atrial fibrillation and pulmonary venous flow pattern.
66 Lindholm LH et al. Effect of losartan on sudden cardiac death in people with diabetes: data from the LIFE study.
67 Lund J et al. Circulating pregnancy-associated plasma protein A predicts outcome in patients with acute coronary syndrome but no troonin I elevation.
68 Lund V et al. Instantaneous beat-to-beat variability reflects vagal tone during hyperbaric hyperoxia.
69 Marttila HJ et al. Performance of BACTEC 960 mycobacteria growth indicator tube in the susceptibility testing of genetically characterized mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates.
70 Marttila HJ, Soini H. Molecular detection of resistance to antituberculous therapy.
71 McMurray JJV et al. Effects of candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and reduced left-ventricular systolic function taking angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors: the CHARM-added trial.
72 Metsärinne K. Diabeettinen nefropatia.
73 Naghavi M et al. From vulnerable plaque to vulnerable patient. A call for new definitions and risk assessment strategies: Part I.
74 Naghavi M et al. From vulnerable plaque to vulnerable patient. A call for new definitions and risk assessment strategies: Part II.
75 Niemelä K et al. Sepelvaltimokohtauksen diagnostiikan ja hoidon uudet haasteet. Kehittyykö Käypä hoito nopeamminen kuin sairaalalaitoksen resurssit?
76 Niemelä RK et al. Comprehensive study of autonomic function in a population with primary Sjögren's syndrome. No evidence of autonomic inolvement.
77 Nikoskelainen J. Immuunipuutteisen potilaan pneumonia kliinikon kannalta.
78 Nikoskelainen J, Anttila V-J. Infektiot syöpäpotilailla, immunosuppressiivisen hoidon aikana ja elinsiirtopotilailla.
79 Nikoskelainen J, Saxén H. Epäspesifinen diagnostiikka.
80 Nikoskelainen J, Valtonen Ville. Ehkäisevä mikrobilääkehoito.
81 Nuorti P et al. Travel associated probable case of SARS, Finland, with commentary from health Canada.
82 Nuutila J. Interrelations between Receptor Expression, Respiratory Burst, and Phagocytosis.
83 Okin PM et al. Regression of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy by losartan versus atenolol. The losartan intervention for endpoint reduction in hypertension (LIFE) study.
84 Oksi J et al. Patit kiusana muusikon sormissa.
85 Olsson AG et al. A 52-Week, multicenter, randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, double-dummy, study to assess the efficacy of atorvastatin and simvastatin in reaching low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride targets: the treat-to-target (3T) study.
86 Peniket AJ et al. An EBMT registry matched study of allogeneic stem cell transplants for lymphoma: allogeneic transplantation is associated with a lower relapse rate but a higher procedure-related mortality than autologous transplantation.
87 Pettilä V et al. Aktivoitunut proteiini C - käyttöaiheet vaikeassa sepsiksessä.
88 Pfeffer MA et al. Effects of candesartan on mortality and morbidity in patients with chronic heart failure: the CHARM-overall programme.
89 Pihlajamäki M et al. Antimicrobial resistance of invasive pneumococci in Finland in 1999-2000.
90 Poole-Wilson PA et al. Comparison of carvedilol and metoprolol on clinical outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure in the Carverdilol or Metoprolol European Trial (COMET): randomised controlled trial.
91 Porela P et al. Troponiiniarvo koholla - ei aina sepelvaltimotauti.
92 Pulkki L et al. Child-rearing attitudes and cardiovascular risk among children: moderating influence of parental socioeconomic status.
93 Pulkki L et al. Contribution of socioeconomic status to the association between hostility and cardiovascular risk behaviors: a prospective cohort study.
94 Pulkki L et al. Contribution of adolescent and early adult personality to the inverse association between education and cardiovascular risk behaviours: prospective population-based cohort study.
95 Puttonen S et al. Affects and autonomic cardiac reactivity during experimentally induced stress as related to precursors of insulin resistance syndrome.
96 Rahtonen O et al. Expression patterns of cartilage collagens and Sox9 during mouse heart development.
97 Raitakari OT et al. Cardiovascular risk factors in childhood and carotid artery intima-media thickness in adulthood. The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
98 Rantakokko-Jalava K et al. Semiquantative detection by real-time PCR of Aspergillus fumigatus in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids and tissue biopsy specimens from patients with invasive aspergillosis.
99 Remes K et al. Autologous blood cell transplantation in multiple myeloma: Impact of CD34+ cell selection with long follow-up.
100 Roivainen A et al. Use of positron emission tomography with methyl-11C-choline and 2-18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose in comparison with magnetic resonance imaging for the assessment of inflammatory proliferation of synovium.
101 Räsänen M et al. Parental nutrition knowledge and nutrient intake in an atherosclerosis prevention project: the impact of child-targeted nutrition counselling.
102 Rönnemaa T. Uusi periaate kajoamattomaan jatkuvaan verensokerin seurantaan.
103 Rönnemaa T. MODY-diabetes.
104 Rönnemaa T. Verensokerin mittaus muualta kuin sormenpäästä.
105 Rönnemaa T. Jatkuva verensokerimittaus.
106 Rönnemaa T. Jalkojen hyvinvointi.
107 Rönnemaa T. Diabeteksen vaikutukset elimistössä.
108 Salomaa V et al. Trends in coronary events in Finland during 1983-1997; the FINAMI study.
109 Saraheimo M, Rönnemaa T. Ikäihmisen diabetes.
110 Saraste A et al. Cardiomyocyte apoptosis in experimental coxsackievirus B3 myocarditis.
111 Seppälä IJT et al. Spirokeetat ja leptospirat.
112 Sever PS et al. Prevention of coronary and stroke events with atorvastatin in hypertensive patients who have average or lower-than-average cholesterol concentrations, in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial - Lipid Lowering Arm (ASCOT-LLA):. a multicentre randomised controlled trial.
113 Sipponen P et al. Prevalence of low vitamin B12 and high homocysteine in serum in an elderly male population: Association with atrophic gastritis and Helicobacter pylori infection.
114 Soinio M et al. Dietary fat predicts coronary heart disease events in subjects with type 2 diabetes.
115 Sokka T et al. Erosions develop rarely in joints without clinically detectable inflammation in patietns with early rheumatoid arthritis.
116 Stolen K et al. Exercise training improves insulin-stimulated myocardial glucose uptake in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy.
117 Stolen KQ et al. Exercise training improves biventricular oxidative metabolism and left ventricular efficiency in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy.
118 Stolen KQ. The effects of exercise training on myocardial function and metabolism in patients with idiopathic cardiomyopathy. Studies using Positron Emission Tomography.
119 Sundell J et al. High serum leptin is associated with attenuated coronary vasoreactivity.
120 Sundell J et al. Blunted coronary vasoreactivity to insulin is an early alternation in hypertension.
121 Suomen Kardiologisen Seuran asettama työryhmä. Sepelvaltimotautikohtaus: epästabiili angina pectoris ja sydäninfarkti ilman ST-nousuja - vaaran arviointi ja hoito. Käypä hoito -suositus.
122 Takala TI et al. Increased serum soluble transferrin receptor concentration detects subclinical iron deficiency in healthy adolescent girls.
123 Toivanen A. Reactive arthritis: clinical features and treatment.
124 Törnroth T et al. Lymphomas diagnosed by percutaneous kidney biopsy.
125 Vakkilainen J et al. Relationships between low-density lipoprotein particle size, plasma lipoproteins, and progression of coronary artery disease. The diabetes atherosclerosis intervention study (DAIS).
126 Vihinen PP et al. Acute reversible encephalopathy after repeated low-dose cisplatin infusions and concomitant radiotherapy for cancer of the tongue.
127 Viikari J. Mikä on diabeetikon optimaalinen LDL-kolesterolitaso?
128 Viikari J. Mikä osteoporoosin lääkkeeksi?
129 Viikari J. Miten valitsen potilaalleni parhaiten soveltuvan statiinin?
130 Viikari J. Onko dyslipidemioiden hoidossa vielä avoimia kysymyksiä?
131 Vikman S et al. Sepelvaltimotautikohtauksen hoito Suomessa.
132 Vikman S et al. Gap between guidelines and management of patients with acute coronary syndrome without persistent ST elevation.
133 Vikman S et al. Heart rate variability and recurrence of atrial fibrillation after electrical cardioversion.
134 Vikman S et al. Underuse of evidence-based treatment modalities in diabetic patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome. A prospective nation wide study on acute coronary syndrome (FINACS).
135 Virtanen K. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in adipose tissue. Positron emission tomography studies in obesity and type 2 diabetes.
136 Virtanen KA et al. Differential effects of rosiglitazone and Metformin on adipose tissue distribution and glucose uptake in type 2 diabetic subjects.
137 Virtanen R et al. Reduced heart rate variability in hypertension: associations with lifestyle factors and plasma renin activity.
138 Virtanen R et al. Anxiety and hostility are associated with reduced baroreflex sensitivity and increased beat-to-beat blood pressure variability.
139 Vuopio-Varkila J, Kotilainen P. A-ryhmän streptokokki.
140 Vuopio-Varkila J et al. Staphylococcus aureus.
141 Vähätalo M et al. Factors affecting the efficacy of starting insulin treatment in Type 2 diabetic patients. A retrospective evaluation.
142 Yli-Kerttula T. Kihdin hoito.
143 Yli-Kerttula T et al. Effect of a three month course of ciprofloxacin on the late prognosis of reactive arthritis.
144 Yusuf S et al. Effects of candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and preserved left-ventricular ejection fraction: the CHARM-preserved trial.

Julkaisutietokanta 29.9.2004 Publications Data Base 29.9.2004